Friday, February 5
7:00 ET/4:00 PT – Winona State @ UW-La Crosse - Stream
7:30 ET/4:30 PT – West Virginia @ Iowa State - SCORES
7:30 ET/4:30 PT – UW-Stout @ Hamline
10:00 ET/7:00 PT – San Jose State @ UC Davis - SCORES

Another Friday, another batch of exciting SEC meets. The real question is, now that the 10s have started flying again, who's getting the first 10 of the Florida/Georgia meet: Brandie Jay on vault or Bridget Sloan on bars? Or will Sloan beat the odds and get a pre-meet 10 for just being so great.
It's still early, but right now Georgia has maybe one score that would be OK to use for RQS (and even that 196.775 is not spectacular for a team with Georgia's aspirations). If Georgia has hopes of being a top seed at a regional, which is going to require an RQS over 197, the margin for error is disappearing very quickly. Even without a win, a good score is critical.
Florida lineups:
VT - Caquatto, Fassbender, Sloan, Baker, Boren, McMurtry
UB - Baker, Boren, BDG, Caquatto, Sloan, 10y 10ington
BB - Baker, Ernst, Fassbender, Boren, McMurtry, Sloan
FX - McLaughlin, Fassbender, Boren, Sloan, Baker, Caquatto
So...the same. Why change at this point?
Ericha Fassbender already wins the award for the name that sounds most like a German gay slur. These are the things I think while waiting for gymnastics to start.
Making non-gymnastics people talk about gymnastics. "McMurphy?" "Alex...McMurphy?"
Bart and Kathy are explaining that there has been a blackout - delay of...10ish minutes?...since the warmup got pushed back. Uh oh. Pull it together everyone. Come on, electricity. First vault at 7:13 ET. I appreciate the exactness. As opposed to non-TV meets where it's first vault whenever the pep peppies stop their infernal pepping?
They were showing a clip of what happened when the power went out and setting it up like there had been some kind of darkness tumbling disaster, but it was just sort of Bridgey doing a leap and everyone is fine.
In the meantime, CMU and EMU are locked in it, tied at 97.675 halfway through.
Kathy giving us a history lesson on how bad Georgia has been on beam this year. It's bad.
Jenny Rowland and Danna Durante are getting the BEST FRIENDS YOU GUYS treatment. They're totally the new Kyla and McKayla.
Extended closeup of Grace McLaughlin, who is giving the camera the "I'm not even in this lineup, you moron" treatment. Well played, Grace.
Georgia is "the first program to get this kind of crowd." Good to know.
Broussard - VT -bounces back pretty far on her full - slightly off to the side and a minor pike, not one of her better ones.
Baker - UB -good frist hs - high ray with solid counter - hitting handstands - bail is clean - good height on shoot - one borderline handstand, sticks the double front this time with a cowboy. Good improvement landing that dismount, though, because she usually incurs a tenth with a major hop.
Vaculik - VT -Doesn't stick her full this time, small hop forward. She needs to stick, which she can, because she has crazy legs on her block, piking, and not the distance of some others.
Boren - UB - solid tkatchev - she's another who has improved her feet - nearly falls stepping up to the high bar - bounces back too far out of her DLO - very clean at the beginning but lost it and incurred too many deductions at the end.
Snead - VT - Extremely clean body position on full - also bounces back noticeably - the question is when the 1.5 is going to emerge.
BDG - UB - good shap to bail combo this time - good legs and toes - misses final handstand - lands short on her DLO landing with a hop forward. Sloppy issues for both teams so far. Scores remaining contained and realistic so far.
Marino - VT - also squatty landing her 1.5 with a bound forward - still a bit mushy in the legs
Caquatto - UB - good first hs - excellent Ray - very clean early - legs together on bail - precise throughout - hop back (two small steps) on her DLO, but excellent until the dismount landing so still should warrant a big score.
Rogers - VT - Huge bound forward on her 1.5 as well. Landings landings landings today - that will be the major deduction, also a bit of legs on her block.
Sloan - UB -Usual Bridget Ray - feet on the bail a little more significant this time - also hops back on her DLO, and then another step to salute. Two weeks in a row with non-Sloan landings.
Jay - VT - alllllmost sticks her 1.5 - small hop forward and her usual legs on the block, but will be the best UGA vault score in the rotation.
McMurtry - UB - pikelled Ray - nice first handstand - borderline final handstand - Kathy points out the piked giants again - huge dismount as always, but a hop forward this time, so we don't have to worry about the score. Kathy admitting this routine is all about the dismount. Still a 9.925. With a non-stick. So they're still itching for 10.
Not particularly inspiring first rotation.
Georgia goes just 49.000 on vault, which is not what they needed to pick up the upset. Landings were not good enough to expect more. The majority of gymnasts not only stepped on landing but bounded forward.
Advantage Florida. Somehow, Florida still went 49.325 on bars even with not doing so great with the landings either. Honestly, Caquatto and Sloan should both have been hit with a full tenth for those dismounts, which means they were basically going to get 10s. They were both quite clean. And then McMurtry got a 9.925. A lot to like in the Florida rotation, improved dismount from Baker, and the performance on the bars themselves from Sloan and Caquatto. Could have been a GIGANTIC score if they had found the landings.
After 1: Florida 49.325, Georgia 49.000
Caquatto - VT - piked on her full - not much distance - squats into the landing with a larger lunge back - not a strong one.
Vaculik - UB - high piked jaeger though a little late on the half turn before - some handstand positions could be more extended, particularly on the bail - hop back on tuck full dismount
Fassbender - VT - Could control on her full landing - stuck or nearly stuck, though lacks the height and distance of the better vaulters.
Cherrey - UB -Sloanish Ray - good handstands - also a little angled on that bail and short on her final hs - small hop on the DLO, pikes it a lot now to get rid of the big leg break, but I'll take it.
Sloan - VT -Sloan full - STUCK- great form and height - she has attained more distance in the past, but will still be a great score.
Snead - UB - good height on Tkatchev - hitting handstands - very clean bail and no question about the position - sticks DLO, pikes it down a bit at the end to stick it, but excellent. She's a big boost to the lineup.
Boren - VT - lands a bit short on her 1.5 with a shoulder-width step back to save the short landing - otherwise quite good.
Schick - UB - Good height and toes on tkatchev and clean through the piked jaeger as well - precice bail - rushes final hs - hop back on DLO, but good legs and pretty strong body position.
Baker - VT - opposite 1.5 to Boren, hops forward, relatively similar to what Rogers did, perhaps a little smaller. Little to take other than that.
Jay - UB - good legs on the bail - hitting handstands - catches shush - small hop on DLO 1/1 and the usual slight piking in the body position - but not too much of an issue. She's making the argument to keep it in. 9.925. Damn.
McMurtry - VT - small hop on her full as well - the usual amazingness otherwise - so I wouldn't have a problem with a 9.900, just deducting for the hop.
Rogers - UB -Ricna to pak combo is gorgeous - missed her foot trying to do the shap 1/2 - casts again and goes back into it and hits well - small hop on DLO. They were setting her up for a 10 after the Jay score. Shame. Missed opportunity.
Georgia gets 49.325 on bars, same score as Florida with the same benefit of the doubt in judging. I'm OK that the judges held Jay up a little bit because she does show off the difficulty, and this 9.925 for a non-stuck dismount will certainly encourage them to keep it in. Snead's looks like it's going to be a very useful routine for this lineup toward the end of the season, and 49.325 is more than Georgia probably could have expected for a lineup with so many similar landing errors to the first rotation from both teams.
Florida 49.275 on vault. Not nearly what they can do because Boren and Baker both had significant landing errors to keep them out of the 9.9s. Sloan went 9.875 for a good stick, though she didn't have a ton of distance and you can also make an argument that she didn't truly stick because she did a covering-up step-salute, though she did hold the landing for a while before stepping. So borderline. McMurtry got the 9.900 I expected, which is high for a non-stuck full but fair because hers is certainly worthy of a no-deduction score when she sticks it.
After 2: Florida 98.600, Georgia 98.325
Georgia probably needed to gain more on vault than what happened to have a good shot at this, but a sub-0.300 deficit at halfway is not too bad. Of course, beam will be the decider.
Vaculik - BB - solid switch to split 1/4 - check on loso series, did look tight there but pulled it back - hits walkover well - but way off on her center of gravity on the side somi and fall - it begins again. After she looked so good last time. Another check on full turn - side aerial to full with a hop. Uh oh.
McLaughlin - FX - solid landing on front full - gets acceptable height and extension on her dance elements - pikes down her rudi a bit and staggers as so many do but control her landing - 1.5 to front pike is fine - solid and unremarkable.
Jay - BB - check on backward full turn but pretends it's choreo well - very secure side aerial - kickover front to bhs without a wobble as well - a little short on her switch - shush to hip circle - hop forward on 1.5. You guys, Brandie Jay is a beamer now.
Fassbender - FX - is the theme of this routine "this is my butt"? 2.5 to front tuck - pretty good leg form on 2.5, a bit short on front tuck with a step back - nice stick on double pike, chest down (can we just assume chest down for everyone always so I don't have to say it) - that split 1/2 is not cool - travels forward on 1.5 to front pike, too much of a slide forward -
Rogers - BB - excellent walkover to wolf - small check on switch 1/2, but very small - another small check on bhs 1/1 - general nervous wobble on nothing - small check on loso series and full turn as well. They're all tiny but they're on EVERY skill - until the bhs 3/4, which is excellent - hop forward on 1.5. Got through it but opened the door for a lot of deductions. 9.825 is a slight pity score.
Boren - FX - God, if we hear about her learning to smile one more time...slides back out of her full in, not too bad but clear lack of control - good position on split leap, less on split jump - similar slide on 1.5 to layout, but excellent control on the double tuck - nailed her final pass.
Babalis - BB - talk about bluetooth routines that need to be eliminated as soon as possible - opened with a good walkover but couldn't do the immediate loso - falls, and now a second fall while I was typing. Counting the Vaculik fall now. better on the kickover front - hop forward on punch front full.
Sloan - FX - 1.5 through to 2.5, small hop forward - hits her split and straddle positions very well - very secure on double pike, not bad on the chest either - NOOOOO - she nearly just Bridgeyed - nearly sits her final front tuck - a bunch of stumbles backward - and now it looks like her ankle hurts? - Jammed it? Please be OK?
Broussard - BB - huge check on loso series, bends at the waist - excellent dance elements to follow - good side aerial to split jump - sticks gainer full. 9.725. Could have justified a bigger deduction on that opening break.
Well this rotation is just a tragedy.
Baker - FX - good control on her Dos Santos landing, keeps that back foot down and does well to stay in bounds - bounces a bit on her double pike - 1.5 to 1/2 to straddle is a little less controlled this time as well - traveling back on the straddle and sliding a bit on landing. Still goes 9.925.
Box - BB - very small check on tuck jump full - superb loso series, lovely and aggressive - swims and swings her arms on her straddle 3/4 but saves it - excellent full turn - saves a check on her walkover to work into jump - hop forward on 1.5.
Hiller - FX - In for Bridgey - hmmmmmmmmm - solid double pike, low chest but good control - 1.5 to layout with a large bounce forward back home to Florida out of it - bounces around a little on landing her straddles but hits the position - front full to front pike, also travels forward on it without much height but pulls it around.
The on-the-floor reporter is going out of her way to try to ask a positive question, only focusing on Box, which is so annoying. They're adults. Especially the coaches. We're allowed to talk about errors. The tyranny of positivity strikes again.
48.450 for Georgia on beam. No analysis needed. The problems just remain. Falls falls falls. It's not getting better, and this will not be a usable score, which is starting to become a real issue.
Still waiting on the score for Hiller, but it will not be that high. It displays the tenuous nature of Florida's floor right now because they're relying on those three big routines. When one isn't, suddenly the score is a problem. Still a 49.075 because of Baker and Boren, who both hit. The major worry is Sloan right now. We all emotionally need her to be OK after that landing.
After 3: Florida 147.675, Georgia 146.775
Sloan still wants to compete. Of course she does. She will be allowed to warm up. Can we learn an Ohashi lesson? There's really no NEED to have her compete, even if she's OK, so why not take the precaution? I know her issue is not nearly as severe or scary, but really, this is not a truly important meet, so...
Baker - BB - "good" wolf turn - solid walkover to bhs series with a minor adjustment landing the bhs - split jump into split 1/2 and falls on the split 1/2. Wowzers - side aerial to full dismount is stuck.
Snead - FX - whip through to double tuck - low chest landing with a bounce back - travels back on her split jump out of middle pass - good switch position - wolf full into popa for dance series - low chest on doubel pike as well but controlled. 9.875 is high for that.
Ernst- secure kickover front - nice full turn - walkover is quite strong, as is the sheep - very secure so far - small hop on gainer pike dismount - well done, not too much to take there.
Babalis - FX - slides back on whip to double tuck - hits her split elements well, but she does struggle to control some of these passes, until the round off to double pike, which was the best she has done it, quite secure.
Just saw Wofford come in slightly short on a handstand on bars for OU, which is strange to see.
Fassbender - BB - secure on both her walkover and loso series - still looking much more confident than Georgia did after a fall, not surprisingly - sissone and sheep jump are her weakness in this routine because of the positions - sticks full dismount, though. Very solid, just not ideally precise.
Scores going very high for Georgia on floor, desperately trying to make this meet more interesting.
Rogers - FX - sticks her double arabian. You know. Also quite secure on 1.5 to layout, nailed that landing and kept her position well throughout - low chest on double pike but controls it. Will be a 20.
Boren - BB - Strong kickover front - small check on loso series - very well done on switch and straddle - standing loso is also well hit - but very very short on double back and hands down. WOW. Just glad she didn't hurt her ankles there because she definitely crunched them.
Judges working to get Georgia back into this meet.
Marino - FX - very solid DLO - short on split full position but nice on the straddle - very composed on 1.5 to layout - not a big pass but efficient in the legs and controlled on the landing - small slide on double pike, but also one of her stronger floor routines, so I'm sure it will be another career high. We're going to see a total that will paper over issues here.
Mcmurtry - BB - kickover front is solid - check on loso series - a little tight on her switch but fine, into shush to hip circle - excellent stick on 2/1.
Box - FX - her usual high double pike, great landing - 1.5 to layout is also very strong, dances out of the landing so she doesn't have to control it - good amplitude on switch 1/2 to popa - sticks double tuck. OK, well that was actually one of her best floor routines, so good thing the judges have left no room to score her.
I love that the team is already celebrating a 10 for her before it has happened. 9.950. Just a 9.950.Saving it for Jay.
Sloan - BB - so she's going, hopefully that means she's fine - just a cramp - excellnet walkover and nailed that loso - she's competing PISSSSSSSED - great switch to split jump - easy full turn - does her side aerialt o one foot to avoid landing on the bad one, and it's fine - step back on 2/1 to protect her foot as well, great routine.
Jay - FX - Shame, bounces back on full out and goes OOB, so it's automatically the lowest score of this rotation because these scores. front double full into front tuck. Good control on final two passes.
We're getting incorrect info from Bart. Georgia has already won. They're saying she needs a 9.850. UGH. It's called math people.
So, Georgia wins. After all that. This was a mess in the second half of the meet, with poor beam rotations from both teams, followed by insane floor scoring for Georgia.
FINAL: Georgia 196.400, Florida 196.350
No Bart. Jay's score doesn't matter. It was dropped. Shush. "I don't know how to explain all this." We know.
LSU has already started, so I'll keep an eye on that and also try to see what's happening with Oklahoma and Auburn. We'll see what happens.
Wellick - UB -a little short on a handstand here and there - large hop forward on the double front this time.
Hambrick - VT - gorgeous full int he air - good distance - hop back
Lehrmann just help onto the stick on her 1.5 beam dismount, bends but keeps it.
Speed - UB - High jaeger but a little crooked - very clean legs on that bail - very late on full turn, sticks a staggered double tuck.
Gnat - VT - small hop back on DTY this time. Aw, shame, so not a 10. Also looked like she lost her legs more on her round off and block this time.
Zaziski - UB - very strong full turn - hits her tkatchev but feet - clean bail - short hs - small small step on DLO but good hit.
Brown - OU - BB - clean walkover to bhs - straddle 3/4 with a small correction - pretty full turn - showing more what a sissone is supposed to look like - nice switch - sticks gainer full - one of her better ones so far this year.
Alabama 49.375 on vault to start. 9.950 for Beers. 9.900 for Brannan.
Melissa Lee and Courtney Kupets are dressing in DD Breaux costumes for the meet. Dumb, but I approve.
Jones - OU - BB - secure loso series - nice full turn as well - a little squatty in kickover front but hit - works well through that switch+switch series if a little short os position - step forward on 1.5. Solid, not as clean as Brown.
Apparently Auburn is nailing these floor routines. Haven't seen much of them, but two 9.9s pre Demers and Atkinson. That'll do.
LSU 49.300 - Arkansas 49.175
Capps - BB - OU - precise loso series - shimmy shake, as we've learned that it's called - walkover to scale with minimal correction - switch to straddle 1/4 with a strong position - sticks gainer full - good one. 10.000. 10? really? I mean, it was a good one, but...she did have to awkward that scale out of the aerial a bit. I won't complain that much. I didn't see anything else, and scales out of walkovers aren't usually the most smooth.
Gnat - UB - late on full turn and piked it - losing her legs with sloppiness on a few skills - hop forward on DLO - errors but got through it -
Zaziski - VT - small hop back on full.
Speed - VT - better control on full this time - hop back but not as big -
Savona - UB - small leg break on her shap to bail combo but solid - late on full turn and flat on tkatchev - arches her final hs - almost sticks her DLO - that extra arch will hurt the score.
Prissman - UB - great tkatchev - a bit of a break in the pak - rushes her half turn on the low bar a bit and pikes the DLO with a small hop back. OK, but
Wellick - VT - Sticks that full again - most consistent full landing in NCAA - great power and distance, will be a big score. 9.850 is some BS for that. Psssh.
Finnegan - UB - Her Ray is so gorgeous in the air, but she can't catch it - it hurts more because it's so pretty - Damn - beautiful bail and shoot back to high - short final hs - step back on DLO. They have fine scores so far, so it won't be a problem.
Nelson VT - same - pikes her full - step back - burying her at the end of the lineup -
Zamardi - UB - good first hs - legs on shap but excellent pak right out of it - better position on her half turn on the low bar - khorkina is solid - larger step forward on double arabian dismount.
Alabama on mid-197 pace through 2. Oklahoma closing in on 198 pace through two, and floor scores have been willing to go into the 9.9s.
LSU stays over 197 pace, dropping the fall from Finnegan.
Rott gets great height on her full on vault, but a bounce back. Theme of the day.
Closer look inside DD Breaux's closet. Heaven.
Capps - FX - OU - secure double pike - good chest position and controls it - also composed on front full to layout, maintains form and control - hits her switch side and popa - finishes rudi - another solid showing. 9.975. These judges are drinking the Capps juice tonight.
LSU to beam. It begins.
Macadaeg - BB - full turn to start - excellent height on switch and switch half, checks landing the switch half though - very pretty walkover to straddle jump - does well to avoid a wobble on loso series, small correction - sticks gainer full. Two smaller wobbles, but better than some of the bigger wobbles she has been throwing in.
In other news, Oklahoma is going to get a 200 tonight.
Jackson - OU - FX - whip half to rudi - small bounce but very easy pass for her - short on half to front full passs, has to step back - excellent double pike, good height chest position and control
Hambrick - BB - lovely L turn - comfortable switch to straddle 1/4 - check on loso series - sticks 2/1 well. Almost amazing, but the correction on a series that was just a bit off line.
Scaman - FX - strong DLO, also controlled on the landing, the scores are certainly going way high for OU, but this is also the most control I've seen on the floor landings (overall) so far this year - loses a touch of legs in the middle pass, perhaps - super easy double tuck, secure and chest way up - will be a big score for her as well. Let's wait and see what this is. 9.925.
Gauthier - BB -tight full turn but no checks - secure loso with a bit of loose knees - nice switch - small correction on tuck jump full - sissone to loso - small hop on 1.5. One of her better (best?) competition routines.
49.650 for Oklahoma on floor. Yep.
Canizaro - FX - Strong double pike, and secure on the double tuck landing as well, check down on double tuck but no qualms with landing control - splits aren't as strong as the tumbling - 1.5 to layout is quality.
Ewing - BB - checks on 2ft layout seires but not the fall of last time - her usual slightly crooked switch side - standing loso to straddle 1/4, confident and hit - small step back on 1.5.
This is the most composed LSU has looked on beam so far this year.
Nelson - FX - slide back on high double pike - very good form on her 1.5 to layout, maintains those legs together the whole time - short on double tuck, lunge forward.
"They're doing the choreography on floor along with their teammates!" WHAT BREAKING NEWS.
Finnegan - BB -struggles through the triple full a bit this time to get it around, but she hit it - a couple small adjustments on the loso series and the switch 1/2 - hits side somi - aerial to full is stuck. A couple small breaks there, but very small.
McGlone - FX - a bit short on DLO with a step forward - not quite 180 on both her split and straddle positions - short on 2.5 as well, step back, just did stay in bounds - better on 1.5 to layout.
Lauren Beers has fallen on both bars and beam. Alabama loses paceon beam with a 49.000, but should still pass 197 with home floor.
Gnat - BB -LSU is getting an a million on beam - check and bend at the waist on her walkover, so this will be the dropped score - high switch side - secure loso series -
Scaman - VT - good high 1.5, step forward. The usual, but a more controlled step than sometimes.
Jackson - VT - Also takes a step forward on her 1.5. They're not big steps, and the scores are going high in this meet, so they'll still probably break 9.9.
Wellick - FX - strong double pike, control and chest position - butterflying her ass off - front full + front lay - almost identical on the double back to the double tuck - high landings well controlled.
LSU 148.025 through 3. Home floor should make this a mid 197.
197.925 for Oklahoma. So that happened.
Atkinson - UB - Auburn - good legs on bail and toe on - borderline handstand before tkatchev - catches - sticks tuck full - great routine and necessary because they were counting some lower scores. Strong performance.
Auburn takes advantage of this TWU meet as well. Really important 196.750. Pressure is on, Arkansas. Arkansas just on 196.000 pace with beam still to come.
A Sims- Alabama - FX - secure double pike - 1.5 to layout is comfortable - I feel like they should focus more on dance elements in this routine to let her show her strengths - double back with small slide.
Ewing - FX - nails front 2/1, stuck - high front full and punches well into layout - excellent positions on switch side and popa - bam on double pike as well - nailed that routine, great start.
Brannan - FX - falls on double arabian, way short.
Zaziski - BB - crooked switch side - strong loso series - hits switch and straddle 1/4 - movements are very tight but she's not giving away wobbles - hits kickover front - slide back on gainer full.
Hambrick - FX - floats in that DLO - stuck 2.5 to front tuck - compromised that split full a bit, could be more extended - solid double pike to finish - excellent first two routines. This is such a Lloimincia Hall 10.000 night...oh wait. Ashleigh Gnat 10 night.
Wellick - BB - solid switch and straddle 1/4 - excellent walkover - secure loso series - wobblesd on side somi, back and forth but pulls it together - small step on 2/1.
Finnegan - FX - This is happening.1.5 through to 2.5 - lunges forward landing it - oh yes, good, I want a special correspondent report to talk through Finnegan's floor, we love it - strong double tuck - a bit short on double pike with a hop forward. Not her best landings.
Winston - FX - shortish landing on her DLO with a lunge forward - good legs in front lay to front full series - excellent switch and split positions, no doubt about 180 there - floats down into double tuck landing - everything excellent after the DLO.
Couple small checks for Freier on beam but mostly lovely - sticks gainer full.
Kelley - FX - bounces bounces bounces way OOB on DLO - a little short on front full as well but just a small correction - very strong double tuck
MLR count - 1, 2, ... JUST TWO? You're getting soft
Bailey - FX - step forward out of double arabian but keeps it relatively controlled - front lay front full - controls rudi landing well.
McGlone - BB - wobble working out of her loso series - a little tight on switch and pike jump but not a problem - very solid loso - tight switch side as well - small step on 2/1
Wyrick - FX - she always looks liek she's going to splat that full in but never does - loses her legs a little at the beginning of middle pass but pulls it together - borderline stepping OOB but gets the home benefit of the doubt for that one on the final pass.
Beers lacks control on a few of her floor passes, bouncing back and going quite close to going OOB, and a small stumble on middle pass. Still gets a 9.900 because of reasons.
Thanks for the note on the score correction. Beers 9.700. Much more sensible and realistic score. The problem is that I saw the 9.900 and barely even blinked because these floor scores.
196.775 for Alabama. On track for much more after two events, but not as strong on beam and floor.
Nelson - BB - the security in the landing is there on her beam work, though she loses the knees and feet in acro elements to keep her out of the biggest scores - dances forward out of her front tuck to cover up a wobble - a couple steps on 1.5 dismount, one to the side and one back.
Gnat - FX - small slide landing that DLO, but very high and great laid out position maintained throughout - 2.5 to front tuck, did not get her usual punch in the front but pulls it around, slightly short - shows off her 180s on dance elements well - strong and comfortable double pike.
Arkansas does get over the 196 mark with a 196.150, though advantage Auburn on tonight's scores.
Boise State also hovering around the 196 mark after two events to try to keep that top-10 ranking, were able to drop a 7.5 on bars. Yikes.
197.425 for LSU. Season high, though not a perfect meet, room to improve on every event, which should be encouraging. Kupets copying my comments. Again.
Well, well, well. Florida beam catastrophe is the story of the day. Did not see that one coming.Florida was still the better team in that meet and Georgia got silly home floor to take it, but they were uncomfortable on beam and the tenuous nature of that floor lineup was exposed. Georgia will bask in the glow of this victory of a while, but beam is still a disaster and it's still not a score to keep for RQS.
Nelson - BB - the security in the landing is there on her beam work, though she loses the knees and feet in acro elements to keep her out of the biggest scores - dances forward out of her front tuck to cover up a wobble - a couple steps on 1.5 dismount, one to the side and one back.
Gnat - FX - small slide landing that DLO, but very high and great laid out position maintained throughout - 2.5 to front tuck, did not get her usual punch in the front but pulls it around, slightly short - shows off her 180s on dance elements well - strong and comfortable double pike.
Arkansas does get over the 196 mark with a 196.150, though advantage Auburn on tonight's scores.
Boise State also hovering around the 196 mark after two events to try to keep that top-10 ranking, were able to drop a 7.5 on bars. Yikes.
197.425 for LSU. Season high, though not a perfect meet, room to improve on every event, which should be encouraging. Kupets copying my comments. Again.
Well, well, well. Florida beam catastrophe is the story of the day. Did not see that one coming.Florida was still the better team in that meet and Georgia got silly home floor to take it, but they were uncomfortable on beam and the tenuous nature of that floor lineup was exposed. Georgia will bask in the glow of this victory of a while, but beam is still a disaster and it's still not a score to keep for RQS.
Delay? How did u hear Kathy and Bart say this? The stream still isn't up on the ESPN app yet for me
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSec network is showing it live
ReplyDeleteSigh, no stuck landings this first rotation
ReplyDeleteyea that was not a good rotation bar wise for florida. they can and have been so much better but that has been at home. they really need to pick it up on the road.
ReplyDeleteSloans vault score seems really low. 9.875? What'd I miss?
ReplyDeleteJudge 2 on vault gave Sloan, Jay, and Boren all the same score. To me, Sloan was the best, then Jay, and then Boren.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. Sloan's was great
Deleteyea was very surprised to see sloan get a 9.85 form one judge. i wonder why.
ReplyDeleteShe didn't get much distance and the vault judges were tougher in this meet than any other meet UF has competed in so far this year. If the full was still out of a 10, you would think Sloan would have received a 9.925, which I don't think anyone would be questioning for that vault. I think the lower scores are still something we are getting used to seeing.
DeleteI'm fine with the scores when they are consistent, but Boren definitely should have had a lower score if Sloan is a 9.875.
I thought vivi couldn't have a "hands on" beam routine because she can't straighten one of her arms (I think it's her right) all of the way.
ReplyDeleteYep. She has an elbow injury, which is the reason for the no-hands beam routine. I believe she also doesn't do round-offs in her tumbling on floor.
DeleteShe only does round offs I thought. I didn't think she could do a bhs
DeleteYep, you're right. I'm not sure what I was thinking.
DeleteAlthough, now I kind of want to see a round-off free FX routine. I mean if "hands free" is going to be a thing, let's just go all out.
I literally can't handle Sloan being injured. Please PLEASE be okay!!!
ReplyDeleteNot injured. Just needs a banana apparently.
DeleteI think it might be time for Florida to change their floor line-up. Bridgey hasn't been herself all season and obviously can't handle the anchor right now. Put her in before Sloan and if she starts to hit move her back.
ReplyDeletePlease please please do t let Sloan be injured.
ReplyDeleteyea we need sloan now that baker fell
ReplyDeleteScores are fancy on floor...
ReplyDeleteJudges are clearly aware Georgia needs a useable home score. These FX scores are ... something.
ReplyDeleteI honestly have no issue with a 9.95 for Rogers or Box. Marino I think a 9.9 or 9.925 would be reasonable and Babalis had a very clean routine for a 9.9. Snead I probably would gone 9.825/9.85 in light of the way the judging was for UF's floor scores (9.8 in another meet). And Jay's 9.8 seemed fine to me.
DeleteUGA out-performed UF on Bars and Floor. I thought the teams were even on Vault and UF was better on beam (not by much).
Georgia is basically guaranteed to win. But Florida really wasn't that great today
ReplyDeleteIt's Great To Beat The Florida Gators!
ReplyDeleteRight--they don't know that Georgia already won, and also the .1 deduction for Jay would be taken AFTER the routine score. What the hell is Bart even saying right now? Has he forgotten gymnastics 101? "I don't know how to explain this?" No. You don't. Bart, you've let me down!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry. Brandie jay got a 9.9? That can't be counting the step OOB...
ReplyDeleteWhew, the score is 9.8 actually counting the out. Lol oh Bart, math is not your strong point
DeleteShe got a 9.8. The SEC Network completely messed up that broadcast at the end. They kept saying Jay needed a 9.85 to win, when the score was already 196.400 to 196.35.
DeleteThe rest of her routine was great, so I have no issue with the 9.8.
Yea the 9.8 is fine for the routine with the step. I was just concerned because I thought the 9.9 was the score with the step out meaning that the judges had given her a 10
DeleteI was totally about to call major BS of Jay's 9.9. Yay for judging errors.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure it was an SEC network error and not the judges.
DeleteI saw a 9.9 flash from a judge table... Who knows though.
DeleteI mentioned this above... I'm pretty sure OOB is one of those neutral deductions that they take after the judges' scores. Not sure why that is, but that would explain the discrepancy in what we saw tonight.
DeleteYep, it's a neutral deduction. So the judges' scores are flashed like normal and then the .1 is taken off the average of those scores. Or at least that's how it was always shown at the meets I've been to.
Deletethat makes sense.
DeleteWhat is rule regarding bars coaches spotting athletes? Is there a limitation on how close they can get to an athlete or where they can stand relative to the judges?
ReplyDeleteI noticed certain coaches (UCLA and LSU) come to mind are often very close to their gymnasts when spotting them during the routines. I also have noticed that it seems like sometimes the coaches tend to stand directly in front of the judges line of sight to the gymnasts' landings; thus, there's no way the judge can actually see the full landing.
I think they can get as close as they want as long as they don't touch the athlete and then they're supposed to move away right after.
DeleteI've wondered the same thing about the judges being able to see though.
Some of these LSU gymnasts need to be careful with the self tanner . . .
ReplyDeleteI was thinking the same thing about Georgia last week. They had those terrible flesh colored mesh arms with their orange tan legs. Lol.
DeleteMissouri just posted a 196.625.
ReplyDeleteBeer's 9.9 was a mistake. Its a 9.7. The final team total is 196.775