6:00 ET/3:00 PT – Central Michigan @ Bowling Green - SCORES
7:00 ET/4:00 PT – Utah @ Michigan - SCORES - BTN(log-in)
7:00 ET/4:00 PT – NC State @ George Washington - SCORES
7:00 ET/4:00 PT – NCGA regional (Winona State, Hamline,
Gustavus Adolphus, UW-Whitewater, UW-Stout, UW-Eau Claire, UW-Oshkosh @ UW-La
Crosse) - SCORES - Stream
7:00 ET/4:00 PT – Nastia Liukin Nastiathon for the Nastia Cup - SCORES - Stream
7:30 ET/4:30 PT – Iowa @ Iowa State - SCORES
7:30 ET/4:30 PT – Iowa @ Iowa State - SCORES
8:00 ET/5:00 PT – Arizona @ Oklahoma - SCORES - TV: Various Fox Sports
9:00 ET/6:00 PT – Minnesota, Air Force @ Denver - SCORES
10:00 ET/7:00 PT – Southern Utah, Michigan State, Lindenwood
@ Cal - SCORES
10:00 ET/7:00 PT –
Brown @ Sacramento State - SCORES -
Week 8 rankings

All kinds of things will be happening right from minute one, so pull yourselves together like now. I'll be on SEC duty for the most part, but I'll keep an eye on all the scores and make the necessary comments for those of you focused on the Nastia. I'm like a public service. Don't worry, just everyone is competing tonight.
A whole host of senior nights happening tonight. If you're concerned about where Georgia is going to be next year without Rogers, Jay, and Box, you're everyone.
Looks like McMurtry is in on floor for a second-straight week for the Gators. No Baker on floor tonight, though. So we'll see how that goes.
In the one meet that's already underway, Bowling Green is...on 196 pace? Almost? Season high is a 195.425.
Johnson remains in on vault for Georgia, over Vaculik. It's a progression if she can get to vaulting like two years ago. Vaculik can stick, but she can also get 9.6s when she comes in short.
Melissa Lee is giving us the dictionary definition of parity. Or parody. Time will tell.
Broussard - VT - nearly sticks her full - hop forward good distance, chest up, maintains her shape.
Cerio - UB - gorgeous piked jaeger - clean bail as well - short on a hs, but sticks double tuck out of full - so very clean.
Baker - UB - strong Ray - clean handstand on bail and holds it - good amplitude - one iffy handstand - bigger hop forward on double front -
Johnson - VT - nearly sticks her full as well - small hop in place with a lean - good distance, just feet.
Boren - UB - tkatchev is fine/OK - good hip circle - small leg break on bail - toe point has imrpoved over JO - pikes down second salto of DLO a bit, small hop back -
Auburn gymnasts missing final handstand so far - Krippner lands leaned forward on tcuk full with a hop forward.
Marino - VT -hops forward on 1.5 - looks better in the knees - just a bit under rotated
BDG - UB - clean through shap and bail - good rhythym - small arch in hitting vertical on final hs - usual form on DLO, but great stick.
Kopec caught her jaeger VERY close, couldn't cast out of it, extra swing. sticks excellent DLO. Shame.
Snead - VT - lands a little forward on her full, somewhat awkward bend hop - great shape and distance as always, though -
Caquatto nails bails precisely again, until a step forward on the DLO. This is her best bars season of her career.
Kluz very clean on bars for Auburn - one handstand issue, excellent straddle back, another spectacular DLO.
Rogers - VT - NEARLY sticks her 1.5, just excellent - small small step with one foot, good direction.
Looks like Sloan found the stick on her DLO this week. Had been a problem the last couple meets.
Milliet has such great toe point and counter rotation on her Ray. Very high pak - hitting hand - toes pointed - legs just a bit apart on double back but sticks it - should be a BIG score.
McMurtry - UB -catches a little close on her piklled Ray - everything else normal - hop back on full twisting tuck dismount.
Jay - VT - STICKS 1.5 - she does bend to hold the stick and has MUCH better legs together on her block.
Atkinson - UB - a little angled on her bail this week, tight on a handstand in there - fine tkatchev - sticks excellent full in - looked tight early but got better as it went.
Georgia 49.400, Auburn 49.350
Scores are ready to go big when deserved, but a really important rotation for both teams. Both Jay and Rogers were best/near-best of the season. I'm fine with the 9.950 for Jay. She leaned to hold that stick so it wasn't a 10, but she definitely stuck and her leg form was improved.And Abby Milliet absolutely nailed that bars routine. It was gorgeous and hard to nitpick.
Florida 49.500, Kentucky 48.925
Sloan got her DLO back and got the 9.950. She, Caquatto, and BDG were very, very clean. I don't really get the McMurtry score (in breaking news...) because she caught her Ray pretty close and didn't stick her dismount, but a good hit rotation, good shape for early March, no major non-built-in issues to work out, just a few feet and some hits to find.
Utah and Michigan are trading 9.875s early. It Utah can get landings and stay ahead of Michigan early, as in during this rotation, it's essential.
9.975 for Breanna Hughes on bars. So, I guess they're sticking...
Michigan didn't get the score from Karas on vault and Utah is going sky-high on bars, so advantage Utah.
Caquatto - VT - the usual hop back, the usual vault. She has done that solid-distance yfull with a .100 hop back about 84 times in her career.
Mary Beth is the Serena of the Box family.
Garcia - VT - getting better on her full - pikes down, off to the side, hop back, but it's getting there.
Snead - UB - strong first hs - height is fine on tkatchev if not a lot of counter - small leg break on bail - handstands look great - perhaps the smallest slide on DLO, but good start.
Kluz - VT - sticks her full - a little low and has to pike down, but a strong stick to minimize deductions - she can get more power, though.
Johnson - UB - In on bars - would not have called that when she started - WHAT JUST HAPPENED???? She missed her hecht mount and did a front tuck between the bars. Not ideal. Tucked Shayla?
Sloan just stuck-nailed a full. Small step back in replay?
Krippner - VT - Good open on her full, solid distance - medium hop back.
Vaculik - UB - solif piked jaeger - a little piking on bail but good legs together - hitting hs - usual dismount legs but stuck. Her normal strong routine. Recovers from last week.
Demers - VT - YES YOU DID - no question about the stick on that full. I feel like I'm being bombarded by vault sticks today.
Boren just stuck a 1.5. Florida bringing it on vault so far.
Baker - VT - couldn't keep the sticks going - landed a touch short with a hop back on her 1.5 - so it won't be the same Boren 9.950, that's for sure.
Schick - UB - sticks her DLO this time. One of her best routines in a WHILE - she can be so clean, and this was one of them.
Rott - VT - Another stuck full. Damn Auburn is bringing it on vault tonight. She also stuck but has better distance and legs than Demers, just the tiniest lean on the stick, but should be a huge score.
Jay - UB - solid bail - misses the hs before her khork - .100 hop back on her DLO 1/1 this time, so not the big nailed routine she has shown a couple times lately, but won't be a troubling score.
Mcmurtry - VT -nearly sticks her full - hop in place -
Atkinson - VT - small step forward on her 1.5 - very strong - slight mushy knees but good distance and direction.
9.950 for Rott on her 1.5. So wow. No deductions?
Rogers - UB - glorious Ricna but catches way close on her pak - DMAN - has to swing out of it - hits shap 1/2 - hops back on DLO. Ugggggghhhhhhhhh
Auburn 98.725, Georgia 98.475
Well, Auburn just did that thing they've done once before this year where they nail the crap out of vault to take the lead. A few high scores there on vault, starting from the first with Garcia and then the 9.950 for Rott on a full (I would have supported 9.900). But big and important sticks there. Georgia's bars score was taken away by having to count that error pak from Rogers after the Johnson fall, which takes away the solid scores previously including a 9.925 for Schick. And now Georgia has to go to beam.
Florida 98.875, Kentucky 98.175
This is a huge score brewing for Kentucky after Kyland goes 9.900 on bars. Florida had some highlights there from Boren and Sloan on vault, but needed the landings to get any higher. Baker landing short on her 1.5 with a step back took away an important score. It was also actually scored normally, which is weird.
Michigan retakes the lead over Utah after Artz goes 9.975 on bars as well.
Jay - BB - Moving to the leadoff spot, good call - solid full turn - secure side aerial - kickover front to bhs, no wobbles but a little slow in combo - short back leg in switch - shush to hip circle - holds onto the stick on her 1.5 - landed short and did well to keep the stick.
Milliet - FX - front lay to rudi is clean, slide back - switch ring is excellent, split 1/2 is usually higher - nails her double pike, actually a smallish hop forward but it should have been nailed - 1.5 to layout - another iffy slide, but strong routine.
Florida has inverted Fassbender and McLaughlin in the floor lineup this week. Does this count as news? No?
Vaculik - BB - solid landings on dance elements - check on loso series but just a check - fluid on the walkover - large break on side somi with the leg flying up, saves it - "a slight wobble," says Kupets. That was not slight - side aerialo tfull with hop in place. They'll still want to drop, but that would be a luxury. She stayed on the beam. 9.750 is a gift for that error. I don't even understand.
A couple shortish landings for Fassbender and McLaughlin but nothing major.
Hlawek - FX -very strong secure landing on double arabian - "she just comes right down on top of herself," that makes it sound bad - good height on full to layout, split leap+split jump - good positions - sticks her double tuck dismount, leans to hold the stick - her best of the season?
Rogers - BB - hits switch half but has to lean after her beat jump - after a BEAT JUMP, Britt? - strong bhs 1/1 - wobble on loso series, leg up - has to drop out of her bhs 3/4 to stag - swings it down to cover it - step on 1.5 dismount - tight, tight, tight, but once again she stayed on.
Rott - FX - large bounce out of her DLO this week, shame, great position and height - good split and straddle 180s, elementsfully around - also travels quite a bit back on her half to stag out of the middle pass- small bounce on double pike.
Babalis - BB - walkoover to loso with another bend wobble at the hips - kickover front is solid - sticks front full - had that one big wobble but strong otherwise. They're still getting the 9.7s.
Kluz - FX - good height on tuck full - lunge back, kept her front foot down, but the lunge was still to big to be considered controlled - good straight shape on middle pass, also a bit too much sliding, though - better double tuck, good chest up.
Broussard - BB - solid on her loso series this time - long pause before side aerial but secure - sticks gainer full - much better. They got five hits. Sort of. They'll take it.
Sloan - FX - hops forward on her 1.5 to 2.5 this time - did she go OOB - good straddles - small bounce on double pike as well - better final pass, but still not Sloaning floor.
Demers - FX - bouncy slide out of her piked full in this time - front aly to front full, dances out of it, strong form on full twist - double pike finish - good form on tumbling and power, didn't have the control on the landings to get a huge score.
Caquatto - FX - hits her 2/1 to front tuck this time, a little short in tuck but pulls it around - fine double pike. 9.950?
Box - BB - great tuck jump full and loso series - high and secure - short on switch and straddle this time, not usually a problem for her - nails kickover - small hop on 1.5 - Georgia hit beam.
Georgia just got a 49.250 on beam. I can't even...
Did Sloan seriously not get hit for OOB? Looked like it to me...
Atkinson - FX - bounces back out of tuck full - front full to lay, no wolf jump this time, which is a shame because I love it - very secure double pike - solid rotation for Auburn.
Auburn 148.025, Georgia 147.725
Georgia got six hits. Next mission: make sure three of them aren't terrifying next time. Solid floor for Auburn, but landings we're there, at least enough to get those 9.9s for people who weren't Hlawek.
Florida 148.200, Kentucky 147.325
Looks like Sloan did get knocked for OOB but was going to get a 9.900, and got a 9.800 instead. Oh I see. It won't be the 198 Florida needed to go ahead of Oklahoma, but this will still be a useful road total.
Michigan desperately trying to get out from under a beam fall.
And now we have to pay attention to Oklahoma/Arizona too? TOO MUCH.
Wait, Hunter Price actually made the vault lineup? It's a senior night miracle!
Baker - BB - check on walkover, breaks connection into bhs with another check - checks on split jump into split 1/2 as well - better on aerial to full dismount, but she broke all those connections -
Good landing from Kmieciak on vault, small slide back -
Michigan counts a fall on beam. Again. Devastating.
If Utah hits beam, this could finally be the real 197 they've been needing.
Cerio _ BB -clean loso series - she is emerging as a real find on bars as beam, superior form - small bend on switch 1/2, does pause too much here - punch front lay full, step back.
Ernst falls on beam, which means Florida will be counting Baker's 9.575 from no connections. Breaking news.
Babalis - FX -slides back on whip double back - otherwise pretty solid, including a controlled double pike landing this week -
Scaman on 1.5 - a touch short with a step back.Basically the identical vault to Baker and the identical score.
Jackson - VT - larger bound forward on her 1.5 this time. Fine vaulting from Oklahome but did not get the landings this time. Too many bounds.
Krippner has bend in the hips on beam but otherwise solid - lunge forward on 1.5.
Fassbender - BB - this is a new situation after Florida has started Georgiaing on beam - solid loso series - that sheep jump is still a no, but secure - side aerial to full with a hop in place, a necessary restart for that lineup.
Rogers - FX - Damn, gigantic million-mile lunge forward on double arabian, almost has to put a hand down - very short crunching landing on double pike, lunge forward. She's having one of those bad senior nights you hear about.
Demers nails her beam so solidly - goes wild and crazy kids on her side aerial into her tuck full and basically dismounts sideways, but she sticks, so...yay?
Boren - BB - a couple checks on acro skills in here, sticks gainer full. They'll take it. 9.900. They're giving some make-up scores here.
Marino - FX -Very strong DLO, chest up and controls the landing - straight position on 1.5 to layout - a little squatty on her double tuck landing, but did stick. Surprised herself a little bit there.Just a casual 9.950.
Milliet - BB - real sheep jump - check on loso series, a couple tight moments and bends in here early - pulls around her walkover - sticks gainer full -
Box - FX - slides back on that double pike - better on 1.5 to layout, controlled landing, great position and height - a little crooked on popa out of switch side this time it appeared - secure double tuck. Another good one.
This isn't Georgia's last meet at home, really. Hosting regionals.
Sloan - BB - must-hit after some recent mistakes - great on walkover - and hits loso series this week - bends to pull out her dance series without a break or a wobble in between - perhaps a bit of a shuffle on 2/1? Camera angle let us down there. Sloan goes 10.000. We saw it coming with the make-up scores after the early mistakes.
Jay - FX -holds control on the full out, chest down but fine - 2/1 to layout is stuck, excellent - hafl to front full is controlled as well - cue all the team tears ever.
Florida goes 49.325 on beam while counting a 9.5. Mmmhmm.
Auburn 197.325, Georgia 197.275
Close meet, disappointing loss for Georgia on senior night, but an ESSENTIAL score for both.
Florida 197.525, Kentucky 196.575
Florida wins by a point but the score is more essential for Kentucky, as mid-196s are gold for teams ranking in that territory. Sloan got a weird 10. Scores weren't overly janky in that meet until the end of the lineups on the last two events. Helpful road number for Florida, though they're basically already fine for RQS.
Alabama/LSU to come shortly.
I walk away for two seconds an Oklahoma gets back-to-back 9.975s on bars?!?!?!
Just went back and caught them. Good routines but neither were 10s for me. Kmieciak had a borderline handstand and stuck her dismount staggered, and Wofford caught her jaeger close this time. For those who would appreciate some more railing about Oklahoma getting overscored like the SEC teams, there you go.
Looks like Utah is finally putting together a meet of four whole rotations at the same time.
Alabama LSU now! Oh hey Kathy!
Ewing - VT - fab height on that 1.5, just great - hops forward and a bit of leg loss on her block, but great legs in the air.
Guerra - UB - good toes and height on jaeger - loses her legs and form on bail, good strength to hold the skill - sticks DLO - strong except for the bail
Utah 197.525, Michigan 197.050. So basically that beam was the only difference.
Finnegan back on vault - but two steps back.
Jetter - UB - Zamstand held for 25 minutes - clean legs on bail coming out the the Ray, both clean - lost it on the double front, somehow didn't fall, but as well as - 2000 bunny hops back out of it - USE YOUR MIIIIIIINNNNND. Still gets 9.575, which I don't really understand, but whatever.
Savona - VT - brings back the 1.5 this week - still needs time with an uncontrolled landing, lunge forward, but she completes that vault easily.
Winston - UB -Nooooooo - falls on her brilliant Ray. Yuck. Counting the Jetter score now. sticks her DLO.
Hambrick - VT - "Now I've seen better vaults from Myia Hambrick" - thank you Kathy for everything. Missed it personally, so I'll take Kathy's word.
Brannan - UB -Judging delay. Judges deciding whether or not to give Winston a 10 anyway. I say yes. Strong ajeger - arches her handstand after - good broomstick body on the bail - sticks a DLO, some piking down, but solid.
Gnat - VT -no stick on the DTY this time - hop back - we'll see if the judges decide to see the crossed legs when she doesn't stick. I love that she has too much power for a DTY. Nope. 9.950.
I love the way Bart calls on Laura. Like she's about to get detention. LAURA! Stop that LAURA!
Bailey - UB - solid jaeger - a tight hs in there - very strong bail handstand, rest of the hs are totally vertical - two tiny steps back on full out. Not a good rotation for Alabama.
LSU 49.375, Alabama 48.825
Alabama devastated by having to count the mistake from Jetter, but also those who did did not hit their best routines, hops on landing, the arched handstand from Brannan, etc.
LSU will take that vault rotation but will not be happy with the landings. No one vaulted to potential there, so I suppose 49.375 when no one hits all that well is a positive. No sticks, so how much can you get? I thought the judges were a little blinded by difficulty in some of those scores.
Oklahoma is counting a 9.750 on beam. WHAT LIFE IS THIS?
I think my fantasy gym bars rotation has already suffered three falls. Fun story.
Charity Jones enduring her must-hit beam routine - some breaks but nothing major - sticks her 1.5 with a bend.
Armbrecht - VT - what just happened? Tucks her vault no twist, off the board, just bails on the vault for safety.
Savona - UB - Nice bail, good legs - full is a bit late - sticks DLO - the routine is bare-bones now, but they've taken out the biggest deduction traps. 9.900. Oh, senior night.
Guerrero - VT - It also looked for a second like she was tucking out of her vault, but it was just a knee bend on her 1.5 - hop forward.
Hambrick - UB - lovely Ray - good finish on full turn - vertical on bail - a tight hsd in there - hop forward and bend on dismount.
Capps - BB - strong loso series - gorgeous walkover to scale when so many make it look like such a struggle - sticks gainer full. Chayse Capps things.
Bressete - VT - lands short, chest way down, step -
Gnat - UB - Kathy is calling her bugs now - a bit late on her ful tuirn - some leg break on gienger but not major - perhaps a bit of angle on her bail - over-arches that DLO and loses her foot but a great stick. Little things everywhere, which is why she isn't normally in the lineup, but fine.
Brannan - VT - Pretty large lunge forward on her 1.5.
Wyrick - UB -good full turn finish - flat tkatchev - very precise bail - short final hs - great DLO and a basically-stick. LSU dominating so far. The homeishness is just bonus. 9.925. Homeishness.
Lovan just hit a beam exhitibtion! Please get back into the lineup.
Bailey - VT - One of her better fulls - also sticks and a bit low, takes an odd step to the sside to correct because she thought she was going to stick.
Finnegan - UB - Ray is too beautiful for words - solid bail - hitting hs vertically - sticks DLO. GET OUT you monster.
Beers - VT - lands lock-legged on her 1.5 (you can hear Daggett now...) - large step back.
Zamardi - UB - lovely pak - hits her khorkina - step forward on double arabian dismount, but another strong one. LSU bringing it today, Alabama not so much.
Interview with Duckworth. Very specific about this "learning opportunity" of a first two events.
LSU 98.850, Alabama 98.050
Alabama did not land those vaults and in some cases was fortunate to get out of them with 9.850s. LSU much more precise on bars, and then added with the senior night/home scores, and it turns into a big lead.
In other news, Shelby Edwards continues being my life on beam. Sticks punch front full.
Macadaeg - BB - WAIT, this is one of Kathy favorite BB routines!??!?! I would never have known - Good switch and switch 1/2, hitting position - lovely walkover - fluid and secure on loso series this time - sticks gainer full - one of her best this year if not best. awesome. 9.925. I endorse that score.
A Sims - FX - She's getting another shot this week - bounce back out of her double pike - "perfection on those leaps" damn right - 1.5 to layout, slightly whipped around - I like that she has two leap combos, get as much from the leaps as possible - solid double tuck - fine start but still just in the pack of contending routines.
Hambrick - BB - Strong L turn - hitch kick to side aerial - small check but covers it with a leg swing - and also on her straddle 1/4 - good loso series but she does lose her feet a little which is unexpected for someone with her form - small step on 2/1 - strong.
Guerra - FX - very secure double tuck, good decision to go with that pass, too easy for her, but she needs solid right now. 1.5 to layout to pike - layout was NOT cute, whipped around and loses her legs - a little short on double pike
Also, I could watch Lexi Mills on beam forever.
Oh it's Chayse Capps floor time - more in love with it by the say - she has a chest down on her opening pass, Kelly is psychoanalyzing her because she looks serious...OK...stronger on the rudi though.
Fall from Gauthier on beam, no chance on loso series -
Bailey - FX - sticks her double arabian, staggered landing but stuck - much better - strong switch ring - split half could be more splitty - lay to full middle pass - good form on rudi, keeps it laid out.
Bart is a little unclear on the "up to level" deduction.
Ewing - BB - large pause before her layout 2 ft series but very secure - solid on switch side - clean on loso in straddle 1/4 - one of her good ones so far - step forward on 1.5. -
Brannan - FX - flung out that double arabian what looked like horizontally but managed to stick it somehow, just staying in bounds, would not have been able to take a step there - good chest up on double pike, controls landing - 1.5 to layout is solid, a little whippy but well done. That could get her one of the open spots in this lineup -
Finnegan - BB - hits the triple wolf this time - does well not to wobble on loso series, good body tightening - does have a break on the switch 1/2, leg up - strong on side aomi - stuck dismount. LOOOOL 9.900 with a leg-up wobble. She is perfect in every way, so I'll give the judges that.
Kathy calls Sarah's triple wolf the Finnen-again-again. Is she a David Ives fan?
Beers - FX - DLO is good this time, chest up, just a step back but not uncontrolled - switch ring and split half look very nice this time - front lay to front full with a crossover step - perhaps a bit of a bounce out of her double back but solid.
Haley Scaman just NAILED a DLO - and the other two passes were equivalent. One of her good ones. Let's see how this scores on senior night because it was the 9.950 routine she has done so many times. 9.950. Fair. I honestly thought we would see a senior night score.
Gnat - BB -Strong walkover - tight on that switch split and then wobbles after - smallest check on loso series - awesome stick on 2/1.
C Sims - FX - not adding back the DLO, bounce back on double tuck - front full to front pike, loses her leg form in the front full and short on her dance elements. She's back but not back - will be interesting if her routine and scoring potential is deemed worth it form the postseason - low on double tuck with a lunge.
Oklahoma 197.775, Arizona 195.775. Oklahoma things. Recovered well from a meh vault.
LSU 148.300, Alabama 147.450
LSU won the meet in the first two rotations and didn't give it back on beam in spite of the error from Gauthier. Macadaeg was the highlight there but most hit quite well aside from Gauthier's fall. Finnegan had the leg up wobble and Gnat had some minor checks, but this is a competitive beam team. Now. Finally.
One event to go!
As was mentioned in the comments and is breaking on twitter DOCTOR Rene Lyst was put on administrative leave by ASU. No details other than that. Well, other than...cut to Risa Perez laughing her ass off.
Mary Lou and Kathy are just giggling up a storm. 1984 feels.
Brannan - BB - very solid loso series - strong switch and stag, no correction - are we finally ready to declare that after all these years Mack Brannan has figured out beam? - kickover to beat is strong as well - almost sticks her 1.5 but lunge-salutes.
Ewing - FX - solid front 2/1, controlled step - front full to layout is stuck - switch side and popa are hit and around - short landing on double pike with a step.
DD is rocking "Bond girl's mom chic" tonight, and I'm all about it.
Beers - BB - a bit tight on switch and split but secure - strong side somi - falls on loso series, off line and devastating - split to sheep, fine but not exceptional, she's not a dance element queen - great stick on 1.5.
NINA MCGEE has a 9.925 on the first two events so far. Denver close to 197 pace.
Hambrick - FX - shame about DLO, great form but slides back and then another step, just does stay in bounds - 2.5 to front tuck is better - her dance elements are superb, but another struggle on double pike, lunge back and a step.
McNeer - BB - lovely walkover to bhs serries, does well to continue moving to avoid wobbles - she is such a gem on beam - full turn is fluid qand precise - I think everyone feels for her because she was the only elite at Chow's post-Shawn and had all this pressure even though she was like..."I'm not going to the Olympics..." - strong loso series - bends to keep the stick on the 1.5, and then a step, but very solid on the beam.
Kelley - FX - Oh dear, they're making Squeaky Lou commentate on thswi one - I guess this wins the Mary Lou references competition since the whole thing is a Mary Lou reference - strong DLO, good position, small slide - punch lay to full with another small slide - just needs a touch more control but she's figuring it out - split is way short of 180, dance elmeents are an issue - great double tuck, chest up and good control. Or as Mary Lou said, "EEEEEEAIIIIIOOOOEEEIIIOOOAUUUEOOO."
A Sims - BB - great full turn - solid loso series - rushed her leaps a little this time, which is very uncharacteristic, the position was still OK, but just not Aja level - small hop forward on double back.
Savona - FX - 1.5 through to double tuck, a bit too much slide on the double tuck, but not extreme - also bounces on tuck full, still getting there - split half is meh, straddle full is strong - fab double pike, secure and chest up. 9.950. So this is happening. Is that a career high? Because she has been so much better than that. Clearly.
Bailey - BB - has a check on her L turn but does very well to cover it into an L 1.5 - falls on loso series, counting a fall now. This is a drop meet for Alabama, but not a great experience heading into SECs with no meet next week - another loss - step on 2/1.
Wyrick - FX - OK landing on tuck full, smallish slide - lay half to front lay to half - also bounces back, more extreme there - she could be a little more extended in those straddle elements - very secure double tuck, chest down but secure. Still a 9.900. Not scoring the routines tonight on floor, just the occasion.
Guerrero - BB - Already counting a fall, necessary hit - two loso series is great this time, no need for improv - hitting her leaps - small hop on 1.5. Good hit. For my fantasy team. But also Alabama.
Gnat - FX -strong DLO, position and controlled, she is perhaps the most consistent with that pass in NCAA - she and Scaman - 2.5 to front tuck is good, crossed legs in twist, but that pass i better this year, controlled - small bounce on double pike. She gets a 10. Well....no. It wasn''t. But the scores were leading up to it.
LSU 197.925, Alabama 196.125
Bart literally laughed as he tried to say "a respectable 196.125" because Alabama will throw this meet into the garbage immeditately and never think of it again. Is LSU the #3 contender for the title this year and not Alabama? This meet makes a good argument for that. Still, senior night.
Let's keep this thing going! Watch Oregon State now while following scores for Denver etc.
Love when a gymnast struggles through every leap and then pulls out a fab switch 1/2. What even was that? You go Jordan Penny.
Cal's live scores not updating (pull it together, Cal!) but a 48.950 trails Michigan State's opening 49.150.
Denver 48.875 on beam brings down the scoring pace but still in good shape to break 196 once again with floor still to come.
Utah State and BYU are also both going to break 196 tonight with one rotation left, both leading New Hampshire, who has to count a disastrous beam score. Surprising for a team that was ranked so well on beam at the beginning of the season. Beam is UNH's good one.
"Bobble." It just kills me every time. "Bobble." Who taught you words? You mean wobble.
Lindsay Mable fell on bars, a counting score for Minnesota, so life is over...
SCP is majoring in chemical engineering. Maybe that's why she transferred away from the SEC. Because she didn't want to major in resort management promotion? Oh, burnnnnnnnnn....
194.625 for Arizona State as they emerge from Rene.
It's amazing that Maddie Gardiner sticks that double tuck so often when she gets about one inch of amplitude on that skill. Pretty routine, pause on her stalder handstand, but otherwise...
Minnesota is able to score 196.175 in spite of counting a fall on bars, which is actually a pretty huge accomplishment that will not appear as such in the scores. Minnesota still has Mable/Nordquistbeam power, making them another regionals threat.
Mary Jacobsen just nailed bars. One short handstand but an excellent stick on her double front. Which is unusual.
Kaytianna McMillan has a one-second beam routine, but there's so little to take. Nailed that DLO. Clean through the jaeger. Toe point, Be mine.
49.325 for OSU on bars. Well now. Watch this.
Nina McGee. 10.000 on floor. Again. Denver finishes 196.725. Regionals are going to be gooooooood this year.
Enjoy the rest of the meets!
Week 8 rankings

All kinds of things will be happening right from minute one, so pull yourselves together like now. I'll be on SEC duty for the most part, but I'll keep an eye on all the scores and make the necessary comments for those of you focused on the Nastia. I'm like a public service. Don't worry, just everyone is competing tonight.
A whole host of senior nights happening tonight. If you're concerned about where Georgia is going to be next year without Rogers, Jay, and Box, you're everyone.
Looks like McMurtry is in on floor for a second-straight week for the Gators. No Baker on floor tonight, though. So we'll see how that goes.
In the one meet that's already underway, Bowling Green is...on 196 pace? Almost? Season high is a 195.425.
Johnson remains in on vault for Georgia, over Vaculik. It's a progression if she can get to vaulting like two years ago. Vaculik can stick, but she can also get 9.6s when she comes in short.
Melissa Lee is giving us the dictionary definition of parity. Or parody. Time will tell.
Broussard - VT - nearly sticks her full - hop forward good distance, chest up, maintains her shape.
Cerio - UB - gorgeous piked jaeger - clean bail as well - short on a hs, but sticks double tuck out of full - so very clean.
Baker - UB - strong Ray - clean handstand on bail and holds it - good amplitude - one iffy handstand - bigger hop forward on double front -
Johnson - VT - nearly sticks her full as well - small hop in place with a lean - good distance, just feet.
Boren - UB - tkatchev is fine/OK - good hip circle - small leg break on bail - toe point has imrpoved over JO - pikes down second salto of DLO a bit, small hop back -
Auburn gymnasts missing final handstand so far - Krippner lands leaned forward on tcuk full with a hop forward.
Marino - VT -hops forward on 1.5 - looks better in the knees - just a bit under rotated
BDG - UB - clean through shap and bail - good rhythym - small arch in hitting vertical on final hs - usual form on DLO, but great stick.
Kopec caught her jaeger VERY close, couldn't cast out of it, extra swing. sticks excellent DLO. Shame.
Snead - VT - lands a little forward on her full, somewhat awkward bend hop - great shape and distance as always, though -
Caquatto nails bails precisely again, until a step forward on the DLO. This is her best bars season of her career.
Kluz very clean on bars for Auburn - one handstand issue, excellent straddle back, another spectacular DLO.
Rogers - VT - NEARLY sticks her 1.5, just excellent - small small step with one foot, good direction.
Looks like Sloan found the stick on her DLO this week. Had been a problem the last couple meets.
Milliet has such great toe point and counter rotation on her Ray. Very high pak - hitting hand - toes pointed - legs just a bit apart on double back but sticks it - should be a BIG score.
McMurtry - UB -catches a little close on her piklled Ray - everything else normal - hop back on full twisting tuck dismount.
Jay - VT - STICKS 1.5 - she does bend to hold the stick and has MUCH better legs together on her block.
Atkinson - UB - a little angled on her bail this week, tight on a handstand in there - fine tkatchev - sticks excellent full in - looked tight early but got better as it went.
Georgia 49.400, Auburn 49.350
Scores are ready to go big when deserved, but a really important rotation for both teams. Both Jay and Rogers were best/near-best of the season. I'm fine with the 9.950 for Jay. She leaned to hold that stick so it wasn't a 10, but she definitely stuck and her leg form was improved.And Abby Milliet absolutely nailed that bars routine. It was gorgeous and hard to nitpick.
Florida 49.500, Kentucky 48.925
Sloan got her DLO back and got the 9.950. She, Caquatto, and BDG were very, very clean. I don't really get the McMurtry score (in breaking news...) because she caught her Ray pretty close and didn't stick her dismount, but a good hit rotation, good shape for early March, no major non-built-in issues to work out, just a few feet and some hits to find.
Utah and Michigan are trading 9.875s early. It Utah can get landings and stay ahead of Michigan early, as in during this rotation, it's essential.
9.975 for Breanna Hughes on bars. So, I guess they're sticking...
Michigan didn't get the score from Karas on vault and Utah is going sky-high on bars, so advantage Utah.
Caquatto - VT - the usual hop back, the usual vault. She has done that solid-distance yfull with a .100 hop back about 84 times in her career.
Mary Beth is the Serena of the Box family.
Garcia - VT - getting better on her full - pikes down, off to the side, hop back, but it's getting there.
Snead - UB - strong first hs - height is fine on tkatchev if not a lot of counter - small leg break on bail - handstands look great - perhaps the smallest slide on DLO, but good start.
Kluz - VT - sticks her full - a little low and has to pike down, but a strong stick to minimize deductions - she can get more power, though.
Johnson - UB - In on bars - would not have called that when she started - WHAT JUST HAPPENED???? She missed her hecht mount and did a front tuck between the bars. Not ideal. Tucked Shayla?
Sloan just stuck-nailed a full. Small step back in replay?
Krippner - VT - Good open on her full, solid distance - medium hop back.
Vaculik - UB - solif piked jaeger - a little piking on bail but good legs together - hitting hs - usual dismount legs but stuck. Her normal strong routine. Recovers from last week.
Demers - VT - YES YOU DID - no question about the stick on that full. I feel like I'm being bombarded by vault sticks today.
Boren just stuck a 1.5. Florida bringing it on vault so far.
Baker - VT - couldn't keep the sticks going - landed a touch short with a hop back on her 1.5 - so it won't be the same Boren 9.950, that's for sure.
Schick - UB - sticks her DLO this time. One of her best routines in a WHILE - she can be so clean, and this was one of them.
Rott - VT - Another stuck full. Damn Auburn is bringing it on vault tonight. She also stuck but has better distance and legs than Demers, just the tiniest lean on the stick, but should be a huge score.
Jay - UB - solid bail - misses the hs before her khork - .100 hop back on her DLO 1/1 this time, so not the big nailed routine she has shown a couple times lately, but won't be a troubling score.
Mcmurtry - VT -nearly sticks her full - hop in place -
Atkinson - VT - small step forward on her 1.5 - very strong - slight mushy knees but good distance and direction.
9.950 for Rott on her 1.5. So wow. No deductions?
Rogers - UB - glorious Ricna but catches way close on her pak - DMAN - has to swing out of it - hits shap 1/2 - hops back on DLO. Ugggggghhhhhhhhh
Auburn 98.725, Georgia 98.475
Well, Auburn just did that thing they've done once before this year where they nail the crap out of vault to take the lead. A few high scores there on vault, starting from the first with Garcia and then the 9.950 for Rott on a full (I would have supported 9.900). But big and important sticks there. Georgia's bars score was taken away by having to count that error pak from Rogers after the Johnson fall, which takes away the solid scores previously including a 9.925 for Schick. And now Georgia has to go to beam.
Florida 98.875, Kentucky 98.175
This is a huge score brewing for Kentucky after Kyland goes 9.900 on bars. Florida had some highlights there from Boren and Sloan on vault, but needed the landings to get any higher. Baker landing short on her 1.5 with a step back took away an important score. It was also actually scored normally, which is weird.
Michigan retakes the lead over Utah after Artz goes 9.975 on bars as well.
Jay - BB - Moving to the leadoff spot, good call - solid full turn - secure side aerial - kickover front to bhs, no wobbles but a little slow in combo - short back leg in switch - shush to hip circle - holds onto the stick on her 1.5 - landed short and did well to keep the stick.
Milliet - FX - front lay to rudi is clean, slide back - switch ring is excellent, split 1/2 is usually higher - nails her double pike, actually a smallish hop forward but it should have been nailed - 1.5 to layout - another iffy slide, but strong routine.
Florida has inverted Fassbender and McLaughlin in the floor lineup this week. Does this count as news? No?
Vaculik - BB - solid landings on dance elements - check on loso series but just a check - fluid on the walkover - large break on side somi with the leg flying up, saves it - "a slight wobble," says Kupets. That was not slight - side aerialo tfull with hop in place. They'll still want to drop, but that would be a luxury. She stayed on the beam. 9.750 is a gift for that error. I don't even understand.
A couple shortish landings for Fassbender and McLaughlin but nothing major.
Hlawek - FX -very strong secure landing on double arabian - "she just comes right down on top of herself," that makes it sound bad - good height on full to layout, split leap+split jump - good positions - sticks her double tuck dismount, leans to hold the stick - her best of the season?
Rogers - BB - hits switch half but has to lean after her beat jump - after a BEAT JUMP, Britt? - strong bhs 1/1 - wobble on loso series, leg up - has to drop out of her bhs 3/4 to stag - swings it down to cover it - step on 1.5 dismount - tight, tight, tight, but once again she stayed on.
Rott - FX - large bounce out of her DLO this week, shame, great position and height - good split and straddle 180s, elementsfully around - also travels quite a bit back on her half to stag out of the middle pass- small bounce on double pike.
Babalis - BB - walkoover to loso with another bend wobble at the hips - kickover front is solid - sticks front full - had that one big wobble but strong otherwise. They're still getting the 9.7s.
Kluz - FX - good height on tuck full - lunge back, kept her front foot down, but the lunge was still to big to be considered controlled - good straight shape on middle pass, also a bit too much sliding, though - better double tuck, good chest up.
Broussard - BB - solid on her loso series this time - long pause before side aerial but secure - sticks gainer full - much better. They got five hits. Sort of. They'll take it.
Sloan - FX - hops forward on her 1.5 to 2.5 this time - did she go OOB - good straddles - small bounce on double pike as well - better final pass, but still not Sloaning floor.
Demers - FX - bouncy slide out of her piked full in this time - front aly to front full, dances out of it, strong form on full twist - double pike finish - good form on tumbling and power, didn't have the control on the landings to get a huge score.
Caquatto - FX - hits her 2/1 to front tuck this time, a little short in tuck but pulls it around - fine double pike. 9.950?
Box - BB - great tuck jump full and loso series - high and secure - short on switch and straddle this time, not usually a problem for her - nails kickover - small hop on 1.5 - Georgia hit beam.
Georgia just got a 49.250 on beam. I can't even...
Did Sloan seriously not get hit for OOB? Looked like it to me...
Atkinson - FX - bounces back out of tuck full - front full to lay, no wolf jump this time, which is a shame because I love it - very secure double pike - solid rotation for Auburn.
Auburn 148.025, Georgia 147.725
Georgia got six hits. Next mission: make sure three of them aren't terrifying next time. Solid floor for Auburn, but landings we're there, at least enough to get those 9.9s for people who weren't Hlawek.
Florida 148.200, Kentucky 147.325
Looks like Sloan did get knocked for OOB but was going to get a 9.900, and got a 9.800 instead. Oh I see. It won't be the 198 Florida needed to go ahead of Oklahoma, but this will still be a useful road total.
Michigan desperately trying to get out from under a beam fall.
And now we have to pay attention to Oklahoma/Arizona too? TOO MUCH.
Wait, Hunter Price actually made the vault lineup? It's a senior night miracle!
Baker - BB - check on walkover, breaks connection into bhs with another check - checks on split jump into split 1/2 as well - better on aerial to full dismount, but she broke all those connections -
Good landing from Kmieciak on vault, small slide back -
Michigan counts a fall on beam. Again. Devastating.
If Utah hits beam, this could finally be the real 197 they've been needing.
Cerio _ BB -clean loso series - she is emerging as a real find on bars as beam, superior form - small bend on switch 1/2, does pause too much here - punch front lay full, step back.
Ernst falls on beam, which means Florida will be counting Baker's 9.575 from no connections. Breaking news.
Babalis - FX -slides back on whip double back - otherwise pretty solid, including a controlled double pike landing this week -
Scaman on 1.5 - a touch short with a step back.Basically the identical vault to Baker and the identical score.
Jackson - VT - larger bound forward on her 1.5 this time. Fine vaulting from Oklahome but did not get the landings this time. Too many bounds.
Krippner has bend in the hips on beam but otherwise solid - lunge forward on 1.5.
Fassbender - BB - this is a new situation after Florida has started Georgiaing on beam - solid loso series - that sheep jump is still a no, but secure - side aerial to full with a hop in place, a necessary restart for that lineup.
Rogers - FX - Damn, gigantic million-mile lunge forward on double arabian, almost has to put a hand down - very short crunching landing on double pike, lunge forward. She's having one of those bad senior nights you hear about.
Demers nails her beam so solidly - goes wild and crazy kids on her side aerial into her tuck full and basically dismounts sideways, but she sticks, so...yay?
Boren - BB - a couple checks on acro skills in here, sticks gainer full. They'll take it. 9.900. They're giving some make-up scores here.
Marino - FX -Very strong DLO, chest up and controls the landing - straight position on 1.5 to layout - a little squatty on her double tuck landing, but did stick. Surprised herself a little bit there.Just a casual 9.950.
Milliet - BB - real sheep jump - check on loso series, a couple tight moments and bends in here early - pulls around her walkover - sticks gainer full -
Box - FX - slides back on that double pike - better on 1.5 to layout, controlled landing, great position and height - a little crooked on popa out of switch side this time it appeared - secure double tuck. Another good one.
This isn't Georgia's last meet at home, really. Hosting regionals.
Sloan - BB - must-hit after some recent mistakes - great on walkover - and hits loso series this week - bends to pull out her dance series without a break or a wobble in between - perhaps a bit of a shuffle on 2/1? Camera angle let us down there. Sloan goes 10.000. We saw it coming with the make-up scores after the early mistakes.
Jay - FX -holds control on the full out, chest down but fine - 2/1 to layout is stuck, excellent - hafl to front full is controlled as well - cue all the team tears ever.
Florida goes 49.325 on beam while counting a 9.5. Mmmhmm.
Auburn 197.325, Georgia 197.275
Close meet, disappointing loss for Georgia on senior night, but an ESSENTIAL score for both.
Florida 197.525, Kentucky 196.575
Florida wins by a point but the score is more essential for Kentucky, as mid-196s are gold for teams ranking in that territory. Sloan got a weird 10. Scores weren't overly janky in that meet until the end of the lineups on the last two events. Helpful road number for Florida, though they're basically already fine for RQS.
Alabama/LSU to come shortly.
I walk away for two seconds an Oklahoma gets back-to-back 9.975s on bars?!?!?!
Just went back and caught them. Good routines but neither were 10s for me. Kmieciak had a borderline handstand and stuck her dismount staggered, and Wofford caught her jaeger close this time. For those who would appreciate some more railing about Oklahoma getting overscored like the SEC teams, there you go.
Looks like Utah is finally putting together a meet of four whole rotations at the same time.
Alabama LSU now! Oh hey Kathy!
Ewing - VT - fab height on that 1.5, just great - hops forward and a bit of leg loss on her block, but great legs in the air.
Guerra - UB - good toes and height on jaeger - loses her legs and form on bail, good strength to hold the skill - sticks DLO - strong except for the bail
Utah 197.525, Michigan 197.050. So basically that beam was the only difference.
Finnegan back on vault - but two steps back.
Jetter - UB - Zamstand held for 25 minutes - clean legs on bail coming out the the Ray, both clean - lost it on the double front, somehow didn't fall, but as well as - 2000 bunny hops back out of it - USE YOUR MIIIIIIINNNNND. Still gets 9.575, which I don't really understand, but whatever.
Savona - VT - brings back the 1.5 this week - still needs time with an uncontrolled landing, lunge forward, but she completes that vault easily.
Winston - UB -Nooooooo - falls on her brilliant Ray. Yuck. Counting the Jetter score now. sticks her DLO.
Hambrick - VT - "Now I've seen better vaults from Myia Hambrick" - thank you Kathy for everything. Missed it personally, so I'll take Kathy's word.
Brannan - UB -Judging delay. Judges deciding whether or not to give Winston a 10 anyway. I say yes. Strong ajeger - arches her handstand after - good broomstick body on the bail - sticks a DLO, some piking down, but solid.
Gnat - VT -no stick on the DTY this time - hop back - we'll see if the judges decide to see the crossed legs when she doesn't stick. I love that she has too much power for a DTY. Nope. 9.950.
I love the way Bart calls on Laura. Like she's about to get detention. LAURA! Stop that LAURA!
Bailey - UB - solid jaeger - a tight hs in there - very strong bail handstand, rest of the hs are totally vertical - two tiny steps back on full out. Not a good rotation for Alabama.
LSU 49.375, Alabama 48.825
Alabama devastated by having to count the mistake from Jetter, but also those who did did not hit their best routines, hops on landing, the arched handstand from Brannan, etc.
LSU will take that vault rotation but will not be happy with the landings. No one vaulted to potential there, so I suppose 49.375 when no one hits all that well is a positive. No sticks, so how much can you get? I thought the judges were a little blinded by difficulty in some of those scores.
Oklahoma is counting a 9.750 on beam. WHAT LIFE IS THIS?
I think my fantasy gym bars rotation has already suffered three falls. Fun story.
Charity Jones enduring her must-hit beam routine - some breaks but nothing major - sticks her 1.5 with a bend.
Armbrecht - VT - what just happened? Tucks her vault no twist, off the board, just bails on the vault for safety.
Savona - UB - Nice bail, good legs - full is a bit late - sticks DLO - the routine is bare-bones now, but they've taken out the biggest deduction traps. 9.900. Oh, senior night.
Guerrero - VT - It also looked for a second like she was tucking out of her vault, but it was just a knee bend on her 1.5 - hop forward.
Hambrick - UB - lovely Ray - good finish on full turn - vertical on bail - a tight hsd in there - hop forward and bend on dismount.
Capps - BB - strong loso series - gorgeous walkover to scale when so many make it look like such a struggle - sticks gainer full. Chayse Capps things.
Bressete - VT - lands short, chest way down, step -
Gnat - UB - Kathy is calling her bugs now - a bit late on her ful tuirn - some leg break on gienger but not major - perhaps a bit of angle on her bail - over-arches that DLO and loses her foot but a great stick. Little things everywhere, which is why she isn't normally in the lineup, but fine.
Brannan - VT - Pretty large lunge forward on her 1.5.
Wyrick - UB -good full turn finish - flat tkatchev - very precise bail - short final hs - great DLO and a basically-stick. LSU dominating so far. The homeishness is just bonus. 9.925. Homeishness.
Lovan just hit a beam exhitibtion! Please get back into the lineup.
Bailey - VT - One of her better fulls - also sticks and a bit low, takes an odd step to the sside to correct because she thought she was going to stick.
Finnegan - UB - Ray is too beautiful for words - solid bail - hitting hs vertically - sticks DLO. GET OUT you monster.
Beers - VT - lands lock-legged on her 1.5 (you can hear Daggett now...) - large step back.
Zamardi - UB - lovely pak - hits her khorkina - step forward on double arabian dismount, but another strong one. LSU bringing it today, Alabama not so much.
Interview with Duckworth. Very specific about this "learning opportunity" of a first two events.
LSU 98.850, Alabama 98.050
Alabama did not land those vaults and in some cases was fortunate to get out of them with 9.850s. LSU much more precise on bars, and then added with the senior night/home scores, and it turns into a big lead.
In other news, Shelby Edwards continues being my life on beam. Sticks punch front full.
Macadaeg - BB - WAIT, this is one of Kathy favorite BB routines!??!?! I would never have known - Good switch and switch 1/2, hitting position - lovely walkover - fluid and secure on loso series this time - sticks gainer full - one of her best this year if not best. awesome. 9.925. I endorse that score.
A Sims - FX - She's getting another shot this week - bounce back out of her double pike - "perfection on those leaps" damn right - 1.5 to layout, slightly whipped around - I like that she has two leap combos, get as much from the leaps as possible - solid double tuck - fine start but still just in the pack of contending routines.
Hambrick - BB - Strong L turn - hitch kick to side aerial - small check but covers it with a leg swing - and also on her straddle 1/4 - good loso series but she does lose her feet a little which is unexpected for someone with her form - small step on 2/1 - strong.
Guerra - FX - very secure double tuck, good decision to go with that pass, too easy for her, but she needs solid right now. 1.5 to layout to pike - layout was NOT cute, whipped around and loses her legs - a little short on double pike
Also, I could watch Lexi Mills on beam forever.
Oh it's Chayse Capps floor time - more in love with it by the say - she has a chest down on her opening pass, Kelly is psychoanalyzing her because she looks serious...OK...stronger on the rudi though.
Fall from Gauthier on beam, no chance on loso series -
Bailey - FX - sticks her double arabian, staggered landing but stuck - much better - strong switch ring - split half could be more splitty - lay to full middle pass - good form on rudi, keeps it laid out.
Bart is a little unclear on the "up to level" deduction.
Ewing - BB - large pause before her layout 2 ft series but very secure - solid on switch side - clean on loso in straddle 1/4 - one of her good ones so far - step forward on 1.5. -
Brannan - FX - flung out that double arabian what looked like horizontally but managed to stick it somehow, just staying in bounds, would not have been able to take a step there - good chest up on double pike, controls landing - 1.5 to layout is solid, a little whippy but well done. That could get her one of the open spots in this lineup -
Finnegan - BB - hits the triple wolf this time - does well not to wobble on loso series, good body tightening - does have a break on the switch 1/2, leg up - strong on side aomi - stuck dismount. LOOOOL 9.900 with a leg-up wobble. She is perfect in every way, so I'll give the judges that.
Kathy calls Sarah's triple wolf the Finnen-again-again. Is she a David Ives fan?
Beers - FX - DLO is good this time, chest up, just a step back but not uncontrolled - switch ring and split half look very nice this time - front lay to front full with a crossover step - perhaps a bit of a bounce out of her double back but solid.
Haley Scaman just NAILED a DLO - and the other two passes were equivalent. One of her good ones. Let's see how this scores on senior night because it was the 9.950 routine she has done so many times. 9.950. Fair. I honestly thought we would see a senior night score.
Gnat - BB -Strong walkover - tight on that switch split and then wobbles after - smallest check on loso series - awesome stick on 2/1.
C Sims - FX - not adding back the DLO, bounce back on double tuck - front full to front pike, loses her leg form in the front full and short on her dance elements. She's back but not back - will be interesting if her routine and scoring potential is deemed worth it form the postseason - low on double tuck with a lunge.
Oklahoma 197.775, Arizona 195.775. Oklahoma things. Recovered well from a meh vault.
LSU 148.300, Alabama 147.450
LSU won the meet in the first two rotations and didn't give it back on beam in spite of the error from Gauthier. Macadaeg was the highlight there but most hit quite well aside from Gauthier's fall. Finnegan had the leg up wobble and Gnat had some minor checks, but this is a competitive beam team. Now. Finally.
One event to go!
As was mentioned in the comments and is breaking on twitter DOCTOR Rene Lyst was put on administrative leave by ASU. No details other than that. Well, other than...cut to Risa Perez laughing her ass off.
Mary Lou and Kathy are just giggling up a storm. 1984 feels.
Brannan - BB - very solid loso series - strong switch and stag, no correction - are we finally ready to declare that after all these years Mack Brannan has figured out beam? - kickover to beat is strong as well - almost sticks her 1.5 but lunge-salutes.
Ewing - FX - solid front 2/1, controlled step - front full to layout is stuck - switch side and popa are hit and around - short landing on double pike with a step.
DD is rocking "Bond girl's mom chic" tonight, and I'm all about it.
Beers - BB - a bit tight on switch and split but secure - strong side somi - falls on loso series, off line and devastating - split to sheep, fine but not exceptional, she's not a dance element queen - great stick on 1.5.
NINA MCGEE has a 9.925 on the first two events so far. Denver close to 197 pace.
Hambrick - FX - shame about DLO, great form but slides back and then another step, just does stay in bounds - 2.5 to front tuck is better - her dance elements are superb, but another struggle on double pike, lunge back and a step.
McNeer - BB - lovely walkover to bhs serries, does well to continue moving to avoid wobbles - she is such a gem on beam - full turn is fluid qand precise - I think everyone feels for her because she was the only elite at Chow's post-Shawn and had all this pressure even though she was like..."I'm not going to the Olympics..." - strong loso series - bends to keep the stick on the 1.5, and then a step, but very solid on the beam.
Kelley - FX - Oh dear, they're making Squeaky Lou commentate on thswi one - I guess this wins the Mary Lou references competition since the whole thing is a Mary Lou reference - strong DLO, good position, small slide - punch lay to full with another small slide - just needs a touch more control but she's figuring it out - split is way short of 180, dance elmeents are an issue - great double tuck, chest up and good control. Or as Mary Lou said, "EEEEEEAIIIIIOOOOEEEIIIOOOAUUUEOOO."
A Sims - BB - great full turn - solid loso series - rushed her leaps a little this time, which is very uncharacteristic, the position was still OK, but just not Aja level - small hop forward on double back.
Savona - FX - 1.5 through to double tuck, a bit too much slide on the double tuck, but not extreme - also bounces on tuck full, still getting there - split half is meh, straddle full is strong - fab double pike, secure and chest up. 9.950. So this is happening. Is that a career high? Because she has been so much better than that. Clearly.
Bailey - BB - has a check on her L turn but does very well to cover it into an L 1.5 - falls on loso series, counting a fall now. This is a drop meet for Alabama, but not a great experience heading into SECs with no meet next week - another loss - step on 2/1.
Wyrick - FX - OK landing on tuck full, smallish slide - lay half to front lay to half - also bounces back, more extreme there - she could be a little more extended in those straddle elements - very secure double tuck, chest down but secure. Still a 9.900. Not scoring the routines tonight on floor, just the occasion.
Guerrero - BB - Already counting a fall, necessary hit - two loso series is great this time, no need for improv - hitting her leaps - small hop on 1.5. Good hit. For my fantasy team. But also Alabama.
Gnat - FX -strong DLO, position and controlled, she is perhaps the most consistent with that pass in NCAA - she and Scaman - 2.5 to front tuck is good, crossed legs in twist, but that pass i better this year, controlled - small bounce on double pike. She gets a 10. Well....no. It wasn''t. But the scores were leading up to it.
LSU 197.925, Alabama 196.125
Bart literally laughed as he tried to say "a respectable 196.125" because Alabama will throw this meet into the garbage immeditately and never think of it again. Is LSU the #3 contender for the title this year and not Alabama? This meet makes a good argument for that. Still, senior night.
Let's keep this thing going! Watch Oregon State now while following scores for Denver etc.
Love when a gymnast struggles through every leap and then pulls out a fab switch 1/2. What even was that? You go Jordan Penny.
Cal's live scores not updating (pull it together, Cal!) but a 48.950 trails Michigan State's opening 49.150.
Denver 48.875 on beam brings down the scoring pace but still in good shape to break 196 once again with floor still to come.
Utah State and BYU are also both going to break 196 tonight with one rotation left, both leading New Hampshire, who has to count a disastrous beam score. Surprising for a team that was ranked so well on beam at the beginning of the season. Beam is UNH's good one.
"Bobble." It just kills me every time. "Bobble." Who taught you words? You mean wobble.
Lindsay Mable fell on bars, a counting score for Minnesota, so life is over...
SCP is majoring in chemical engineering. Maybe that's why she transferred away from the SEC. Because she didn't want to major in resort management promotion? Oh, burnnnnnnnnn....
194.625 for Arizona State as they emerge from Rene.
It's amazing that Maddie Gardiner sticks that double tuck so often when she gets about one inch of amplitude on that skill. Pretty routine, pause on her stalder handstand, but otherwise...
Minnesota is able to score 196.175 in spite of counting a fall on bars, which is actually a pretty huge accomplishment that will not appear as such in the scores. Minnesota still has Mable/Nordquistbeam power, making them another regionals threat.
Mary Jacobsen just nailed bars. One short handstand but an excellent stick on her double front. Which is unusual.
Kaytianna McMillan has a one-second beam routine, but there's so little to take. Nailed that DLO. Clean through the jaeger. Toe point, Be mine.
49.325 for OSU on bars. Well now. Watch this.
Nina McGee. 10.000 on floor. Again. Denver finishes 196.725. Regionals are going to be gooooooood this year.
Enjoy the rest of the meets!
Bowling Green is counting a fall on BB. No 196 for them this week.
ReplyDeleteLauren Johnson is a great addition to the UGA vault rotation. That 9.850 is higher than Vaculik has scored all season and Johnson didn't even stick tonight
ReplyDeleteJudges saw Sloans foot slide too. 9.9
ReplyDelete9.85 for Demers on vault? Blasphemy. How dare they
ReplyDeleteI love McMurtry's triple twist on floor.
ReplyDeleteAnd Sloan is OOB...again.
ReplyDeleteBridgey brought back the front tuck. No more weird middle pass. Best floor this year for her.
ReplyDeleteSloan got 9.9 from both judges but it shows as 9.8 on live score so looks like she did get the OOB.
ReplyDeleteFlorida now counting Baker's score.
ReplyDeleteOuch. Florida is counting a 9.5 on beam. Ernst fell.
ReplyDeleteSloan is back on beam. Nails it. GETS A 10!
ReplyDeleteSloan got a 10 on beam.
ReplyDeleteCan we all just take a moment to appreciate that Brandie Jay has now won the AA in every meet she's competed AA this year? To beat the gymnasts from BAMA, LSU, Florida, OU, and Auburn is pretty amazing. She'll likely get overlooked for SEC gymnast of the year for Sloan, Hambrick, or Gnat, but my vote (if I had one) would be for Jay. She's been rock solid (more so than Sloan) this year and she doesn't always have the high scores setting her up before she competes.
ReplyDeleteI think Jay is the frontrunner to replace Unick as UGA Team Manager next season. Box would be a close second, but I'm not sure about her future plans or if she's even graduating in May. Jay is graduating and is headed UGA grad school in the fall, so I see her being pretty much a lock for being involved next year. Not sure about Rogers, but I'd assume both she and Unick will need to return to Canada.
DeleteI think Jay would be excellent as a manager or assistant. She seems to be a positive motivating person and it appears the other athletes respect her.
DeleteI'm not a UGA fan, but I've seen enough of their to meets to really appreciate Jay and what she means for that team. She doesn't get the accolades that so many other gymnasts get and I hope she can finish out her senior year with more AA wins (and maybe an SEC AA title).
Heart breaking for Michigan. And tough to watch.
ReplyDeleteI understand where you are coming from Markey, but sometimes this is the type of loss a team needs to kick it into gear for post-season.
DeleteThanks, Anon! And I definitely hope so. Unfortunately, they've had a few tough meets with respect to beam, so I worry that the failure to overcome may undermine their confidence. I hope they fight back hard, though!
DeleteWhoa. Did you all just see that news about Rene Lyst that ASU just snuck out?
ReplyDeleteIndefinite leave for an HR/Personnel matter?!?!? Yikes. Sounds like a potential harassment/abuse issue. ASU has not had a good year, but I doubt the Administration would suspend her so close to the end of the year absent some other larger concern. The athletes at ASU can't seem to remain healthy and there have been rumors about her "coaching style" for a long time. Seems like the administration finally received enough complaints to take action.
DeleteIf ASU can hire a new upcoming coach like Arizona did with Tabitha Yim, they could vastly improve. I would be looking at young former gymnasts looking to make their break -- Elise Ray and Kristen Maloney come to mind.
Elise would make a great head coach but I love having her at Washington and I don't want her to ever leave ever :P
DeleteElise would make a great head coach but I love having her at Washington and I don't want her to ever leave ever :P
DeleteJudges seem to be judging Alabama by a different standard than LSU. They were handing out 9.9s like candy to LSU on beam