Friday, March 11
7:00 ET/4:00 PT – Pittsburgh @ West Virginia - SCORES - Stream
7:00 ET/4:00 PT – Missouri @ Western Michigan- SCORES - ESPN3
7:00 ET/4:00 PT – Missouri @ Western Michigan- SCORES - ESPN3
8:00 ET/5:00 PT – Utah State @ Arkansas - SCORES
11:00 ET/8:00 PT – Air Force @ Alaska - SCORES
Week 9 rankings

Welp, the final weekend of the regular season means a whole heap of senior nights/days, which in turn means a whole heap of 10s. Let's all admit that 90% of the reason we're watching Florida/North Carolina is to see how crazy the scores are and whether Bridgey gets a 10 on floor.
While thinking about 10s, I just spruced up the Hall of 10s a little bit, adding videos for this season's 10s (thanks NastiaFan101!), making sure all the home/away/location designations were there, and adding a couple more years through the diligent work of my garbage brain and scouring RTN. If you notice omissions, of which there are definitely plenty, please let me know. Ideally, I'll keep going back and adding more years. Probably until 2004, because it would take a whole year just to write up all the 2004 10s.
In 2011 there were only two 10s all season. Ah, simpler times. My preferred rate of 10s is probably closer to 2010, during which ten 10s were given out. (How fitting!) I've softened a little bit on that. I used to like to see fewer, only two or three. In the 20s is still too many for me. It's not special enough. Although, some of those 2010 10s were still super crazy. Remember that Georgia/UCLA meet when EHH wobbled on beam choreography and still got a 10? Everyone was SHOCKED AND APPALLED that scores went into the high 197s in that meet. I mean, a 197.900? It just ISN'T DONE. TOO HIGH. I NEVER.
So far this year, we've seen 15 of them given out, which is a slower pace than in 2014 and 2015 (27 and 26, respectively). This can be accounted for entirely through the change in the vault values. If you take vault away, we've seen 11 so far in 2016 on the other three events, compared to 12 all of last season. So it's safe to say we're on a faster pace of 10s this year on bars/beam/floor, but we're well off the pace on vault now that yfulls can't get them. As expected.
Between Kupets in February 2009 and Hall in February 2013, we saw ZERO floor 10s. This season is interesting in that it's the first year I can remember in which floor is the easiest event to get a 10 on. That's new, even compared to the similarly loose scoring of 2014 and 2015.
Fun fact: Courtney Kupets did not receive a 10 on her senior night. But then, she did get two in Super Six en route to that 39.900.
Segue back to senior night! Elegant! Tonight is really the official Bridget Sloan bowing and scraping appreciation celebration. We all have to share our best Bridget Sloan memories. My favorite thing about Bridget Sloan is that Martha pronounces her name Brie Jet Slern.
Oooh, we're breaking out the A Team judges at the Florida meet tonight... #allbrevetallthetime
Of course, it will also be important to play Who's Already Crying?: The Home Game.
We see you, Marissa King. Her Tsuk should get a 10 tonight. Just retroactively.
This is also the night you learn what Morgan Frazier looks like.
Overly emotive sign language is my favorite type of sign language.
Caquatto and Fassbender flip-flopping in the vault lineup.
Fassbender - VT - solid landing, small shuffle, a bit of piking in the air and not the dynamics the final ones will have. One of her best landings this year. 9.850.
Pheil - UB - hits her leg on the tkatchev and just manages to catch - crazy legs on bail handstand - lunge forward out of double tuck.
Caquatto - VT - her usual medium hop back on the full - better distance than Fassbender. 9.800. A night of judging the landings.
UNC's season-best on bars is a 48.250?
Nettles - UNC - good first hs - leg breaks on overshoot out of jaeger, but solid enough on the jaeger - some better form that the first one, large hop back on DLO but more competitive.
Kentucky's Hyland just did an OK full with a large lunge back.
Sloan - VT - sticks her full. Auto 9.950? Ooooh, 9.925.I was going to say Carole Ide was keeping things in check, but she went cray-cray later in the lineup.
Kentucky getting stuck with 9.7s for the first few vaults - Rosa a more solid full, small step and strong distance, keeps her form.
Boren - VT -large bound out of her 1.5 this time, not her strongest landing this time. "Just that one step might keep her out of the 10 spot." Oh just that one step? You mean that triple jump?
Mackie - UNC - going up after fall - just does catch her khorkina but works out of it - a touch more precise in the hs than the earlier ones, sticks a double tuck. Good one.
Baker - VT - Very strong 1.5 - she ups the dynamics from Boren, who already has strong dynamics, hop forward, but a normal-sized hop. Not the landings today other than Sloan.
Lane - UB - good finish position on full turn - keeps her line throughout - nice bail hs - this is competitive routine - leg break on DLO and a small shuffle. 9.800.
Stuart - Kentucky - VT - fine full - a little piking and a step back.
McMurtry - VT -her usual excellent full - form throughout - hops to the side. BAHAHAHA. 9.925. Meaning one judge went 9.950, for a definitely-not-stuck full. This is why, Florida. When you ask, this is why.
Hedelund - UB - solid shap - leg break on the bail but kept them pretty well on the shap - tuck full dismount with a small hop forward - most difficulty on the team, but Lane was cleaner.
Florida 49.425, UNC 48.450
A fine rotation from Florida, but I would have liked to see stronger landings at this point in the season. Sloan stuck, but still a lot of big hops. That will be a question when comparing these vaults to LSU and Alabama next weekend. They'll need to hone those sticks a little more.
Iowa State up on Kentucky early - 48.875 to 48.825.
Missouri opens 48.950 on bars.
Weisel - VT - I love that we didn't even get to see it. They're just like "Psssh, other team."
Coca - UB - Kentucky - nice extenssion on jaeger - clean bail - hitting hs pretty well - step back on tuck full. Solid opening.
Baker - UB - Strong Ray as always - small leg issue on bail it appeared - hop back on double front, but not one of her bigger ones - a couple moments less precise than her best, but more than acceptable as an opening. 9.875.
Pheil - VT - just a y layout - step back. Two ylayouts in this lineup won't help.
Stuart - UB - Kentucky - a bit slat on tkatchev but hit - clean bail as well, good vertical position - arches a handstands in there - sticks dismount.
Boren - UB - lowest tkatchev of the group but not a problem, loses her legs on the bail - pikes down the second salto on the DLO and a small hop forward. 9.875.
First full for UNC comes from Cappalli - secure landing - chest down and not a large vault.
BDG - UB - great legs together through shap and bail - arches that final hs which will take away the senior night 10 - sticks her DLO, basically - usual legs apart.
Lane - VT - love that she shows a y 1/1 on, back pikeish -
Caquatto - UB -minorly minorly close catch that Ray this time - could see more a leg break in that bail from the side angle - fantastic handstands - sticks DLO. 9.925. But really, it was just a precursor for the Sloan.
Sloan - UB - Sloan Ray - same as a million years - bail looked cleaner than sometimes, no leg break this occasion - sticks DLO. Hmmm...I wonder what the score will be... 9.975. Legitimately surprised.
Couldn't see who it was when Sloan was going, but someone from Kentucky had to stop bars with a shoulder injury.
McMurtry - UB - that Ray - still a big piked - quite clean on the bail - hitting hs - these giants... - sticks tuck full. And she gets a 10.000. Bridget Sloan is like, "DA FUQ?" Sloan's routine is clearly stronger.
Kentucky shoulder injury was to Rechenmacher.
After 2: Florida 99.075, UNC 96.725
UNC has just three competitive vaults, which means the score is never going to be there. Florida goes huge on bars. A good rotation, very clean work from the final three. BDG had a handstand issue, and the first two had a couple breaks and didn't get their landings. Surprised on the scores just because it's senior night, but the judges made the classic error of judging the rotation order rather than the routines. They were not ranked correctly. The ranking should have been Sloan, Caquatto, McMurtry. Or even Caquatto, Sloan, McMurtry. Not because of any senior night things, just because of the reality of those routines.
Kentucky still went 49.150 on bars and was able to drop Rechenmacher.
Baker - BB -fine wolf turn for wolf turn things - slow in connection on walkover to bhs but fine, perhaps a lean on that bhs - commentators discussing how solid Florida has been on beam this year. Haven't gone six for six in forever, though - leans back on side aerial to full with an almost-stick slide-salute. split 1/2 was still a bit short, but normal good things overall.
Weisel - FX - fine punch rudi, doesn't stagger too much - 1.5 to front pike, not a lot of amplitude on these passes but keeps her twisting form, some from bigger programs could learn - leaps were a bit ragged - 1.5 to layout, loose back in the layout.
McLaughlin - BB - good walkover to bhs - clean, fluid - Ernst is out with a shoulder injury - rooouugh switch split, which is kind of weird coming from her? - also, commentator called her Peynis Ernst. Check on side aerial - sticks gainer full.
Peynis Ernst.
Nettles - FX - stumbles a million miles OOB out of double tuck, and all scores will have to count - switch side was fine, short of 180 on popa - whip to 2/1 with some ragged legs - couldn't afford that OOB run.
Fassbender - BB - she really likes this event. Apparently. Thanks. Fluid on the walkover - secure loso series as well - tight on full turn but not a wobble - sissone is a problem element for her - large wobble, bend at the hips on the "sheep" jump. sticks full twist dismount. 9.750.
Cappalli - FX -sticks double pike opening pass, low chest - front lay front full with a slide forward - 1.5 to layout, arched.
Boren - BB - hits her kickover front - more secure on her loso series this time, small lean - a bit tight on switch, fine straddle connected out of it - arm wave to avoid wobble on gainer loso - hopes legs together on gainer full. Good one, though.
Pheil - FX - well hey now stuck double arabian - there you go! - 1.5 to layout, also a bit arched but secure. not ideally extended on switch side and popa - front lay front full with a slide. That will be a usable score.
McMurtry - BB - "Mrs. 10 Herself." Stabs. bends on kickover front, no wobble - sloppy legs on loso series but secure landing - good switch and actually maintain pretty good rhythm through her hip circle - sticks 2/1. 9.925. They're switching the Sloan and MCMurtry score assignments in this rotation.
Lane - FX - most secure tumbling on the group - tight on her straddles, which will take the score down, but good double back and a pretty loso - low on her rudi landing but connects out of it into a stag which covers up any step she might have needed.
Sloan - BB - If Sloan doesn't win the AA tonight, she'll break you...
solid walkover to beat jump - great amplitude on her loso but steps back out of it with a check - GIRL! - strong switch and split - she has not been Sloaning very regularly this season, but she also has two 10s, so... - steps back on 2/1. 9.825.
"Just barely moved her foot so that's up to the judge." No. Not really. It's a step. It's up to the rules.
Cheney in a couple exhibitions tonight. Check on three series into loso - dance element choice has been an issue this year - short on her straddle 1/2 - falls on kickover front -
After 3: Florida 148.325, UNC 145.075.
Florida goes 49.250 on beam for a hit-but-wobbly rotation. A couple more significant element errors in there from Fassbender and Sloan brought their scores down. Still high but not ideal beam from Florida. Too much tight work.
Kentucky just went 49.000 on beam. Both Kentucky and Missouri are looking at something around a 196.000.
Auburn and Arizona State soon to get underway. And by that I mean it already started. What wonderful service you have here. Krippner sticks her full very well, some mushy knees in there, but great direction and control.
Already a scoring delay for ASU's first bars routine. Oh, Arizona State.
No McMurtry on floor. Can't beat Sloan in the AA.
Cappalli - BB - large pause before opening series - step back and check on it - split + straddle 1/4 - side aerial with a larger bend to stay on the beam. 1.5 stick.
This ASU judging delay is still happening. It's Rene. You know it is.
Fassbender - FX - 2.5 to front tuck, pulls around - strong double pike, secure landing - short on switch ring front leg - 1.5 to front pike, pulls out the pike, looked like she would come in shorter.
Pheil - BB - cat leap to switch side - crooked with a lower back leg - secure loso series, could use more extension - punch full dismount, hop forward.
McLaughlin - FX - sticks lay to front full first pass - split and wolf positions are OK, not great but not devastating - secure landing on 1.5 to front pike as well - slides/steps back on her rudi, a little more ragged than usual.
Step back from Demers on her full this time. Usually sticks.
Mackie - BB - check on her three series to loso - step back on gainer pike - these routines have the loooongest pauses.
Boren - FX - secure landing on full in - good some more amplitude on her leaps this time - first split position looked better - hits 1.5 to layout and sticks the double back - some of her best landing control.
Atkinson - VT - 1.5 - pretty large step forward this time.
"A great-for-North-Carolina score." LOOOOOL.
Nettles - BB - has a step on loso series followed by a wobble on the side aerial - fine full turn - bend at the hips on her switch side - sticks a strong gainer pike.
Sloan - FX - "Next on the floor, it's 10...I mean, Bridget Sloan!"1.5 to 2.5 is strong - good control on landing, with her usual college dramatic present - also secure on the double pike - her first split was just OK in her leap series, but this is one of her strong ones - final pass - 1.5 to layout with a hop forward. They're really going to have to work to ignore that hop forward. But they can manage. A 10. Basically she could have just vamped... Oh Sloan - time for the feels...
She should just do a victory lap for the rest of time.
Hedelund - BB - bend on loso series with leg up wobble - bends at the hip on her R-turn - step back on 1.5.
Baker - FX - nails Dos Santos this time, you go - very secure landing on the double pike as well - she's ready for her double-down 10 - good extension on the leaps as well, gets her split full around as well - 1.5 to half to straddle. Excellent routine. Better landing control than Sloan, but 9.950 because they would feel weird about giving out three straight 10s...
Sorry, UNC, I was too busy snarky tweeting and missed your last beam routine. Well, it was a 9.950 for Morgan Lane, so everyone is feeling the good tonight!
Caquatto - FX -hits her 2.5 to front tuck this time - she has worked out that pass the last couple weeks - you know, so that she has a combo pass... - rudi directly into split jump - hits switch side to popa, it's fine but it's usually the highlight of the routine, not quite as high this time - a bit of a slide back on her double pike? 9.950. You all know you thought they were going to do it...
Only on a Florida senior night do you see a 9.950 and think, "Oh, they kept it together..."
Final: Florida 198.050, UNC 193.725
Taylor Allex just hit a strong 1.5 - small hop forward and a bit off to the side
Milliet's pak makes it all better - good finish on full turn - sticks double tuck - should be a big one.
Atkinson - UB - solid toe on - legs together on bail, hits handstand - not much counter on her tkatchev - sticks tuck full - great routine. 9.925. We have to adjust from the Florida scores to the Auburn scores.
Auburn is at 98.475 after 2. ASU sitting on 96.775. DO I HEAR A 193?!?!?!
Missouri finishes 195.800 to Western Michigan's 195.525
Kentucky is going to break 196 comfortably - 196.275, and Iowa State finishes 194.825. Should be a bit of an RQS boost to get to a more comfortable spot but will depend on what others manage.
Arizona is over 49 in each of the first two rotations. A much-needed development. Vault has been a struggle, so 49.175 is magical.
Arkansas at 98.225 after 2. A 49.200 on bars.
West Virginia - 195.925, Pitt 193.775
Rotation 3:
Hlawek - BB - rushes through her full turn - layoutish to 2 ft very secure - switch and split are hit - kickover front to beat jump is also secure, very strong opening - larger pace forward on 1.5.
Callis - FX - 2.5 with a larger step forward, significant Aliya legs in that pass as well - switch ring and split 1/2 are short - crazy tucking in 1.5 to front layout, arched.
Cerio - BB - hits switch side - leans on loso series, smallish correction, same on full turn - tiny leans - switch 1/2 secure - punch front full with a step.
Belkoff - FX - solid double pike, good legs together, secure landing, chest mostly up - front 2/1, twisting form is solid - shorter on her switch side and popa - 1.5 to layout, arched around but this should be a worthy score.
Krippner - BB - large wobble on walkover, leg up - bends on her loso series - very good split 3/4, hits position and secure - sticks 1.5 - shame about the walkover because much of it was excellent -
Udowitch - FX - squatty landing on double pike with a lunge back - great split full position, clear 180 in those leaps - 1.5 to front pike - ragged rudi form.
Demers - BB - bend on loso series, minor - switch to a pretty real sheep jump - some small bends here and there but mostly secure - side aerial to a tuck full - was off line on that dismount and had to tuck her layout -
Salas - FX - front 2/1 is short with a lunge back - alos a bit low on her front lay to front full, step back - splits not there - slide back on double pike but better finish position than the first two. 9.825, which is their highest yet and a bit weird.
Milliet - BB - her sheep jump is the best in NCAA right now, I would hazard? Maybe? Wobbles on it, however. Strong form and security on loso series - leg up wobble on full turn - pretty walkover - sticks gainer full legs apart - lovely work but way too many wobbles.
Allex - FX - good landing on double arabian, a bit short but just a small step back to hold it - 2.5 to front full is quite strong, loses her legs a bit in the full but a solid pass - chest down on rudi - 9.875.
Atkinson - BB - lovely full turn - smooth and secure loso series - small bend on walkover - switch to pike jump and the pike jump is actually pike jump - side aerial to tuck full, stuck. Shame about the bend on the walkover. Another 9.925. Nothing lower than 9.900 so far.
Boise State is underway - front handspring pike 1/2 from Bir with a lunge back. 9.875.
Conrad - FX - chest forward on double pike with a step - not bad position on split full - high front lay but crunches down chest on front 1/2.
High full from Collantes for BSU. Hop back and some leg crossing,
Great line and stuck DLO from Shettles on bars for SUU. Lovely, lovely work. Very impressive.
Bennion for BSU - yhalf - pretending it's an arabian, very strong, just a small step in place, similar to Bynum last week. 9.900. Got a 9.950 from one judge who presumably said it was an arabian.
Arkansas is destroying this meet by the way. Could go 197 with a big floor, but this should be another high 196. Arizona should also get a quite solid 196.
Krentz - VT - Sticks her full with a leany bend at the hips to hold the stick.
Yee - SUU - UB - good jaeger to overshoot - short on final hs - but the line was nice on the rest - sticks DLO but also pikes to hold the stick.
Stockwell - VT - also sticks her full, they've worked those sticks - better distance than from Krentz but also leans forward to hold the stick -
49.325 for Boise State on vault. Inflated for some of those by a .05, but the landings are very strong and in postseason form.
Ramirez from SUU hit a Ray into a clean bail - hot a lot of height on her double back and a step forward.
Back to Auburn and ASU, Salas is having a beam nightmare. Two falls.
Milliet - FX - clean layout to rudi - excellent switch ring - secure double pike, chest up - 1.5 to layout - should be a strong score - superior execution. 9.875.
Hlawek - FX - nailed her double arabian, good height tiny shuffle - 1.5 to layout, slightly whipped around this time - sticks double tuck - the high score for Milliet will push this one up - very secure. 9.925. Well now. Hi.
Udowitch - BB - ASU having a nightmare so far, dont' worry about it - bends on walkover - goes again - walkover to bhs series - short of switch - better security on kickover front - side aerial to full - stuck.
Rott - FX - fab DLO, jsut the slightest pike down at the end - could be more extended on leaps but not a problem - love her half on the middle pass, simple but so floaty and open - chest down on double pike but controlled. 9.950.
Belkoff - BB - no chance on her loso series - off line, falls -
Bizarre fall for SJSU on floor right then, tried to punch, had zero punch and somehow got her front tuck around to land on her back.
Good handstands and line from BSU on bars so far, just steps on the landings.
Kluz - FX - tuck full, a bit larger lunge back than you'd like but the chest position is better - high front lay to front full, actually stays perfectly straight on that combo pass - amplitude on leaps - chest down double tuck, secure. Crying award!
Allex - BB - bend on loso series - good kickover front - crossed legs on rudi dismount and a hop to the side.
Mejia just went on bars for BSU and it was tremendous - gienger with legs together throughout (!), precise handstands, just a step on tuck full, but strong. BSU is always great on bars and this year is no exception.
Demers - FX - bend over on full in landing, basically in half - excellent straddle positions - front lay to front full with a small stumble - stumbles on double back dismount and falls. She was also crying buckets before the routine started.
Conrad - BB - better form in her tumbling than the others - good loso series - also short on her switch leap, though - connected into back tuck - small leg slide on that side somi - crooked on switch side - hop on punch front full.
196.850 for Arizona. Damn. Arkansas 196.775. Useful senior night scores for both schools.
Atkinson - FX - good full in, controlled landing and chest up - split full and wolf full are actually around! and good 180s - front full to lay to wolf - she added back the wolf this time, got it - secure double pike as well - excellent showing. Among her best, so let's see where this goes -9.975. You just couldn't, could you? Good routine, good score. The scores were going to the sky for this floor rotation, so I thought they were building for an Atkinson 10. Auburn goes 49.600 on floor. Oh, home.
FINAL: Auburn 197.175, ASU 193.275
man i can't believe its sloan senior night already. Im not ready for her to leave. I shudder to think where we would be without her and i worry where we will go when she is gone.
ReplyDeleteRachel Gowey, Alyssa Baumann, Amelia Hundley, Ashton Locklear and Maegan Chant. They'll be fine.
DeleteNo Ashton ... She is no longer going to UF :( Have no idea why!!
DeleteDid she quietly go Pro maybe?
DeleteI think she did go pro. Probably too injury-prone to make it 4 years in NCAA.
DeleteShe said she wasn't going pro, just staying elite for now. I can't imagine her going pro. She's a long-shot for the Olympic team. I kind of figured she backed out because of Rhonda leaving.
DeleteThat would make sense. It'll be interesting to see where she goes. She's a great bar worker.
DeleteImpressive distance from Boren... on the hop forward.
ReplyDeleteJudge 2 on vault for UF (Carole Ide) should face some kind of consequence for giving McMurtry a perfect score for a vault that wasn't even stuck. This is where the NCAA needs to step in to keep judging under control. These types of mistakes should not happen.
ReplyDeletechill out. Last time I checked: humans make mistakes, even when judging. This judge battering is getting old. If it makes you that mad start writing letters to the NCAA.
DeleteYes, humans make mistakes; however, when those mistakes are repetitive and can impact the outcome of a meet, those humans making the same mistake over and over should face some kind of consequence. If I routinely made the same mistake at work and it impacted everyone else in the office, my boss would either change my duties or fire me. Judges are human, but that also need to be held responsible for their actions. BLATANT overscoring should be dealt with. A perfect score of a CLEARLY imperfect vault (not even stuck) is ridiculous and shouldn't happen at this level of competition.
DeleteI haven't been "battering" judges at all this year. But I think the gymnastics committee should take a look at the issue in the off-season. There has to be a better way to ensure all judges are on the same page. I would hate to see "video review" emerge in gymnastics like it has in football and basketball, but if it would ensure accurate and fair scoring, maybe that's the way to do it. If certain judges are routinely throwing out much higher scores or much lower scores than other judges they should be told to bring their scores more in line with the norm. Similarly, if certain judges are clearly giving higher scores to certain teams or individuals (it's pretty easy to tell by comparing scores), then that should also be dealt with at either the conference level or by the NCAA.
"If it makes you that mad start writing letters to the NCAA." I wrote an opinion on a blog merely stating that a judge who made an obvious judging error (aka not doing her job) should face some kind of consequence. This happens in nearly every other NCAA sport. In fact, the only sport I can think of where judges/refs/umpires aren't held responsible for their actions is gymnastics. I'm not mad and I'm not sure why you assumed that. I'm merely stating an opinion that I would guess at least 90% of NCAA gymnastics fans agree with.
People make mistakes and people must take responsibility for their mistakes.
This same comment from "anonymous" is on multiple live blogs this year: I assumed it was you. Also, the judges rotate and switch schools and events. It is possible every single judge is "over scoring". Unless you can pinpoint a single judge, what your suggesting will never happen. We watch from our couches with instant replay and zero pressure while nitpicking crossed legs and only slightly pointed toes. I doubt any of us could do any better while sitting at the table with thousands of fans screaming at you. This will only be solved if gymnastics judges are allowed Instant replay on every event. If the judges scores impact the outcome of the NCAA championship and the best team does not in fact win; I would see your argument.
Deletegood lord get off your high horse
DeleteSorry, I'm not the one complaining about scores every single weekend. In your opinion, which team has been fairly scored in the NCAA?
DeleteAndrea, the 4:38 PM Anonymous is not me (I'm the first and second one on this link). I suspect the 4:38 person was directing their comment to me and not you. I don't think you are on a high horse at all. Frankly, I was just stating my opinion, too, but I guess some people (Anon 4:38) thinks stating an opinion is being arrogant.
DeleteI agree with you, Andrea, that there's no perfect system. I'm not sure that there's one team that's always been fairly scored; however, I do think there have been some great fair meets this year (at nearly every school). I would just like to see some discussion at the NCAA level about judging. Nearly everyone agrees that there are issues, so I think the NCAA should at least have a conversation about what can be done to improve. It may be the answer is "nothing", but why not try to make it a more efficient and effective system? It may even be an issue with where judges sit and their line of sight for landings and handstands and maybe there's something the NCAA can do to ensure judges always have a good view.
Good to know! That's an interesting theory. I wonder if adding in a third judge on each event would work. Throw out the high of all three and average the bottom two. Then you run into the issue stated below where judges make shit money for little credit.
DeleteI LOVE the idea of a third judge and averaging the bottom two. If the NCAA could make that work, I think it could be very helpful.
DeleteEven giving the judges more range. I know most gym fans probably wouldn't like it, but allowing judges to go 9.825 or 9.875 instead of 9.8/9.85/9.9 may allow judges to actually judge the routines more fairly. They could then separate the scores a bit more without final team scores being too low (which I think may impact the crowds).
Expand scoring to .25 and .75 and don't average the judges scores. still two judges and the high is dropped leaving the low. Start values still need to match and both scores still need to be within range.
DeleteI am a fan for using the quarter tenth deduction.
DeleteOr, even easier, go to elite scoring. Difficulty score and technical score. Done. No more 10.0.
DeleteNah lol. I'm okay with leaving the 10.0 for ncaa.
DeleteAndrea and Anonymous just solved our judging issues. BBS community comes through for the win! :)
DeleteSeriously, though, I like the increased judging range and three judge idea (and also making sure judges can see landings).
huh no 10 for sloan but a 10 for alex??
ReplyDeleteAre they doing senior night scoring for McMurtry by mistake?
ReplyDelete"This is also the night you learn what Morgan Frazier looks like" Bhahahhaah dying with laughter, although if she has managed to keep a scholarship without ever once competing then she may be the ultimate winner of them all...
ReplyDeleteshes a walk on
DeleteI think she was a walk on ... Not 100% sure though!! Has she ever done a competitive routine??
DeleteI think she did one exhibition? If I'm remembering correctly she had a scholarship for three years and was a walk on this year, could definitely be wrong on that though as I can't recall where I read it
DeleteNo she was definitely just a walk on and did an exhibition from that. I dont think they could take your scholarship midway through just because you weren't performing high enough. In any case, definitely a walk on
DeleteBecause sadly I really am that pedantic -
DeleteMorgan's LinkedIn profile (I found it by googling her name so it's not private info) confirming she's a scholarship athlete.
There is something about Baker's gymnastics that's bothered me for such a long time. She never settles into her landings. She doesn't absorb them, except on floor, and it appears to actually make her make much more landing deductions. I'm surprised the coaching staff haven't addressed this. It's becoming worse.
ReplyDeleteDid I read somewhere she spends time in a boot during the season? Could a chronic injury cause this sort of thing?
DeleteHmmm that could be a reason. But I feel like if she absorbed her landings wouldn't that be better for her foot/ankle?
DeleteShe had been in a boot in all of Peyton's snapchats this week so it is possibly why she doesn't stick to save her ankles!! Still 2 more years to compete!!
DeleteOkay that makes much more sense now. Visually it'll still bother me but now I know that's it's probably saving her precious ankles that we need for her amazing dos santos.
DeleteI can understand the frustration many fans feel about overscores. However, we also need to look at it from a different perspective, too. Much work and time is put into being a judge. Factor in low pay. Most judges are there because they love the sport. If it became as such where judges were reprimanded for their performance then I don't see many candidates who would be interested in the job. It's not like they have people knocking on the door wanting this type of job to begin with. No judges means no gymnastics!
ReplyDeleteI agree as well. Sure it's frustrating as a fan when the judges miss deductions or score too harshly but I feel that we need to talk about what they do with respect. I would like to see someone from the NCAA fan community who believes they know how judging should be changed to take initiative, get a judging credential, and be the change they want to see. I certainly don't have the time or the knowledge to do it, and really appreciate what the judges do for the sport.
DeleteI really like the back of UF's leos (front is okay, but I love the back)!
ReplyDeleteWho is the female commentator for the Auburn meet? She's great!
ReplyDeleteMegan Walker former AU gymnast. She's a natural.
DeleteI think my dream commentating combo now would be Kevin Copp and Megan Walker. Please, SEC Network, make it happen.
DeleteShe really is great. She was a red-shirt senior last year, I believe. I think she's finishing grad school this year, though, so I'm not sure how much longer she'll be commentating.
DeleteSloan is like, "DA FUQ?"
ReplyDeleteOh Sloan, honey, that's what every Utah fan said after McMurty's bars at Nationals. We feel your pain.
Does anyone know why Bridget Sloan's beam score was raised from 9.825 to a 9.875?
ReplyDeleteSloan. That's why.
DeleteIs Peyton Ernst out for the rest of the season?
ReplyDeleteoh lord i hope not. i hope they didn't rush her back too early into doing her flight series.