Friday, January 15
7:00 ET/4:00 PT – Oregon State, Bridgeport, Illinois State,
Wisconsin-Eau Claire @ Lindenwood - SCORES - FLO PRO
7:00 ET/4:00 PT – Temple @ William & Mary
8:00 ET/5:00 PT – Cal, Texas Woman’s @ Oklahoma - SCORES
9:00 ET/6:00 PT – Utah @ Southern Utah - SCORES - FLO PRO
9:00 ET/6:00 PT – Kent State @ Utah State - SCORES
9:00 ET/6:00 PT – Kent State @ Utah State - SCORES
10:00 ET/7:00 PT – Sacramento State @ San Jose State - SCORES - Stream
10:00 ET/7:00 PT – Boise State, Seattle Pacific @ UC Davis - SCORES
Week 1 ranking

Here we go, yet again. Some big meets will get underway right at 7:00/4:00, so remember to be a Punctual Percy otherwise you're going to miss things. Important things like Bridget Sloan's vault or covering your eyes while UCLA is on bars.
We've already had some action this weekend, and it went terribly. LSU scored a 195.800 in the Vegas meet after committing five falls in two rotations. So that fell apart quickly, as did LSU's ranking. No Priessman in that meet, and Hambrick had to be pulled off floor after her beam fall. Cannamela (who is settling in to that #7-on-every-event role) had to come in on three events and had a rough one, but she's going to be critical until the squad is back up to full strength.
We're still waiting on that first 197. I have a feeling that's going to be not remotely the case by the end of the day.
Intros underway for Florida and UCLA. There's a lot less dancing and a little lot Gator chomping in these Florida intros now. Where is Macko? Thankfully Kennedy Baker is still flying the flag.
Bridget's intro is so long.
Watching UCLA's bars warmup from afar. Someone just dismounted in the form of a sphere on the ground. So that happened.
How is Alabama starting first? Hop back for McNeer on vault, but strong form.
Rotation 1 - Florida on vault, UCLA on bars
B Caquatto - VT - Back on this event. It was an issue at times last year. Her usual January vault - the form and height are strong enough, larger bounce back.
Francis - UB - Good legs on shaposh, small break on bail but better on the shap this week - look a little late on the full and then a bigger hop back on the double pike than usual. We got accustomed to her sticking every time last year.
Fassbender - VT - An even bigger hop back than Bridgey. Though looked a little more extended.
Honest - UB - High on tkatchev and close catch - a couple fewer leg separations than last week but still the feet - handstands all look borderline - step on tuck full - improvement over last week. 9.850. Scores charitable for both teams.
Good to know UCLA is competing on the parallel bars. Maybe it would go better.
Sloan - VT - only doing the full still, but it was the 9.900 full from last year - hop back but much smaller than the first two vaults.
Ohashi - UB - leg break on bail again - solid hs - WOGAtchev but caught, looks like they're trying to add a bit more counter rotation to it - sticks tuck full - much more refreshing on bars so far, and getting the scores. 9.900.
Baker - VT - 1.5 - quite strong, great distance on it - just a small hop forward - should score well - 9.925
Boren - VT - Gigantic 1.5, bigger hop forward than Baker but also a bigger hop forward, but you can see how that vault could get 10s for a stick.
DeJesus - UB - She has to have oatmeal before a meet - OH BREAKING NEWS - good first hs - nice finish on full turn - usual sophina legs on gienger, but overall cleaner than last week - FAR better chest position on the tuck full and a stick - good improvement.
McMurtry - VT - Amaze on the Yfull as always - perfect in every way except for a small hop on the landing, but should get a 9.900 from both judges since there's nothing else to take - so high and opens out of it. SIGH. One judge gave her a 9.950 (perfect) even though she didn't stick.
Meraz - UB -She's still anchoring for some reason - you're supposed to anchor with CLEAN routines to take advantage of score building - arches opening handstand - leg break on the bail - fine on the tkatchev and working the counter rotation - crazy legs on the DLO and a hop. 9.800 is a gift, though it will be dropped.
Dennis (THANKS for the correction) is doing exo - her gienger is much better than Sophina's - small hop on double back - get that into the lineup next week. It's necessary.
Lauren Beers' vault for Alabama was WORLDS better than last week.
After 1: Florida 49.400, UCLA 49.350
That was a charitably scored rotation for both teams, so don't get too excited. UCLA did show a lot of improvement on bars over last week, but not enough to make me not worried about that event. If some of these routines were getting 9.9s, Bridget Sloan already got a 20. Ohashi and Sophina in particular were MUCH-improved over last week. They've clearly cleaned in training since Sunday. Florida has some fantastic vaults in this lineup. This is going to be an amazing event, pretty close to last season. They just have to work landings as we go along and decide if Sloan is doing the 1.5. Right on track, though.
I did write something about Metcalf's bars. It's gone now. Apparently. It was fine, but did have a couple leg breaks and a big cowboy on the double front.
Brannan had a close release and a handstand arch on bars, but neither extreme.
Meraz on vault this week - opened well but a hop, not the dynamics others will have, but fine open.
Baker - UB - Excellent ray, good counter - legs together on bail - toe half - also cowboys the double front and two small steps back on it - that dismount is the only thing keeping her from being a star.
Honest - VT - Better height and distance than Meraz, hop back - similar to Florida's first couple -
Boren - UB - She's getting her shot today - Solid tkatchev but not Baker level - leg break on bail - awkward skill for her, but sticks the DLO - she has those bits of form and toes, which made this her weak event in JO, but solid.
Cipra - VT - What is becoming the Cipra bounce - a pretty big bounce back on the yfull most of the times she does it - the form is fine though, but not a HUGE vault.
Jam Buddhist - UB - excellent first hs - smaller leg break on shap - strong bail - very minor arch on final hs - the usual legs apart on the DLO with a small slide back -
"The only one with international experience on Florida." Because Sloan isn't a world champion or anything.
Bynum - VT - YArabian - also a large lunge forward. These landings are extremely January. Nearly December.
Caquatto - UB - Another strong Ray - leg separation on the bail, as pretty much everyone has shown - good legs on the DLO and then a hop back -
Florida getting a lot of 9.9s so far, keeping up the high bars scores from the first rotation.
Hall - VT - Sticks 1.5 - excellent improvement over last week - she had mushy knees on her vault, which will keep the score down from HIGH high levels, but it will do well. 9.900.
Sloan - UB - Usual Ray and usual Sloan feet - legs apart on bail, but shoot back is great as is everything else - sticks DLO - the bail legs, but it was still the best of the group, so we'll see what happens. 9.975. Oh dear.
Preston - VT - Good height on her full, low chest and two small steps back, though, so it won't score all that well. Still has potential to be a very strong vault.
McMurtry - UB - Her Ray is good, especially for not knowing how to do a bars release as recently as April - clean legs on the bail - hitting handstands well - small hop back on tuck full -
Florida 48.925, UCLA 48.425
Well, we have to say the judges were consistent with their high bars scores, as Florida got some major numbers in there. It was a strong showing, though. The 49.100 for UCLA is an improvement, particularly impressive was Hall's stick, but the landings were not strong. Can't expect much more than a 49.100 for such big hops. Also very January landings.
Dana Duckworth is giving good beam face. McNeer steps back on 1.5 beam dismount.
Alabama about on 197 pace after two events.
Baker - BB - small check on aerial but maintained connection into bhs - splits look fine enough - side aerial to full dismount, excellent legs and height - small quiver of the feet on dismount.
Hall - FX -"very unique dancing" - 1.5 to double back - chest but secure...the UCLA team motto - front full, front pike has a bit of twisty legs, but her routine is much improved without that double arabian - larger bounce back on double pike, uncomfortable landing.
Ernst - BB - small correction on kickover front - larger break on turn - almost checks her aerial but moves fluidly into back tuck - another check on sheep - all small mistakes, but there are several of them - gainer pike dismount - also doing a hands-less routine, but she's not doing a side aerial to laypike. 9.850. That's creative.
Ohashi - FX - Slides back on double tuck, didn't look comfortable doing it either - middle pass 1.5 to full to half to split to pike - I like this routine better from farther away. I'm not sure what that says. Low chest on double pike with a lunge forward. Her tumbling isn't there yet, but fine.
Fassbender - BB - secure on aerial, also on the bhs loso - she's looking like the replacement Boyce - similar tense but secure style - that sissone was......nope - eh sheep as well - but side aerial to full is fine. Get her a different dance combo, and this is great.
Francis - FX - Better whip to double tuck this week, in control and chest position, still low but not as much of an issue - small stumble on 2.5 with a step to the side - "Oh, shooting her teammates" - the things you say in NCAA gym. Low chest on double pike as well, but hit.
Boren - BB -shouldn't have wobbled on the loso series because it was great but corrected moving out of it - splits are OK, and acro is excellent, the identity of her routine - hop back on double back, but that looks stickable.
Mossett - FX - She has 10 precedent now from one judge - whip to double tuck, a large step back but she keeps the front foot down this time - can't see the splits well from this angle, but they're usually the highlight of the routine - she gets a lot of bonus from them as well - very good final double pike. Should again be a good score. Just not a crazy score.
McMurtry - BB - solid kickover front - not quite as extended on the loso series as some others, but no checks - switch is OK - "everyone likes that back hip circle" ... except me - hop back on 2/1.
Everything is a 9.875 in both of these rotations.
Cipra - FX - very secure on double back - Angi Cipra's alarm-themed floor routine - IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP - does well to dance/move out of her pass to cover up a possible lack of control - slide back on double pike - basically equivalent to last week, so this will be a good score comparison. 9.900 versus 9.925 last week.
Sloan - BB -Very fluid on aerial - nearly wobbles on the loso series but manages it - excellent so far - full turn is easy - wobbles only in the knee on her side aerial, which probably isn't a thing you're supposed to be able to do - somewhat low on 2/1 and has to step forward. 9.925 for Sloan reasons.
Bynum - FX -The DLO looks improved over last year, that's two weeks in a row of better chest position, still not ideal but less worrisome - double tuck side pass! - the split positions are her enemy - lowish chest on double back connected out of front tuck. This was a pretty similar floor performance for UCLA to last week, and they'll take it. Only difference really is the scoring standard.
Cheney has great style on beam. When the depth opens up, she should get her shot.
After 3: Florida 148.375, UCLA 147.850.
Happy with that rotation from both teams. Florida had more balance becks than that score would suggest, but it was a relatively comfortable and high-potential rotation. Florida's lead looks insurmountable, but if UCLA hits beam, they'll get a road score they'll be very happy with.
198 is probably a bridge too far for Florida right now, but Florida on floor at home, so you never know.
Alabama was a little 49.1 on bars and beam, impeding that 197 pace, but also...floor rotation at home. Missouri is pretty close to 196 pace, which would be big. But beam still to come.
Oregon State also about on 196 pace through two events. Theirs is a quint-meet, so it's taking forever.
Guerra, Jetter, and Valentin in on floor Alabama this week. It should help.
Gerber - BB - good aerial - long pause before loso but it was similarly extended and secure - splits are not bad - hits her side aerial, she looks SO much more confident this year - big hop back on gainer full dismount. Not allowed.
McLaughlin - FX - Would not have picked her being a floor worker for the team, but there are some spots to fill this year. I always forget the name of Violin Lady, but people sure do love her songs for floor routines. You know you have irreparable Elite-Leg when your opening pass is a front full combo - rudi middle pass is OK - 1.5 to front lay - very simple routine but maintained control on all the passes.
Meraz - BB - three series into loso with a HUGE break - leg up and just does stay on the beam, but they'll need to drop this - switch and straddle look strong - sticks 1.5. Surprising from her. She's supposed to be the sturdy German in the lineup. 9.775. Oooooohkay? Even though she had a multi-tenth wobble? OK.
Fassbender - FX - that's a lot of shooting ass at the camera at the beginning of this routine - 2.5 to tuck, a little short on the tuck with a hop back - low chest on double pike but secure - PLEASE POINT OUT THE GATOR CHOMP TO ME EVERY TIME - the splits are a problem, switch ring is not to the position - 1.5 to pike final pass, stumble forward and OOB. They'll also need to drop this one.
Ohashi - BB - very strong layout series, excellent - switch ring is not excellent, but better than...some others - small check in the middle of her leap series, so we'll see what they do with that - high double pike, but low chest and a step back - will it make sense to downgrade at some point? But love to see it. 9.900/9.700 judge split.
Boren - FX -slide back on full in, but that pass is high and strong, not the chest-cruncher that many are - second leap is a little under, but she gets enough height on those leaps to make it more comfortable for her - a little under on middle pass with a hop back - sticks double tuck - a couple errors in there, so shouldn't be a huge score, though no significant problems.
DeJesus - BB -excellent aerial low on "connected" back pike - secure on kickover front to bhs - her acro is RIGHT ON - girl, just speed up these connections - big stumble on gainer front full dismount - multiple steps off to the side. Shame. It was going really well.
Sloan - FX - She basically already got a 10 for this routine - 1.5 to 2.5 is a little short with a correction step back, though - so a 10 would have to be pretty creative - she doesn't mess around with that straddle position - secure double pike - there's also a lot of buttguage in this routine - excellent and stuck 1.5 to layout final pass, though.
Lee - BB -switch to split - as long as that wasn't supposed to be a ring, she kind of bent - OFF on her side aerial to layout series this time - on an angle and no chance to save - counting sophina's 9.7 now, which UCLA should not be doing on beam. Everything else was solid, but not what the team needed.
Baker - FX -steps forward out of her Dos Santos, but still...such an open position on that double pike, great landing as well - switch and switch half are well executed - 1.5 to half to straddle is also well hit -
This isn't a hugely difficult floor rotation for Florida, but there's huge potential at the end of this lineup.
Francis - BB - Needs to get a 20. Great aerial - secure on loso series - UCLA can't get up to the 197s with this beam showing, but can get close if Nush does Nush - switch and split are how they're supposed to be done - very comfortable on yspin - DISMOUNT - small pause but should be enough to get the connection - stuck - better chest position as well - great from Nush.
B Caquatto - FX -front 2/1 + front tuck to her ass again - did that a couple times last season, and now again this year. Florida still finishes with a casual 197.675, so they'll be crying themselves to sleep about it - everything else is her usual anchor 9.950 - stumble back on double pike - "gets it" - well...
Alabama went home floor in the final rotation for a 197.175.
Final here: Florida 197.675, UCLA 196.925
UCLA will take that score, and winning would have been quite the ask, but it won't taste as sweet after that beam rotation since a 197 was so attainable going in. A definite overall improvement for UCLA though, especially because bars was so much less sloppy than last week. Florida is Florida.
Soon, it will be time for Georgia and Arkansas. Our Kupets fix for the year.
Missouri does in fact break 196. This is the comeback year for Missouri.
Already starting!
MacMoyle - VT - Nice height and form on full - hop back -
Vaculik - UB - good toe on - nice hald - high piked jaeger - missed hs - good legs together on bail - sloppy legs on tuck full and a step to the side
Zaziski - VT - a little pike on her full - hop back -
Alex Marks is debuting for Oklahoma! 49.325 on vault.
Cherrey - UB - Good tkatchev - a little angle on that bail - legs looked a little better on that DLO, and sticks - improvement over last week, though piked -
Speed - VT - She has very nice height on that full - will need to control the landing in time - hop back
Snead - UB - Not huge height on her tkatchev but solid - small leg break on bail - much better legs on DLO but lost her legs in a windstorm on landing and crumples to the ground - Shame.
McGlone - VT - opens well out of her full - also a larger step back - Arkansas will be hurt by a lack of difficulty on vault, but there is potential in the height and form of these fulls.
SO GLAD we already have a judging conference. She fell. I solved it.
Schick - UB - good first hs - better height on tkatchev - strong height on piked jaeger as well - legs together on bail hs - don't love her toe shoot technique - good form on DLO with a hop back - or as Kupets told us "stuck landing"
Wellick - VT - Highest of the group - small step back - very powerful vault, often scored 9.9s last year -
There should be a show called "Kupets tells you what's wrong with your bars DLO"
Jay - UB - opening bail looks good - a little clunky and close on the shush this time, but it's a shush, so obviously - DLO full - some pike throughout and a hop back -
Nelson - VT - put the weakest vault at the end - very little block or distance, very low landing - she's a beam and floor worker for this team, filling out the lineup.
Rogers - UB - Rogers stalders - strong Ricna but struggles to work the pak out of it and muscles - but keeps it going - nice hap half - just a small twitch landing her excellent DLO. Great, but we'll see what they do with the pause catching her pak.
Saw Arkansas got a 48.975 on vault. Didn't see Georgia's final, but I'll let you know. 49.200.
Chayse Capps gots a 9.925 on bars this week. Remember when I said it wasn't her event? She has great toe point, so she must have worked out those releases. Or just, you know, Oklahoma.
Auburn is closing in on 197 pace after two events.
"We saw quite a few stuck landings for the Gym Dogs in that rotation." We saw exactly one. And that's not what you showed.
Broussard - VT - Strong height - small shuffle back - better than last week, that's for sure - similar to the later-lineup Ark vaults.
Glover - UB - Feet on jaeger, but not on the bail, that was nice - short on hs - OK finish on full and then a stick on the double back - "Has gone through a lot with her open heart surgery"...yes, open heart surgery has a tendency to do that.
Vaculik - VT - She has learned how to stick this full like WHOA, but she does have crazy legs on the block and piking in the air.
Freier - UB - LEGS TOGETHER on her shap - yay - also clean form on the bail - she has so much pretty potential but struggles in totally vertical hs - lands DLO with low chest and a small slide - but this is closer to what she can do on bars
Snead - VT - still doing the full, great form, hop back -
Canizaro - UB - Her bail was way short of hs - the biggest struggle in her routine, but the tkatchev is high - sticks the DLO - Kupets is happy, so that tells you everything. Handstands the biggest trouble in that routine, and it was significant. 9.875 for that routine is just casually insane.
Marino - VT - goes from the fall last week to the stick this week on her 1.5 - strong vault - has the mushy knees similar to Pua, but it will still be a good score -
Wellick - UB - height in that tkatchev is real, but it was all going OK until that double front - stumble back - god, I hate those double fronts.
Rogers - VT - 1.5 is more comfortable than last week - big hop forward out of it, but she was short last week.
Speed - UB - good first hs - late on half turn and a bit crooked on the jaeger but catches - let's do a closeup during her bail, thank you - sticks double back, which will help
Jay - VT - Sticks her 1.5 - no question about it - sticks with legs apart and doesn't bring them together, so should get hit there, but otherwise excellent. Would have no problem with a 9.950 for that. And that's what it gets. Improvements on vault for Georgia tonight.
Zaziski - UB -godo finish on full - solid high tkatchev - good legs on her bail - small step on DLO, but just tiny, should be the team's best score.
A couple of those Arkansas bars routines had rough details, but it's a reasonable rotation. Scores went clearly too high there, but that's what landings will do.
Pleased with Georgia's vault. That's much closer to the team's capability. Really, bars should be the weak event, and they go through that with a 49.200. We just have to wait to see how beam goes at the end.
Oklahoma well over 197 pace at halfway. 9.925s flying on bars. Have a chance at challenging Florida's score.
Auburn still has an outside shot at a 197 here, but it would take a huge floor rotation.
Does any school have more trouble getting live scores working than Arkansas?
Rotation 3
Dillard - BB - I'm mildly obsessed with her - pretty wlakover and full turn - side aerial to side stand is controlled well - secure side aerial to an excellent split jump - 1.5 dismount is stuck. Nice routine.
Snead - FX - Secure opening double back - rudi to an OK split - Kupets isn't happy with it, but relatively...not that bad - good straddles - very low chest on double pike with a lunge forward - getting there -
Zaziski - BB - Arkansas is starting the season with a damage control beam lineup, which isn't usually a good sign - switch side is crooked but secure - very nice loso series - not much amplitude on switch and straddle 1/4, but she gets pretty close to ideal position anyway - excellent on kickover front - some pike in gainer full but stuck -
Kupets has improved since last season. She has toned down the volume and is giving better criticism.
Babalis - FX - Broadcast direction problem on that mount in that we didn't see it - large stumble out of middle pass, front lay to full - ro double pike, low chest but much more secure - I wonder how long she's going to be able to stay in the lineup doing a floor routine with no bhs, makes it so much harder.
Wellick - BB - almost wobbles on choreo there, so great - fine on switch to straddle 1/4 - check on walkover - bigger wobble on loso but pulls it back - a tight routine - though no trouble on the side somi - sticks 2/1 - pulls it back but won't be a big score with that wobble. Still a 9.800. OK.
Arkansas team members look SO TERRIFIED in the background during the beam rotation.
Marino - FX - The DLO is much more comfortable now - good chest, small slide - secure 1.5 to layout as well, she has the control going for her - not bad on splits - fine chest position on double pike as well - world of difference from the beginning of last season with her endurance
Freier - BB - fine full turn - tight on switch and split, but she can do those skills no problem in normal circumstances - hits loso series and side aerial without wobbles, just a pause working into the aerial - sticks gainer full legs apart - terrifying, but hit without major error.
Kupets tells us that you really need to be invested in your teammates. Remember that doc when she fell on beam and Suzanne blamed the rest of the team for doubting her? Me too.
Box - FX - Double pike - good position and control - clean form on 1.5 to layout, dances out of it to cover up lack of control - switch side and popa are high and pretty close to 180 - pops up that double back and lunges back out of it, somehow defying the odds to stay in bounds using only witchcraft because she probably should have gone out.
McGlone - BB -check on full turn - physically and visually shaking during that loso series but hit it without a wobble - breaks connection between switch and loso, and then wobbles on loso - another nervous routine - short on switch side - large step forward on 2/1 dismount, though it should have been a stick, but it's a hit.
Rogers - FX -very squatty landing on double arabian and a lunge forward - still not there yet - had a low front leg on her switch ring, we know she can do better than that - whips around the layout after the 1.5, just arches and pulls it around - double pike was better but just not quite there yet.
Oregon State finishes 196.350
Nelson - BB -more confident and secure early in her routine, but then she steps back a couple times on her loso series, does manage to stay on - hits punch front - hops forward on 1.5, but this will be a stronger routine for them.
Arkansas is doing the job, keeping things close enough to take advantage of a Georgia beam situation.
Jay - FX - low chest on the full out and a small bounce - front 2/1 to front tuck, just a bit short and bounces back to save it - her wolf needs to be a little more horizontal, but no major errors so far - half to front full is a better dismount choice for her, solid and will be a fine score.
Oklahoma needs a 49.500 on floor to beat Florida's score for the day. Didn't have to count Brown's score on beam.
Utah opens with an a billion on bars. Southern Utah REALLY wants them to come back.
After 3: Georgia 147.675 - 147.425. This is within reach for Arkansas still. This is what Arkansas does.
Rotation 4:
Broussard - BB -one-handed bhs to loso is good this time - wobbles on straddle 1/4, though - nice side aerial to split jump - sticks gainer full - a few tight moments but they'll take it
Dillard - FX - opens rudi, good form - nice switch ring as well - front full to layout to stag - little to take here, though the stag did travel a bit - 1.5 to layout - they could actually use this as a clean-simple anchor if it works out, though I should stop talking about that strategy -
Babalis - BB - opens with fine walkover but a large wobble on loso - switch - wobbles again on full turn - yikes - better kickover front - punch front full dismount stuck - pulled it together and got much better in the second half of the routine -
We've lost sound, kind of, so everyone sounds like a malfunctioning supercomputer from the 70s.
Canizaro - FX - high and clean double pike, good control - bounces out of double back pretty far but does manage to stay in - good switch ring and solid tour jete - clean 1.5 to layout - middle pass hurts.
Schick - BB - check on the loso series - aerial to split looks very nice - switch is also well done, she really hits her beam splits, which is her asset on this event - slightly tight on side aerial but no wobble - sticks gainer full with a squat. They'll want to drop Babalis's score, so a necessary hit.
MacMoyle - FX - bounces back on double pike to start - 1.5 to layout is quite clean, a very Arkansas routine - lots of 1.5 twisting passes - good height on her straddle skills - somewhat low chest on the double back
Oklahoma counting at least a 9.550 on floor now. What is this, Oklahoma?
49.175 for Utah on vault. Still not getting Utah scores there. Only Hughes, and she's the one with the 1.5.
Cherrey - BB - Dear dear dear - off on loso series - she could be SO GOOD on beam, but it's not there yet - also a little short on her walkover and wobbles on one leg, but holds it well - check on side aerial - hop back on 1.5.
Georgia counting a 9.625 now. That's the opening Arkansas needed. Rogers and Box have some work to do now.
Nelson - FX - slides back on opening double pike - solid switch side and popa - clean 1.5 to lay as well - low chest on double back, but secure - they'll take for the first landing, but otherwise this should make the meet even closer.
Rogers - BB - OK, Britt. Here we go. nice walkover to wolf - switch side is pretty - working beam like she's about to burn it - bhs 1/1 is excellent - small check on loso series - loses her legs on her bhs 3/4 to stag so she doesn't do the stag but saves it well and just drops down, which is also an acceptable skill - sticks 1.5. Shouldn't be a deduction on the bhs 3/4, but sometimes judges will react to a skill not being what they expected. 9.900. Fair.
McGlone - FX - high double pike, but takes about 155 tiny steps trying to control it and can't, steps OOB. You're welcome, Georgia. 2.5 is better. punch 1.5 to layout, also with an uncertain step back. Arkansas doing OK overall, just not the supremely controlled landings they need to get the big scores or that they have showed in the past to gain those upsets.
Box - BB -good tuck jump full - secure 1.5 and tighens well not to give up a wobble - a little tight on her switch this time and doesn't get all the way up to 180 - nice full turn - pulls through her aerial to scale - 1.5 dismount, bends forward and steps. Still, Rogers and Box saved it as well as they could.
Just OK on beam there, but better.
Wellick - FX - opens just a double pike this time - "might have been a choice" - high front full to lay, good security - not quite ideal on the splits, both split and straddle - secure landing on double back. Arkansas almost pulled this one off, but the deficit ended up being too much and Georgia pulled it together at the end of beam, vitally.
Oklahoma went sub-49 on floor for a 197.125. Could have been better, but three big event scores there.
FINAL: Georgia 196.775, Arkansas 196.700
Important scores for both teams. More so for Arkansas, which they'll love for RQS.
Utah is just over 197 pace at the halfway point, but that's it for me. Time to go binge through four episodes of The Expanse.You know, important work.
10:00 ET/7:00 PT – Boise State, Seattle Pacific @ UC Davis - SCORES
Week 1 ranking

Here we go, yet again. Some big meets will get underway right at 7:00/4:00, so remember to be a Punctual Percy otherwise you're going to miss things. Important things like Bridget Sloan's vault or covering your eyes while UCLA is on bars.
We've already had some action this weekend, and it went terribly. LSU scored a 195.800 in the Vegas meet after committing five falls in two rotations. So that fell apart quickly, as did LSU's ranking. No Priessman in that meet, and Hambrick had to be pulled off floor after her beam fall. Cannamela (who is settling in to that #7-on-every-event role) had to come in on three events and had a rough one, but she's going to be critical until the squad is back up to full strength.
We're still waiting on that first 197. I have a feeling that's going to be not remotely the case by the end of the day.
Intros underway for Florida and UCLA. There's a lot less dancing and a little lot Gator chomping in these Florida intros now. Where is Macko? Thankfully Kennedy Baker is still flying the flag.
Bridget's intro is so long.
Watching UCLA's bars warmup from afar. Someone just dismounted in the form of a sphere on the ground. So that happened.
How is Alabama starting first? Hop back for McNeer on vault, but strong form.
Rotation 1 - Florida on vault, UCLA on bars
B Caquatto - VT - Back on this event. It was an issue at times last year. Her usual January vault - the form and height are strong enough, larger bounce back.
Francis - UB - Good legs on shaposh, small break on bail but better on the shap this week - look a little late on the full and then a bigger hop back on the double pike than usual. We got accustomed to her sticking every time last year.
Fassbender - VT - An even bigger hop back than Bridgey. Though looked a little more extended.
Honest - UB - High on tkatchev and close catch - a couple fewer leg separations than last week but still the feet - handstands all look borderline - step on tuck full - improvement over last week. 9.850. Scores charitable for both teams.
Good to know UCLA is competing on the parallel bars. Maybe it would go better.
Sloan - VT - only doing the full still, but it was the 9.900 full from last year - hop back but much smaller than the first two vaults.
Ohashi - UB - leg break on bail again - solid hs - WOGAtchev but caught, looks like they're trying to add a bit more counter rotation to it - sticks tuck full - much more refreshing on bars so far, and getting the scores. 9.900.
Baker - VT - 1.5 - quite strong, great distance on it - just a small hop forward - should score well - 9.925
Boren - VT - Gigantic 1.5, bigger hop forward than Baker but also a bigger hop forward, but you can see how that vault could get 10s for a stick.
DeJesus - UB - She has to have oatmeal before a meet - OH BREAKING NEWS - good first hs - nice finish on full turn - usual sophina legs on gienger, but overall cleaner than last week - FAR better chest position on the tuck full and a stick - good improvement.
McMurtry - VT - Amaze on the Yfull as always - perfect in every way except for a small hop on the landing, but should get a 9.900 from both judges since there's nothing else to take - so high and opens out of it. SIGH. One judge gave her a 9.950 (perfect) even though she didn't stick.
Meraz - UB -She's still anchoring for some reason - you're supposed to anchor with CLEAN routines to take advantage of score building - arches opening handstand - leg break on the bail - fine on the tkatchev and working the counter rotation - crazy legs on the DLO and a hop. 9.800 is a gift, though it will be dropped.
Dennis (THANKS for the correction) is doing exo - her gienger is much better than Sophina's - small hop on double back - get that into the lineup next week. It's necessary.
Lauren Beers' vault for Alabama was WORLDS better than last week.
After 1: Florida 49.400, UCLA 49.350
That was a charitably scored rotation for both teams, so don't get too excited. UCLA did show a lot of improvement on bars over last week, but not enough to make me not worried about that event. If some of these routines were getting 9.9s, Bridget Sloan already got a 20. Ohashi and Sophina in particular were MUCH-improved over last week. They've clearly cleaned in training since Sunday. Florida has some fantastic vaults in this lineup. This is going to be an amazing event, pretty close to last season. They just have to work landings as we go along and decide if Sloan is doing the 1.5. Right on track, though.
I did write something about Metcalf's bars. It's gone now. Apparently. It was fine, but did have a couple leg breaks and a big cowboy on the double front.
Cipra - VT - What is becoming the Cipra bounce - a pretty big bounce back on the yfull most of the times she does it - the form is fine though, but not a HUGE vault.
Jam Buddhist - UB - excellent first hs - smaller leg break on shap - strong bail - very minor arch on final hs - the usual legs apart on the DLO with a small slide back -
"The only one with international experience on Florida." Because Sloan isn't a world champion or anything.
Bynum - VT - YArabian - also a large lunge forward. These landings are extremely January. Nearly December.
Caquatto - UB - Another strong Ray - leg separation on the bail, as pretty much everyone has shown - good legs on the DLO and then a hop back -
Florida getting a lot of 9.9s so far, keeping up the high bars scores from the first rotation.
Hall - VT - Sticks 1.5 - excellent improvement over last week - she had mushy knees on her vault, which will keep the score down from HIGH high levels, but it will do well. 9.900.
Sloan - UB - Usual Ray and usual Sloan feet - legs apart on bail, but shoot back is great as is everything else - sticks DLO - the bail legs, but it was still the best of the group, so we'll see what happens. 9.975. Oh dear.
Preston - VT - Good height on her full, low chest and two small steps back, though, so it won't score all that well. Still has potential to be a very strong vault.
McMurtry - UB - Her Ray is good, especially for not knowing how to do a bars release as recently as April - clean legs on the bail - hitting handstands well - small hop back on tuck full -
Florida 48.925, UCLA 48.425
Well, we have to say the judges were consistent with their high bars scores, as Florida got some major numbers in there. It was a strong showing, though. The 49.100 for UCLA is an improvement, particularly impressive was Hall's stick, but the landings were not strong. Can't expect much more than a 49.100 for such big hops. Also very January landings.
Dana Duckworth is giving good beam face. McNeer steps back on 1.5 beam dismount.
Alabama about on 197 pace after two events.
Baker - BB - small check on aerial but maintained connection into bhs - splits look fine enough - side aerial to full dismount, excellent legs and height - small quiver of the feet on dismount.
Hall - FX -"very unique dancing" - 1.5 to double back - chest but secure...the UCLA team motto - front full, front pike has a bit of twisty legs, but her routine is much improved without that double arabian - larger bounce back on double pike, uncomfortable landing.
Ernst - BB - small correction on kickover front - larger break on turn - almost checks her aerial but moves fluidly into back tuck - another check on sheep - all small mistakes, but there are several of them - gainer pike dismount - also doing a hands-less routine, but she's not doing a side aerial to laypike. 9.850. That's creative.
Ohashi - FX - Slides back on double tuck, didn't look comfortable doing it either - middle pass 1.5 to full to half to split to pike - I like this routine better from farther away. I'm not sure what that says. Low chest on double pike with a lunge forward. Her tumbling isn't there yet, but fine.
Fassbender - BB - secure on aerial, also on the bhs loso - she's looking like the replacement Boyce - similar tense but secure style - that sissone was......nope - eh sheep as well - but side aerial to full is fine. Get her a different dance combo, and this is great.
Francis - FX - Better whip to double tuck this week, in control and chest position, still low but not as much of an issue - small stumble on 2.5 with a step to the side - "Oh, shooting her teammates" - the things you say in NCAA gym. Low chest on double pike as well, but hit.
Boren - BB -shouldn't have wobbled on the loso series because it was great but corrected moving out of it - splits are OK, and acro is excellent, the identity of her routine - hop back on double back, but that looks stickable.
Mossett - FX - She has 10 precedent now from one judge - whip to double tuck, a large step back but she keeps the front foot down this time - can't see the splits well from this angle, but they're usually the highlight of the routine - she gets a lot of bonus from them as well - very good final double pike. Should again be a good score. Just not a crazy score.
McMurtry - BB - solid kickover front - not quite as extended on the loso series as some others, but no checks - switch is OK - "everyone likes that back hip circle" ... except me - hop back on 2/1.
Everything is a 9.875 in both of these rotations.
Cipra - FX - very secure on double back - Angi Cipra's alarm-themed floor routine - IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP - does well to dance/move out of her pass to cover up a possible lack of control - slide back on double pike - basically equivalent to last week, so this will be a good score comparison. 9.900 versus 9.925 last week.
Sloan - BB -Very fluid on aerial - nearly wobbles on the loso series but manages it - excellent so far - full turn is easy - wobbles only in the knee on her side aerial, which probably isn't a thing you're supposed to be able to do - somewhat low on 2/1 and has to step forward. 9.925 for Sloan reasons.
Bynum - FX -The DLO looks improved over last year, that's two weeks in a row of better chest position, still not ideal but less worrisome - double tuck side pass! - the split positions are her enemy - lowish chest on double back connected out of front tuck. This was a pretty similar floor performance for UCLA to last week, and they'll take it. Only difference really is the scoring standard.
Cheney has great style on beam. When the depth opens up, she should get her shot.
After 3: Florida 148.375, UCLA 147.850.
Happy with that rotation from both teams. Florida had more balance becks than that score would suggest, but it was a relatively comfortable and high-potential rotation. Florida's lead looks insurmountable, but if UCLA hits beam, they'll get a road score they'll be very happy with.
198 is probably a bridge too far for Florida right now, but Florida on floor at home, so you never know.
Alabama was a little 49.1 on bars and beam, impeding that 197 pace, but also...floor rotation at home. Missouri is pretty close to 196 pace, which would be big. But beam still to come.
Oregon State also about on 196 pace through two events. Theirs is a quint-meet, so it's taking forever.
Guerra, Jetter, and Valentin in on floor Alabama this week. It should help.
Gerber - BB - good aerial - long pause before loso but it was similarly extended and secure - splits are not bad - hits her side aerial, she looks SO much more confident this year - big hop back on gainer full dismount. Not allowed.
McLaughlin - FX - Would not have picked her being a floor worker for the team, but there are some spots to fill this year. I always forget the name of Violin Lady, but people sure do love her songs for floor routines. You know you have irreparable Elite-Leg when your opening pass is a front full combo - rudi middle pass is OK - 1.5 to front lay - very simple routine but maintained control on all the passes.
Meraz - BB - three series into loso with a HUGE break - leg up and just does stay on the beam, but they'll need to drop this - switch and straddle look strong - sticks 1.5. Surprising from her. She's supposed to be the sturdy German in the lineup. 9.775. Oooooohkay? Even though she had a multi-tenth wobble? OK.
Fassbender - FX - that's a lot of shooting ass at the camera at the beginning of this routine - 2.5 to tuck, a little short on the tuck with a hop back - low chest on double pike but secure - PLEASE POINT OUT THE GATOR CHOMP TO ME EVERY TIME - the splits are a problem, switch ring is not to the position - 1.5 to pike final pass, stumble forward and OOB. They'll also need to drop this one.
Ohashi - BB - very strong layout series, excellent - switch ring is not excellent, but better than...some others - small check in the middle of her leap series, so we'll see what they do with that - high double pike, but low chest and a step back - will it make sense to downgrade at some point? But love to see it. 9.900/9.700 judge split.
Boren - FX -slide back on full in, but that pass is high and strong, not the chest-cruncher that many are - second leap is a little under, but she gets enough height on those leaps to make it more comfortable for her - a little under on middle pass with a hop back - sticks double tuck - a couple errors in there, so shouldn't be a huge score, though no significant problems.
DeJesus - BB -excellent aerial low on "connected" back pike - secure on kickover front to bhs - her acro is RIGHT ON - girl, just speed up these connections - big stumble on gainer front full dismount - multiple steps off to the side. Shame. It was going really well.
Sloan - FX - She basically already got a 10 for this routine - 1.5 to 2.5 is a little short with a correction step back, though - so a 10 would have to be pretty creative - she doesn't mess around with that straddle position - secure double pike - there's also a lot of buttguage in this routine - excellent and stuck 1.5 to layout final pass, though.
Lee - BB -switch to split - as long as that wasn't supposed to be a ring, she kind of bent - OFF on her side aerial to layout series this time - on an angle and no chance to save - counting sophina's 9.7 now, which UCLA should not be doing on beam. Everything else was solid, but not what the team needed.
Baker - FX -steps forward out of her Dos Santos, but still...such an open position on that double pike, great landing as well - switch and switch half are well executed - 1.5 to half to straddle is also well hit -
This isn't a hugely difficult floor rotation for Florida, but there's huge potential at the end of this lineup.
Francis - BB - Needs to get a 20. Great aerial - secure on loso series - UCLA can't get up to the 197s with this beam showing, but can get close if Nush does Nush - switch and split are how they're supposed to be done - very comfortable on yspin - DISMOUNT - small pause but should be enough to get the connection - stuck - better chest position as well - great from Nush.
B Caquatto - FX -front 2/1 + front tuck to her ass again - did that a couple times last season, and now again this year. Florida still finishes with a casual 197.675, so they'll be crying themselves to sleep about it - everything else is her usual anchor 9.950 - stumble back on double pike - "gets it" - well...
Alabama went home floor in the final rotation for a 197.175.
Final here: Florida 197.675, UCLA 196.925
UCLA will take that score, and winning would have been quite the ask, but it won't taste as sweet after that beam rotation since a 197 was so attainable going in. A definite overall improvement for UCLA though, especially because bars was so much less sloppy than last week. Florida is Florida.
Soon, it will be time for Georgia and Arkansas. Our Kupets fix for the year.
Missouri does in fact break 196. This is the comeback year for Missouri.
Already starting!
MacMoyle - VT - Nice height and form on full - hop back -
Vaculik - UB - good toe on - nice hald - high piked jaeger - missed hs - good legs together on bail - sloppy legs on tuck full and a step to the side
Zaziski - VT - a little pike on her full - hop back -
Alex Marks is debuting for Oklahoma! 49.325 on vault.
Cherrey - UB - Good tkatchev - a little angle on that bail - legs looked a little better on that DLO, and sticks - improvement over last week, though piked -
Speed - VT - She has very nice height on that full - will need to control the landing in time - hop back
Snead - UB - Not huge height on her tkatchev but solid - small leg break on bail - much better legs on DLO but lost her legs in a windstorm on landing and crumples to the ground - Shame.
McGlone - VT - opens well out of her full - also a larger step back - Arkansas will be hurt by a lack of difficulty on vault, but there is potential in the height and form of these fulls.
SO GLAD we already have a judging conference. She fell. I solved it.
Schick - UB - good first hs - better height on tkatchev - strong height on piked jaeger as well - legs together on bail hs - don't love her toe shoot technique - good form on DLO with a hop back - or as Kupets told us "stuck landing"
Wellick - VT - Highest of the group - small step back - very powerful vault, often scored 9.9s last year -
There should be a show called "Kupets tells you what's wrong with your bars DLO"
Jay - UB - opening bail looks good - a little clunky and close on the shush this time, but it's a shush, so obviously - DLO full - some pike throughout and a hop back -
Nelson - VT - put the weakest vault at the end - very little block or distance, very low landing - she's a beam and floor worker for this team, filling out the lineup.
Rogers - UB - Rogers stalders - strong Ricna but struggles to work the pak out of it and muscles - but keeps it going - nice hap half - just a small twitch landing her excellent DLO. Great, but we'll see what they do with the pause catching her pak.
Saw Arkansas got a 48.975 on vault. Didn't see Georgia's final, but I'll let you know. 49.200.
Chayse Capps gots a 9.925 on bars this week. Remember when I said it wasn't her event? She has great toe point, so she must have worked out those releases. Or just, you know, Oklahoma.
Auburn is closing in on 197 pace after two events.
"We saw quite a few stuck landings for the Gym Dogs in that rotation." We saw exactly one. And that's not what you showed.
Broussard - VT - Strong height - small shuffle back - better than last week, that's for sure - similar to the later-lineup Ark vaults.
Glover - UB - Feet on jaeger, but not on the bail, that was nice - short on hs - OK finish on full and then a stick on the double back - "Has gone through a lot with her open heart surgery"...yes, open heart surgery has a tendency to do that.
Vaculik - VT - She has learned how to stick this full like WHOA, but she does have crazy legs on the block and piking in the air.
Freier - UB - LEGS TOGETHER on her shap - yay - also clean form on the bail - she has so much pretty potential but struggles in totally vertical hs - lands DLO with low chest and a small slide - but this is closer to what she can do on bars
Snead - VT - still doing the full, great form, hop back -
Canizaro - UB - Her bail was way short of hs - the biggest struggle in her routine, but the tkatchev is high - sticks the DLO - Kupets is happy, so that tells you everything. Handstands the biggest trouble in that routine, and it was significant. 9.875 for that routine is just casually insane.
Marino - VT - goes from the fall last week to the stick this week on her 1.5 - strong vault - has the mushy knees similar to Pua, but it will still be a good score -
Wellick - UB - height in that tkatchev is real, but it was all going OK until that double front - stumble back - god, I hate those double fronts.
Rogers - VT - 1.5 is more comfortable than last week - big hop forward out of it, but she was short last week.
Speed - UB - good first hs - late on half turn and a bit crooked on the jaeger but catches - let's do a closeup during her bail, thank you - sticks double back, which will help
Jay - VT - Sticks her 1.5 - no question about it - sticks with legs apart and doesn't bring them together, so should get hit there, but otherwise excellent. Would have no problem with a 9.950 for that. And that's what it gets. Improvements on vault for Georgia tonight.
Zaziski - UB -godo finish on full - solid high tkatchev - good legs on her bail - small step on DLO, but just tiny, should be the team's best score.
A couple of those Arkansas bars routines had rough details, but it's a reasonable rotation. Scores went clearly too high there, but that's what landings will do.
Pleased with Georgia's vault. That's much closer to the team's capability. Really, bars should be the weak event, and they go through that with a 49.200. We just have to wait to see how beam goes at the end.
Oklahoma well over 197 pace at halfway. 9.925s flying on bars. Have a chance at challenging Florida's score.
Auburn still has an outside shot at a 197 here, but it would take a huge floor rotation.
Does any school have more trouble getting live scores working than Arkansas?
Rotation 3
Dillard - BB - I'm mildly obsessed with her - pretty wlakover and full turn - side aerial to side stand is controlled well - secure side aerial to an excellent split jump - 1.5 dismount is stuck. Nice routine.
Snead - FX - Secure opening double back - rudi to an OK split - Kupets isn't happy with it, but relatively...not that bad - good straddles - very low chest on double pike with a lunge forward - getting there -
Zaziski - BB - Arkansas is starting the season with a damage control beam lineup, which isn't usually a good sign - switch side is crooked but secure - very nice loso series - not much amplitude on switch and straddle 1/4, but she gets pretty close to ideal position anyway - excellent on kickover front - some pike in gainer full but stuck -
Kupets has improved since last season. She has toned down the volume and is giving better criticism.
Babalis - FX - Broadcast direction problem on that mount in that we didn't see it - large stumble out of middle pass, front lay to full - ro double pike, low chest but much more secure - I wonder how long she's going to be able to stay in the lineup doing a floor routine with no bhs, makes it so much harder.
Wellick - BB - almost wobbles on choreo there, so great - fine on switch to straddle 1/4 - check on walkover - bigger wobble on loso but pulls it back - a tight routine - though no trouble on the side somi - sticks 2/1 - pulls it back but won't be a big score with that wobble. Still a 9.800. OK.
Arkansas team members look SO TERRIFIED in the background during the beam rotation.
Marino - FX - The DLO is much more comfortable now - good chest, small slide - secure 1.5 to layout as well, she has the control going for her - not bad on splits - fine chest position on double pike as well - world of difference from the beginning of last season with her endurance
Freier - BB - fine full turn - tight on switch and split, but she can do those skills no problem in normal circumstances - hits loso series and side aerial without wobbles, just a pause working into the aerial - sticks gainer full legs apart - terrifying, but hit without major error.
Kupets tells us that you really need to be invested in your teammates. Remember that doc when she fell on beam and Suzanne blamed the rest of the team for doubting her? Me too.
Box - FX - Double pike - good position and control - clean form on 1.5 to layout, dances out of it to cover up lack of control - switch side and popa are high and pretty close to 180 - pops up that double back and lunges back out of it, somehow defying the odds to stay in bounds using only witchcraft because she probably should have gone out.
McGlone - BB -check on full turn - physically and visually shaking during that loso series but hit it without a wobble - breaks connection between switch and loso, and then wobbles on loso - another nervous routine - short on switch side - large step forward on 2/1 dismount, though it should have been a stick, but it's a hit.
Rogers - FX -very squatty landing on double arabian and a lunge forward - still not there yet - had a low front leg on her switch ring, we know she can do better than that - whips around the layout after the 1.5, just arches and pulls it around - double pike was better but just not quite there yet.
Oregon State finishes 196.350
Nelson - BB -more confident and secure early in her routine, but then she steps back a couple times on her loso series, does manage to stay on - hits punch front - hops forward on 1.5, but this will be a stronger routine for them.
Arkansas is doing the job, keeping things close enough to take advantage of a Georgia beam situation.
Jay - FX - low chest on the full out and a small bounce - front 2/1 to front tuck, just a bit short and bounces back to save it - her wolf needs to be a little more horizontal, but no major errors so far - half to front full is a better dismount choice for her, solid and will be a fine score.
Oklahoma needs a 49.500 on floor to beat Florida's score for the day. Didn't have to count Brown's score on beam.
Utah opens with an a billion on bars. Southern Utah REALLY wants them to come back.
After 3: Georgia 147.675 - 147.425. This is within reach for Arkansas still. This is what Arkansas does.
Rotation 4:
Broussard - BB -one-handed bhs to loso is good this time - wobbles on straddle 1/4, though - nice side aerial to split jump - sticks gainer full - a few tight moments but they'll take it
Dillard - FX - opens rudi, good form - nice switch ring as well - front full to layout to stag - little to take here, though the stag did travel a bit - 1.5 to layout - they could actually use this as a clean-simple anchor if it works out, though I should stop talking about that strategy -
Babalis - BB - opens with fine walkover but a large wobble on loso - switch - wobbles again on full turn - yikes - better kickover front - punch front full dismount stuck - pulled it together and got much better in the second half of the routine -
We've lost sound, kind of, so everyone sounds like a malfunctioning supercomputer from the 70s.
Canizaro - FX - high and clean double pike, good control - bounces out of double back pretty far but does manage to stay in - good switch ring and solid tour jete - clean 1.5 to layout - middle pass hurts.
Schick - BB - check on the loso series - aerial to split looks very nice - switch is also well done, she really hits her beam splits, which is her asset on this event - slightly tight on side aerial but no wobble - sticks gainer full with a squat. They'll want to drop Babalis's score, so a necessary hit.
MacMoyle - FX - bounces back on double pike to start - 1.5 to layout is quite clean, a very Arkansas routine - lots of 1.5 twisting passes - good height on her straddle skills - somewhat low chest on the double back
Oklahoma counting at least a 9.550 on floor now. What is this, Oklahoma?
49.175 for Utah on vault. Still not getting Utah scores there. Only Hughes, and she's the one with the 1.5.
Cherrey - BB - Dear dear dear - off on loso series - she could be SO GOOD on beam, but it's not there yet - also a little short on her walkover and wobbles on one leg, but holds it well - check on side aerial - hop back on 1.5.
Georgia counting a 9.625 now. That's the opening Arkansas needed. Rogers and Box have some work to do now.
Nelson - FX - slides back on opening double pike - solid switch side and popa - clean 1.5 to lay as well - low chest on double back, but secure - they'll take for the first landing, but otherwise this should make the meet even closer.
Rogers - BB - OK, Britt. Here we go. nice walkover to wolf - switch side is pretty - working beam like she's about to burn it - bhs 1/1 is excellent - small check on loso series - loses her legs on her bhs 3/4 to stag so she doesn't do the stag but saves it well and just drops down, which is also an acceptable skill - sticks 1.5. Shouldn't be a deduction on the bhs 3/4, but sometimes judges will react to a skill not being what they expected. 9.900. Fair.
McGlone - FX - high double pike, but takes about 155 tiny steps trying to control it and can't, steps OOB. You're welcome, Georgia. 2.5 is better. punch 1.5 to layout, also with an uncertain step back. Arkansas doing OK overall, just not the supremely controlled landings they need to get the big scores or that they have showed in the past to gain those upsets.
Box - BB -good tuck jump full - secure 1.5 and tighens well not to give up a wobble - a little tight on her switch this time and doesn't get all the way up to 180 - nice full turn - pulls through her aerial to scale - 1.5 dismount, bends forward and steps. Still, Rogers and Box saved it as well as they could.
Just OK on beam there, but better.
Wellick - FX - opens just a double pike this time - "might have been a choice" - high front full to lay, good security - not quite ideal on the splits, both split and straddle - secure landing on double back. Arkansas almost pulled this one off, but the deficit ended up being too much and Georgia pulled it together at the end of beam, vitally.
Oklahoma went sub-49 on floor for a 197.125. Could have been better, but three big event scores there.
FINAL: Georgia 196.775, Arkansas 196.700
Important scores for both teams. More so for Arkansas, which they'll love for RQS.
Utah is just over 197 pace at the halfway point, but that's it for me. Time to go binge through four episodes of The Expanse.You know, important work.
UNH went 196 last night -- which is oddly higher than LSU this week. (Also thank you Casey Lauter for always getting a 9.875 on beam for fantasy reasons)
ReplyDeleteSEC network says the Florida meet is starting st 6:45! Don't want people to miss the beginning
ReplyDeleteYea it's started early
ReplyDeleteHow convenient that Mack Brannan is vaulting twice for Alabama tonight ;)
ReplyDeleteI miss the old commentators.
ReplyDelete"Someone just dismounted in the form of a sphere on the ground."
ReplyDeleteHahaha, that's probably the best way to describe what happened there.
Also, this chick sucks at commentating. "Peyton Earnest" - what...
Hahaha, well at least they are better than the commentators during the mizzou/Illini meet last week. They were AWFUL
DeleteI think Meraz is a place holder until PPL comes back... Hopefully soon! I'd still like to see Francis pushed further in the line-up. She has such a clean routine, I feel like it could score higher if placed towards the end.
ReplyDeleteHow is UCLA getting those big scores on bars? Form breaks, low releases, low chest on dismounts... guess those don't matter anymore?
ReplyDeleteI think Meraz is a place holder until PPL comes back... Hopefully soon! I'd still like to see Francis pushed further in the line-up. She has such a clean routine, I feel like it could score higher if placed towards the end.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know why carley sims isn't competing this week?
ReplyDeleteThat was Rechelle Dennis on bars and not Mossett.
ReplyDeleteOkay I thought something was strange. I was like "that doesn't look like mossett..."
Delete10s for everything!
ReplyDeleteWho scored a 10?
DeleteNot odd. LSU had 3 falls on beam which bought their score way down.~Tami
ReplyDeletewait Mossett choreographed 4 routines on the UCLA team??? I wouldn't think that would be permitted by Miss Val
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAngi cipra performs the hell out of her routine...but I hate that phone part, it's so stupid lol
ReplyDeleteAgreed. I like Ohasi's routine too. It's fun.
DeleteI'm not sure about Ohashi's routine. I like parts of it and I love her of course but other parts are kinda "meh". It'll probably grow on me. I just love seeing her happy doing gymnastics
DeleteYikes I will have four zeros on floor for fantasy that were (high) scores last week...........I hope this is just because some peeps are being saved for the second meet this weekend and I'll end up with a score instead of a zero.........
ReplyDeleteI watched the Missouri / Alabama meet - scoring not nearly as tight as last week. Missouri's coach has them all doing basically the same bars & floor routine. They're gymnastics robots. Also, Lauren Beers had a massive wobble on her series and somehow got a 9.85.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know why Dani Dessaints didn't compete for Oregon State at this meet?
ReplyDeleteThe bail to low bar out of a Maloney does not need to hit vertical...Per the code book.
ReplyDeleteThe bail to low bar out of a Maloney does not need to hit vertical...Per the code book.