Saturday, March 19
11:00 ET/8:00 PT – Jesolo Senior Team and AA
12:00 ET/9:00 PT – Big Ten Championship Session 1 - SCORES - Big Ten Network
12:00 ET/9:00 PT – ECAC DI Championship - SCORES
1:00 ET/10:00 PT – ECAC DII Championship
3:00 ET/12:00 PT – Division III Individual Championship - Stream
4:00 ET/1:00 PT – Pac-12 Championship Session 1 - SCORES - Pac-12
4:00 ET/1:00 PT – Pac-12 Championship Session 1 - SCORES - Pac-12
5:00 ET/2:00 PT – Big Ten Championship Session 2 - SCORES - Big Ten Network
5:00 ET/2:00 PT – Big 12 Championship - SCORES - TV: Fox Sports affiliates
5:00 ET/2:00 PT – MIC Championship - SCORES
9:00 ET/6:00 PT – Mountain Pacific Championship- SCORES - Aunt Flo($)
The fourth-most exciting day of the college gymnastics season has finally arrived! I know you've had it circled on your calendars for months. It is a big one, with some important elite action thrown in, so I prepared a schedule. Everything is better with a chart.
Also, keep an eye on the rankings coming into the day, the final chance for teams to change their lot. The full breakdown of what teams need is here.
Here's the short version, the scores each of the borderline teams will need in order to guarantee advancing to regionals:
Kent State 195.050
NC State 195.525
BYU 195.700
New Hampshire 195.800
Utah State 195.950
Bowling Green 196.050
Michigan State 196.250
Central Michigan, Maryland, and Iowa State can also qualify, but they will have to rely on one or more of the teams above not reaching the listed score. This setup will change through the day as we get some results, clarifying what teams actually need.
Week 10 rankings

The fourth-most exciting day of the college gymnastics season has finally arrived! I know you've had it circled on your calendars for months. It is a big one, with some important elite action thrown in, so I prepared a schedule. Everything is better with a chart.

Also, keep an eye on the rankings coming into the day, the final chance for teams to change their lot. The full breakdown of what teams need is here.
Here's the short version, the scores each of the borderline teams will need in order to guarantee advancing to regionals:
Kent State 195.050
NC State 195.525
BYU 195.700
New Hampshire 195.800
Utah State 195.950
Bowling Green 196.050
Michigan State 196.250
Central Michigan, Maryland, and Iowa State can also qualify, but they will have to rely on one or more of the teams above not reaching the listed score. This setup will change through the day as we get some results, clarifying what teams actually need.
Week 10 rankings

Now, with all that out of the way, let's get conference championshipping! If I were to start blogging at the beginning and continue through the second session of Pac-12s, that would be 12 hours of live blogging and I would be dead. I'd rather not be. I'll probably start slowly, and then if there are lull periods throughout the day when I'm not saying anything even though gymnastics is happening, just assume I've dragged myself to urgent care at the last minute.
First wish of the day, that none of the conference championships take their meet-pacing tips from Jesolo. I swear the Big Ten Champs will be done before the US gets to beam.
Big Ten first session features Iowa, Illinois, Maryland, and Rutgers. Maryland fighting for a spot at regionals, Illinois fighting to have six people on each event, and Iowa in the hunt for a regionals seed.
Oh hey, Shawn.
Giana O'Connor crutches shot, as Illinois waves goodbye to its 9.875s...
I love when these networks talk about season W/L record like that's even a thing.
"Floor is a great place to start." It is the worst place to start. Foley has a couple slides on a relatively solid floor routine to start for Illinois. They'll take that.
Faller, little pike, small slide on her yfull. 9.700.
Crazy gienger is the hot new trend.
Hodan (whom I call Hoedown, and sometimes Hodor, just in case you were curious) just attempted a double illusion, the Hopfner-Hibbs. Pause in between the illusions, like any proper magician, but enjoy seeing the attempt at the skill. It's undervalued in elite so it makes no sense to do.
Maryland just vaulted off the mat. Diagonal vaulting like a bishop. Faller had the best landing of the early lineup and still only got a 9.700, which indicates that this rotation score will not be high.
"There's kind of this known fact that judges score higher later in the day." Shawn hasn't been reading my blog! I'm so hurt!
Drenth on bars for Iowa, good line and amplitude, quick rhythm, sticks DLO. Should be a good score. Late on her half turn into piked jaeger, and pikes down her DLO, but best routine so far.
Metcalf has a similar style of composition to Drenth. Her DLO is better, staying laid out the whole time. She has a couple hip angles in that routine, but things are getting 9.8y now after starting a little 9.6y.
Closeups of coaches talking instead of the current floor routine. You know how that thrills us.
Nee anchors vault for Maryland with a late-twisting full, pikes down and a hop back. Good distance.
Happy with the scores so far. Looks like they've been staying pretty contained.
Buchanan has to carry the load on floor for Illinois now. Very high double pike, controlled landing, leap amplitude, hitting her 180s, short on her double tuck landing with a bounce up, 1.5 to layout with excellent form, small awkward stumble on layout, landing a tad short.
Illinois is getting through the lack of O'Connor on floor well enough, hanging in the 9.775s. Finish with Leduc. Controlled double pike, great flexibility on that switch ring as well, front full to layout goes right to the edge but stayed in, looks like she rushed that tj 1/2, rudi finish, only a tad ragged. This is the kind of performance I expected from Leduc this year, part of what should have made this season so exciting for Illinois.
Makenzey? Really? Large wobble on a loso series - splits and flexibility are the strength in this routine -
After 1: Illinois 49.025, Iowa 48.875, Maryland 48.525, Rutgers 48.075
One event endured for Illinois, good start and good lead. Iowa will be looking to go heartily into the 196s to make sure they can get past Washington for a top-18 spot, so off the pace early. Beam coming up now, can't afford to drop more and still expect 196.
Did that camera man just try to shove his camera in between an Iowa gymnasts legs to get into that huddle? What even was that?
Foley opens vault for Illinois, quite short on full with a hop forward.
Agaran falls on a jaeger for Maryland, counting that 9.675 from Faller now. Absolutely can't afford to count a fall to hope to challenge for a regionals spot. Need to be over 195 to stay in contention.
Another very low full landing for Illinois from Lyons. And she's limping away from the mat. OH ILLINOIS.
When you hit a bail and your coach celebrates like you just won the championship.
Sotillo quite solid on beam - nails her loso series, no wobbles on her split elements (a bit short of position) - side somi - hop forward on punch front lay full.
Roe a bit better on vault for Illinois, better distance but still chest down and a step to the side.
Illinois just 48.350 on vault. Lots of short landings on those vaults, until Leduc. She had a big bounce back and then another large lunge to salute. Should get hit, multi-tenths, for that landing.
Iowa has a 9.675 so far on beam that needs to be dropped. Drenth now, but she falls on loso series. Don't expect any big scores coming out of this first session.
Buchanan by far the best vault for Illinois, not even close - good height and laid out position, hop back.
"I'm not sure you can call that a stick." You mean because she stepped forward? Tang hits a solid bars routine except for the step forward, ensuring no counting fall for Maryland on bars. Still alive.
Glover anchors beam for Iowa - a couple early bends and wobbles, looked tight early going after the fall, but got through with a hit to drop the 9.100.
Ali finishes floor for Rutgers - strong full in, small slide to the side but good chest position and height - hits her straddle elements quite well, good oversplit - double pike, chest down and a slide - also hops back on double tuck.
After 2: Iowa 97.575, Illinois 97.375, Maryland 97.150, Rutgers 97.075
Maryland will need to go 49s on the final two events to stay in the hunt for a spot at regionals. Unlikely considering that one of those events is beam and judging by the scores we've seen so far today.
Maryland's errors on beam take away regionals. One competitor out of the way for the others.
After 3: Iowa 146.700, Illinois 146.350, Rutgers 146.000, Maryland 144.825
Closing in on the end of this rotation now, though not much left to play for since these scores don't look to challenge the teams competing in the evening unless things go really crazy. Buchanan has to do her beam to phantom of the opera, which is fun for no one. Good switch to straddle 1/4, secure on loso series but ragged leg form, quite short on switch side. hop on 1.5.
Youd small hop forward on a yhalf.
Looks like this is going to time out pretty well to finish just in time for the first session of SECs. Well planned, so far, everyone. Nguyen has potential on beam, but breaks her connection from aerial into bhs.
Iowa has shown the best control on yfulls of any of the teams in this session. And then Drenth sticks a yhalf. Very strong vault. Shawn wants a 10. For a yhalf. Oh, Shawn.
Iowa finishes 195.875. Good for this session and will lead, but will not be enough to move up Iowa any higher than the current ranking of 18th. They'll be at the mercy of Stanford and will likely get dropped into that 19-24 group.
Huge judging delay to figure out Nguyen's beam score. Yeah. She broke her acro series. Let's go.
Great double front dismount off bars from Shank. Also, someone should write a dark slasher comic book with a lead character named Micky Shank.
Leduc large break on her loso series, bends at the waist.
The following interaction just took place.
Guy: How creative would you get, Shawn, in different routines with your mount?
Shawn: You can think of all sorts of different things. It's all about impression. You want to impress the judges. You want to be creative and shown them something they've never seen.
You literally just hopped up onto the beam.
Kato hasn't had the senior season she would have hoped in the scores, but she's showing her lovely today. 9.900 on bars, and excellent extension in this beam routine. This has been a Kato competition.
Final session 1: Iowa 195.875, Illinois 195.175, Rutgers 194.775, Maryland 194.025.
We have a few minutes break until the SEC Champs first session begins. Here we go.
Interested to see how this online setup works for SEC Champs. I have the main broadcast on the TV and then the quad-view on the computer. We'll see how that goes to start. This wrestling better end. Especially because one of the commentators pronounces escape as "excape." Automatic disqualification.
Me likey.

Welp, we've already had Weird Butt Closeup #1, so we're off and running, I guess. Touch warmup underway now.
We just saw a shot of Kathy doing warmup stretches/dance for a broadcast, and I've never loved her more. And she's already encouraging us to engage in adrenaline doping?
Rotation 1:
Keara "heart aneurysm" Glover - UB - wonderful first hs - solid catch on jaeger - a bit angled in the air on that bail but good vertical - very clean throughout - stuck double back. 9.825.
Broussard - VT - medium-sized hop back on her full - good form and distance
Johnson - VT - late twist on her full - pikes down, hop back, it looked like she may have had a hitch in her run there, and then the block was kind of awkward - a bit lower than her best.
Love the score update graphic on the TV broadcast. Bower on beam now, wobbles on loso and then a large break on side somi.
Marino - VT - near stick on her 1.5 - came in a little short, small hop back to save it.
Snead - VT - lovely high full but she has never really honed the landing this year - another hop back.
Was that just Canizaro on bars? LOVELY Double lay.
Freier - UB -strong early hs - hits her bail, small angle - very precise in line - whipped DLO with a small hop forward. That DLO is usually stronger.
Rogers - VT - small hop forward on 1.5, but otherwise her usual excellent.
Jay - VT - STICKS her 1.5. Best of the year? Kathy loses her mind. Excellent. Legs on block and apart on landing, but I would say that's her season best.
Wellick has a small leg break on her bail but otherwise pretty precise - hits that tkatchev - large lunge forward on double front.
Scores are rather poky in updating...
Speed - UB - that jaeger is high but is always a little diagonal - great bail hs, legs together and vertical - full to double tuck - holds the stick on the double tuck but bends to hold it so it will be a deduction.
Still waiting on the score for Jay? 9.950. 49.300 vault score for Georgia. About on track so far. Would have liked some more from Marino and Speed, but Rogers and Jay delivered.
Miller falls on her side aerial. Casey Jo is like, "I wouldn't have done that." And by that I mean, she has a beaming smile.
Zaziski - UB - finishes full very vertically - good height on tkatchev - leg break on bail - just s small hop in place on DLO.
Puryear continues to be Kentcky's floor gem, great height and chest position on final double back.
Ward - BB - very secure on three series to loso - good extension - switch to pike, positions hit - check on side aerial, minimizesd the wobble but still a wobble - hop on 1.5. They'll be able to drop that fall and get somewhat close to 49 for beam.
Dukes - FX -slide back on double pike - front full to front lay is controlled, not hugely high but a solid layout position - switch ring got Kathy's attention, very nice - slide on double tuck, good chest positions, needed a bit more landing control for a huge score.
Really important 49.100 for Kentucky so far.
After 1: Georgia 49.300, Kentucky 49.100, Arkansas 49.100, Missouri 48.900
Georgia and Kentucky on track with what they would have hoped for. Arkansas and Missouri maybe a bit lower than they would have liked. Jay's vault the highlight of that first rotation. Fab stick.
Checking in with EAGLs. Aucoin on BB - finishes with an excellent stuck gainer full, didn't see the rest but she's usually strong so we can assume. HAHAHA. Or not. 8.5. Guess we didn't see that part. Ooops.
Haven't seen any of the GWU floor routines yet.
Dillard - BB - wobble on walkover - and another on her bhs loso - same error on both with a lean to the side - better on side aerial to side position - side aerial to split jump is excellent, perfect 180 - sticks 1.5 with a bend. Pretty perfect after those first two wobbles. 9.725.
Cherrey - UB - Improtant to have her back - feet on tkatchev but hits - small leg break on bail as well, handstands look precise - legs on DLO but not as bad as the past - hop back - if she gets her leg separation more under control for next year, this will be a huge routine -
Great distance from Rosa on vault for her full, but larger hop back -
Zaziski - BB - a bit crooked on switch side - small small bend on loso series - calm full turn - very slow in her work - secure on kickover front - sticks aginer full - 9.850.
Vaculik - UB - great piked jaeger - excellent bail hadnstand, legs together and vertical - sticks her dismount this time - huge improvement - still the legs on that dismount but much better.
Stuart sticks her full for Kentucky - not much distance and a piking bend to hold the stick, but still a stick. 9.850 is pretty high for that bend and distance -
Wellick - BB - a little tight-looking in her switch and straddle 1/4 but she did hit the positions well enough, shouldn't be a deduction - solid walkover - wobble on loso series, pretty big wobble but pulled it back, had to swim for it - bend on full turn as well - better on side somi - sticks 2/1. Shame about the loso.
Schick - UB - great height on piked jaeger - legs together through the bail - handstands precise - sticks DLO - THAT'S THE ONE - we've been waiting for that routine pretty much all season. There it was. Should be a big score. 9.900.
Jay - UB -holds handstand after toe on - great strength to hold that handstand on the bail - could have arched very easily - shush is hit - NEAR stick on DLO 1/1, just the smallest hop in place. She's having a day.
Looks like Shauna Miller fell on floor as well. She's also having a day. But in the bad way.
Freier - BB - Very precise landing her split elements, a little tight in that switch but not bad - right on line with that loso series -
Rogers - UB - NOOOO close on her pak out of the Ricna, she pushes out of it to keep the routine going and minimize the deductions but still... - wonderful shap 1/2, and sticks the DLO. Of course she sticks the DLO this time, when she can't get her 10 because of that pak issue.
Brittany Rogers is a crazy person. Regionals then Pac Rims then Nationals.
Porter - FX - very high double pike, good chest position, small slide back - amplitude is great on the leaps, no problem with those split positions, can't say the same about the hair - 1.5 to layout, short on the layout with a small stumble - small bounce on double tuck as well -
Nelson - BB - good switch side this time - clean and horizontal, quick - small check on her loso series but works quickly to pretend it didn't happen - secure front tuck - long pause before dismount - sticks 1.5.
Harris - FX - second pass front lay to front full is controlled - lands quite short on her double back final pass, lock-legged with a bounce/stumble forward.
Live score updating has been pretty pitiful so far. We're getting the totals because of the scores on the screen, but not the individual routine scores. Looks like Georgia is sitting at 98.500, lower than they would have liked after bars. Didn't get the score they needed out of Rogers, which hurt. 9.725 for her.
After 2: Georgia 98.500, Kentucky 98.200, Arkansas 98.175, Missouri 97.650
49.200 for Georgia on bars is OK. Got the scores from Schick and Jay, Vaculik had a good one as well, and got Cherrey back into the lineup. We would be praising a fantastic score had Rogers hit her usual routine. This would have been well into the 49.3s and Georgia would be on a great pace. Kentucky remains on track for a really important score, but has bars and beam remaining.
Arkansas actually did pretty well on beam from what I saw but got a little 9.7y in there. McGlone had a large error on her dismount, and while Dillard had two small balance checks early, 9.725 seems quite low for that routine. There wasn't all that much else to take, really.
Central Michigan leads MAC so far with a 49.150 on floor.
George Washington is cleaning up at EAGLs, over 49 on both floor and vault.
Here. We. Go.
Jay - BB - fine full turn - very secure side aerial - chest down on kickover front, connects into bhs, leg form on bhs - switch to shush to hip circle - sticks 1.5. Great start. 9.875. Wow.
Miller - VT - She hasn't vaulted a lot this year, but this really should be her best event - small hop, not much distance, a little short this time.
Vaculik - BB - great switch to split 1/4 - secure on loso series, hits walkover as well - this is the most composed and stern she has ever looked on beam - I like it - hits side somi - smallest correction out of full turn - side aerial to full with a small slide.
Porter - VT - She has fantastic height on that full - small hop.
Hyland - great full turn - legs together on that gienger - crossed feet in a lot of skills - sticks tuck full. Kentucky is having quite a performance so far.
Rogers - BB - small correction out of walkover - wobble on switch 1/2 as well, works to connect into beat jump - bhs 1/1 is solid - another wobble on her loso series, this is a very nervous performance - bhs 1.5 dismount stuck - no bhs 3/4 this time? Wobbles but a hit. 9.850? How?
Ward - VT - sticks Omelianchik - she does come in slightly off to the side and squatty, but bonus points for OMELIANCHIK.
Beucler's jaeger is very high. Vaculik legs on tuck full with a lunge back.
Good control on double pike from Nelson on floor. bouncy on 1.5 to layout but nice ampltiude.
Babalis - BB - wobbles on opening walkover - into switch split, fine, to full turn - kickover front to back tuck, well connected because she looked like she was going to wobble again on that kickover - punch front lay full dismount with hop.
Judges conference. May be discussing whether Babalis got that acro connection after all? 9.650.
Broussard - BB - very solid loso series - switch to straddle 1/4 - large break on side aerial and falls - totally rushed that - they'll have to count Babalis's 9.6 now. It's always something.
Arkansas getting strong scores on floor so far. Will end with Wellick.
Box - BB - large brak on tuck jump full, very unexpected - very solid on loso series - short on switch split into straddle 3/4 - strong walkover, did come in a little short but you'd never know, very secure without a wobble - small hop on dismount. Well, it's a hit, but not her best. 9.800.
Wellick - FX - high double pike, controlled landing - butterfly just because butterfly - front full to high layout - just the slighest chest down on double tuck, but it was the usual Wellick.
Georgia does end up breaking 49 on beam, but it's not as encouraging as it should have been after the first two very strong routines.
After 3: Georgia 147.525, Arkansas 147.375, Kentucky 147.125, Missouri 146.800
Georgia should still take this session, ending on floor, but the necessary 197 has become a quite tough task now requiring a major, major home-style hit. Arkansas once again plugging away toward that mid-high 196 and proving to be another dangerous regionals team. Kentucky lost some of the early pace on bars but is still in it for a 196 with a hit beam. Mistakes on floor took Missouri's score down, a couple awkward landings for counting 9.6s.
Pittsburgh just broke 49 on beam with a 9.950 for Offutt. Can't make regionals at this point, so this is the home season finale.
Danna just described her team as "16 hams." LOVE.
Reynolds - FX - secure double tuck - 1.5 to layout, whips around that layout, but she has come into the lineup looking pretty much like she did last season - good amplitude on switch side and popa - Ok on rudi, didn't really get up, but fine.
Zaziski - VT - GREAT landing on full, stick or near stick. Speed follows with a larger lunge back out of hers -
Babalis - FX - whip to double tuck, great chest position on landing, so tough out of a whip, controlled - hitting split positions - slides forward out of front full - also secure on her double pike - one of her best of the season. Landing control to spare there.
Wellick - VT - didn't stick her full this time, actually surprised not to see her stick. Hop back.
Snead - FX - whip to double tuck, right to the line but stays in, chest position a bit better - good body extension on rudi - chest is much lower on her double pike, but I'm impressed with Georgia's landing control so far.
Anderson - VT - eh on full - pikes in the air and then a large step back followed by another into salute.
Arkansas finishes 196.500. Georgia will pass comfortably. Arkansas could theoretically pass Nebraska and Cal in the rankings, but we'll see what those teams have to say later.
Marino - FX - thanks for cutting away to high fiving right during Marino's DLO - high and complete split elements as always - a little slide out of her full to layout this time - also a small slide on double pike - she's usually more controlled than that -
Dukes - BB - small bend on full turn - very secure on loso series - bit slow connection that walkover into beat jump but she kept her arms moving - great switch and straddle 1/4, hitting 180 - sticks 1.5.
Box - FX - usual high double pike, came in just a touch short this time but didn't really show up in the landing - 1.5 to layout to dance out - excellent leap amplitude - nails double tuck.
Hyland - BB - solid switch to split jump, short on split jump - also slow in connection, walkover to bhs, but keeps it going - side aerial to tuck full dismount and stuck, legs apart.
Jay - FX - great control on her full out, chest is down as always but very controlled - fantastic 2.5 to front tuck, great decision to add that as her second pass - imprecise finish on that wolf and straddle, Kathy notes her low wolf jump and becomes our soul mate - half to front full is strong as well. Will be a big score.
Brandie Jay's best ever AA? Finishes with another 9.875.
Georgia 196.850, Arkansas 196.500, Kentucky 196.250, Missouri 195.750
Pretty respectable performances from all the teams. Missouri will know they can go higher, and Georgia would have expected a 197 here (bars and beam sort of took that away), but no real problem performances. Don't expect these scores to hold up in the evening session at all, though. 20 minutes until Pac-12s! Push through.
Eastern Michigan went 49.325 on beam. In case you were curious.
George Washington counts a fall on bars, so EAGLs is up for grabs now.
In the latest SEC RQS news:
Georgia 197.010 (will not pass Michigan for 7th)
Arkansas 196.575 (can go as high as 11th)
Missouri 196.235 (no change)
Kentucky 196.205
Because Missouri and Iowa did not get the scores they needed, the race for the final two spots in the top-18 looks like it will come down to Stanford, Washington, and Arizona in this session. Stanford and Washington are the heavy favorites, but Arizona has an outside shot if one of those teams has a sub-196 fall day and Arizona goes 196.675.
Pac-12 Session 1:
Washington, Stanford, Arizona, Arizona State
What we've learned so far is that this is the Elizabeth Price/Ivana Hong show. Obviously.
Stanford on vault, Arizona bars, Washington beam, Arizona State floor.
"Gym cats, Gym devils, Gym dogs, and...Cardinal." LOL. Gym trees? Gymnerds?
Jim just got very confused about whether this was competition or warmup. Tip: When no one is paying attention and everyone is milling around moving mats and warming up, it's the warmup.
This is a huge pace adjustment from the SEC Champs.
Rice - VT - fine full - small hop back - not a ton of distance, but a useful start.
Schneider - UB - solid first hs - fall on gienger - just getting ready to praise her leg form on it - well, that's not a great start. Good bail, step back on DLO.
Rose - BB - large wobble on walkover, bend at the waist - repeats the skill, better this time into bhs - wobble on Y spin - solid switch to beat jump - strong side aerial - side aerial againt o stuck full, chest down.
Lentz - FX - stumbles OOB and falls on double pike. This has been a pretty horrific start to this competition for everyone. Taylor's like, "My vault's looking pretty good now, isn't it?" Sticks double tuck.
Chuang - VT - weak full - very short landing with a large lunge forward, no block and lots of piking.
Spencer - UB - great gienger, excellent form - legs together through bail and vertical - one short hs in there - sticks double back out of full turn, strong.
Burleson - BB - falls on loso series - yikes. This is supposed to be Washington's best event. A major wobble followed by a fall. Really hurting the potential score - hits side aerial - wonderful switch split and straddle 1/4 - side aerial to stuck full dismount. Fantastic routine after the fall, but that doesn't really mean anything.
Belkoff - FX - short double pike, lunge - large bounce out of rudi - "head coach Rene Lyst is on administrative leave" - it makes it sound like a sabbatical or something - 1.5 to front tuck, comes in short on front tuck, hop.
D McNair - VT - much better full - good height, straight position, small hop in place, a little bit of piking. 9.750. Scoring tight early.
Cindric - UB - strong piked jaeger - clean bail - excellent finishing position on full turn and then a stuck double back. Two good ones in a row.
Stowe - BB - Trying to save a mess and keep it just untidy - walkover to bhs, bend correction out of bhs - secure on switch into straddle 1/4 - full turn - step on gainer pike, off to the side.
Conrad - FX - good high double pike, controlled landing - two dance connections, switch side and popa after the tj and split full, pretty close to the position - front lay to half final pass, just does whip around that half but low chest. 9.375. SV?
N McNair - VT - similar to her sister's - great height and laid out position, small hop back/to the side.
Felix-Terrazas - UB - great finish position on full turn - big tkatchev to overshoot - full turn to double tuck, stuck again, third stick on those combos in a row. Since the first routine, Arizona has been the class of this rotation. Very precise.
Duranczyk - BB -long pause before standing loso + loso series - fall. Love the series, but this rotation really couldn't be going worse. This is the opening Arizona needed to move up. If Arizona has a huge meet, we could see a change.
Udowitch - FX - good double pike, chest up and controlled - not bad on switch ring, but rushes the combo of split to wolf and the wolf position is short - 1.5 to front pike, loses form a little in 1.5. Ragged rudi, gets a little staggered at the end.
Price - VT - Sticks DTY! Looks like a definite stick this time. Let's see where it goes. A little off to the side is really all you can take.
Laub - UB - flat tkatchev - hitting hs - small leg break on that bail - sticks DLO, small legs apart in the air, but that's four sticks in a row. Looking GREAT so far.
Goings - VT - three series to loso with a bend correction - split and straddle 1/4. Side aerial to stuck full dismount. Necessary hit. Best of the rotation so far.
9.900 for Price on DTY. Completely different judging standard than pretty much any other meet this year.
Salas - FX -front double full, stumbles and a fall. We are seeing some MESSES today. Fine front lay to front full. Nails double pike, but this rotation score is going to be a disaster.
Hong - VT - she's vaulting - hop back on that full, and then another step to salute - OK but not really a Hong performance.
Mills - UB - loose back early in this routine - gienger is nice, clean on the bail as well - later handstands are strong - stuck back on tuck full - a few more deductions in that routines, but this will be a solid rotation score.
Northey - BB - Good switch - small wobble on straddle 3/4 - bend on loso series, a couple tiny errors early but she's doing what she needs to do to save this - kickover front to beat jump - small hop forward on 1.5.
Allex - FX - nails double arabian, small hop - STICKS 2.5 to front full - split full and popa, good leg position, a little bouncy on landing - crossed legs in rudi, but the best ASU floor routine by far. Should get a strong score. Well it will take floor out of the 46s. Ack.
After 1: Arizona 49.100, Stanford 48.850, Washington 48.250, Arizona State 47.675
Kristen gritting her teeth talking about Ebee not getting a 10 with her DTY. She basically burst a forehead vein she was fake-smiling so hard about that judging.
So, ugh, Ebee getting only 9.900. Sure, you could talk to the judges and they could tell you what deductions they took there, and they'd exist, but it's just completely out of whack with the standard across the rest of the country and for the rest of the gymnasts.
You know, like, Sadiqua is going to get 9.925 later today and we'll all die.
Rotation 2:
Udowitch - VT - one of five vaulters, just a yurchenko layout -
N McNair - UB - great high piked jaeger - legs awesome on bail, great vertical position - one borderline hs in there - NOOOO tuck full to her knees. WHAT EVEN? 9.375
Edwards - BB - lovely walkover and bhs, slow in connection - attitude turn and it's wonderful - nails kickover front - piano music happening, which is a really appropriate soundtrack - hits stag - punch front tuck full with hop forward. 9.775.
Goings FX - a little short on double pike with a hop - punch lay to front full, crossover step - stumble on double tuck, almost puts her hand down but doesn't.
FYI, Pittsburgh just won the EAGLs. Who had that one?
Eastern Michigan 196.425 to win MAC.
Belkoff - VT - a little piking and off to the side on her full, hop.
Rice - UB - good amplitude on toe shoot - hitting hs - strong jaeger, good rhythm out of it - floaty pak - strong finish position on full turn, double back with small hop. Good routine. Let's see how it compares to Arizona's scores.
Howard - BB - off line on loso series and falls. Solid double tuck - wobble on full turn - excellent position on switch and straddle 1/4 - gainer tuck full small hop.
Liddle - FX - high double pike, pointed toes, slides back - good switch ring but very short of position on that split half - arches around a front layout into a front full, small stumble - strong and secure double tuck.
Heads up that Big Ten Session 2 and Big 12 are about to start -
Kraus - VT - tucked yurchenko full, large bounce back. Oh dear, ASU.
D McNair - UB - hits jaeger to overshoot combo - handstands too fine - a little flat on shoot to high - two small steps back on DLO, but she's improving there.
Mills - BB - Could watch her on beam all day, let's just calm down the wrists - smooth on aerial to bhs, also quite slow in her combinations - wonderful switch - hits side somi as well - sticks gainer full -
Schaefer - FX - small bounce on double tuck, high chest on landing - punch front full to front full, very secure - low on double pike with a lean and step.
Things are going to get a little erratic now as I'll try to do three simultaneous meets.
Breen - FX - Neb - secure double pike - also sticks her double tuck to follow - she has become a real floor worker now - short on that first split leap full, a bit - 1.5 to layout, good control in these landings. They'll take that start.
McLean - VT -great height on full - a little bit of open - hop back
Minnesota has to start on bars, so we'll know where we are early - Cutler sticks a double back. That will do.
Maxwell - UB - Stanford - great first hs - hits ray to overshoot and stays pretty stright in that overshoot - smooth and slow handstands but hit - full turn to double tuck, small step.
Orel OOB for Nebraska. Nearly OOB on double tuck with a large step back.
Lehrmann - UB - OU - lovely half to jaeger - great height and extension - hitting handstands - precise bail - comes in a touch short on her tuck full with a hop, but otherwise excellent.
Brown - VT - Mich - tucks her yfull, we'll see how they classify that because it was pretty tucked. She'll still get laid out, but I would question it. Hop back.
Artz - VT - hops back on her yfull - lands on her tape. I mean foot.
Crouse - FX - front 2/1 to front tuck - tuck goes off at an angle with a little step - better on 1.5 to layout - rudi loso is pretty - awkward landing on the first pass, but hit her dance elements and controlled the second two passes.
Chiarelli - VT - 1.5 hop forward a bit of leg form
Allex - VT - 1.5 step forward, a bit of leg form. Two pretty similar simultaneous vaults. 9.850. Yeah, that was only .050 worse than Price's. Sure.
Price - UB - fab shap to clear hit - chrurch to bail is precise - good amplitude on shoot back to high - larger step back on DLO this time. But I was getting all ready to be salty when she didn't get a 10!! 9.900 is fair for that routine.
Oklahoma is getting an a million on bars. Just in case you were curious.
Holst - UB - Solid taktchev - loses her leg form in the bail and may have been short of vertical - rest of the handstands look good - step back on tuck full.
Laeng - FX - very secure double pike, chest up - whip half to rudi, a little staggered but controlled - front full front tuck with a stumble and a hand down - very awkward landing. They'll have to count the OOB from Orel and my fantasy team is not happy.
Scaman had a step back on her bars dismount but otherwise looked like her normal.
Karas - VT - Well, that was a stuck 1.5. Nailed. Wonderful. 9.925.
Mable - UB - great high gienger with legs together - small leg break on that pak - precise hs - hop on tuck full dismount.
Hong - UB - gorgeous and wonderful obviously - especially because I missed the tkatchev - sticks DLO, squats down a little landing it but still stuck.
Blanske a little ragged in her rudi as well - sticks double back though.
Michigan 49.200 after the first rotation, Minnesota 49.075, Nebraska 49.025
McGee - BB -wolf to loso with a small bend - gigantic switch side - she always scares me with that loso series but right on - almost over turns that full turn but holds it will - she does incredibly well not to give up wobbles when she's not quite on - sticks gainer full.
Koshinski - FX - big DLO, chest up - a little legs apart in the air but nice - 1.5 to layout - leap amplitude is nice - lack of control on double pike with a lunge back.
Arizona also counting a fall on beam now, this this is all about Stanford.
Wofford - UB - Wonderful toes in jaeger - legs together through bail - nails handstands - sticks tuck full, legs apart this time but stuck.
WAIT Kmieciak got a 10 before that? Is Wofford getting a 60? What even life is this? And then Wofford gets a 9.950.
Denver gets through on beam with 9.7s and 9.8s. Working toward a usable total.
Here's how Oklahoma's bars went. If you step on your dismount, you get a 9.950. If you stick, you get a 9.950-10. And if you're McKenzie Wofford you get an automatic 9.950 and no more.
49.675 for Oklahoma on bars. OK then.Denver and WVU will both be into the 49s after one rotation as well. What are we going to do when SECs start again?
The Pac-12 champs have officially done two rotations in an hour and a half.
Grace Williams sticks a full, lacking dynamics and distance but a good landing.
Big leg break for Lagoski on bars but hits double arabian with a step.
D McNair - BB - loso right off the beam! What is happening to her today? Stanford danger zone. Solid side somi - strong side aerial - but just tight and off in a lot of skills today - short on 2/1 with a hop. 8.8. Yikes.
This camera work at the Big 12s is hurting me. Why is Ali Jackson diagonal?
Nebraska on track for a mid-196 so far. Going just over 49 on both of the first two pieces. Schweihofer - step back on her full, best distance and dynamics of the group -
Breen stuck a yhalf on vault for a 9.900.
Kmieciak - BB - strong a secure loso series - beat jump to straddle 1/2 is right on - step back on double tuck.
Rice - BB -solid kickover front, holds well to avoid a wobble - wobble on loso series, leg flies up - pressure on this routine to count - sticks gainer full - did what she needed to do -
Opening floor routine fall for Denver.
Mable - BB - three series to loso is right on and precise - walkover into beat jump, does well not to wobble and work into the combo in spite of being slightly off line - switch to straddle 1/4 - lovely full turn - side aerial to layout full - stuck - excellent.
Lehrmann - BB - pretty full turn, good posture - precise walkover - just a tad tight on her loso series but no check - small correction pause between switch and shush -
Blanske just stucka 1.5 for Nebraska. That will do. 9.975. Legs were apart. Ebee is like "...."
Hong - BB - onodi to bhs is wonderful - perfect on her loso series this time, great height and extension - fab full turn - split to sheep - hop forward on gainer pike - Oh, Ivie, hopping on a gainer pike? Otherwise excellent.
Catour - BB - step back and bend at the hips for a loso series - slightly crooked on switch side - small check on walkover - sticks gainer pike.
Missed the beginning of Nordquist! Hits switch 1/2, and her full turn is the usual - side aerial to a stuck full with a bend. So...10? No, just 9.900.
49.100 for Minnesota on beam keeps 196 pace going through the scary ones. Nebraska 49.275 on vault after the Blanske 9.975.
Price - BB - small bend correction on walkover - same on aerial to two feet, right on, just swings her arms to avoid a check - solid on split elements - a little short on her double pike this time with a step forward and then another step together, will take the score down a bit but it will still be big. Or 9.800.
Jones - BB - secure loso, a bit loose in her knees - wobble on kickover front - small check on switch + switch series and short on split positions on both - small step on 1.5.
Addison doesn't get the attention on floor that McGee does, because Nina McGee, but the girl also has a big time DLO.
Chuang - BB - Side aerial is hit - sticks gainer full. Another 9.925. No way she would get that earlier in the lineup, right?
Three different meets, and people are writhing on the floor at all of them.
And now we have SECs to pay attention to as well! HOWWWW.Sorry Big 12 and maybe first session Pac 12, you're getting demoted.
Karas shows a lovely pak on bars, this routine has really improved - very precise final hs - hop back on DLO with a small leg break.
Stanford currently at 147.150 going into floor. Will be the necessary score with a hit floor, but they need a supreme floor to get a competitive score here.
SEC Championship, session 2: Florida, LSU, Alabama, Auburn
Caquatto - VT - hop on full, not as big as usual.
McNeer - BB - lovely walkover to bhs - slow but calm full turn - a little low on loso series but secure - very nice switch and split - a little short on 1.5 step back.
some leg breaks for Savona on bars - sticks DLO with great legs together.
Fassbender - VT - hops back on full, off to teh side.
Sloan - VT - excellent height and form, hop back. Why was a full an unusual call? She's been doing it all year...
Hambrick - UB - strong Ray, very high - finishes full turn vertically - handstand on bail is hit - sticks tuck full - BAM! That was one of her good ones.
Boren - VT - 1.5 with a hop to the side - avoids that lunge forward, still has the hop but not the lunge.
Brennan - BB - pretty big hop forward on 1.5 dismount.
Baker - VT - STICKS 1.5. That was her vault, one of her best on the season - maybe the smallest quiver to the side, similar to Ebee's DTY against UCLA in the landing I guess. 9.950.
mcMurtry - VT -bounces back out of her full. They had some great landings until there, will still be a good score, but really shouldn't go higher than 9.850 for that landing.
Priessman - UB -good tkatchev - a little close on her pak and has to muscle out of it - leg separation on DLO, stuck - we'll see what they do with her close pak, though.
Mary Lillian Sanders - BB - WHOO???? NOWW???? Dana taking lineup exploration to a whole new degree - walkover to bhs series - good switch and straddle - hits full turn - secure loso, a bit of legs, but not bad - large lunge out of 1.5 dismount.
Finnegan - UB - Wonderful Ray - hitting hs - legs pasted together on bail and then falls on her shoot back to high. A couple lower 9.800s counting now, but they can afford a fall and not be down too low.
A Sims - BB - good split jump obviously - secure on loso series - fab switch and straddle 1/4 - hop back on double tuck -
Zamardi -0 legs apart on shap and pak but solid - khorkina is smooth and easy - step forward on double arabian but the necessary hit.
Winston - BB - lovely flexibility and leaps - small check on walkover into bhs - hop to the side on double back. Where's Guerrero? Oh, she's next. I had miscounted the gymnasts.
Demers - FX - piked full in, chest down but nailed the landing - large bounce out of front layout to front full -double back solid.
Guerrero - BB -two loso series is very solid - switch and straddle are hit to 180 - works out of that full turn confidently - secure side aerial, no real issue so far - large bound out of 1.5. These dismount landings are destroying their scores so far.
Atkinson - FX - huge tuck full in, controlled and doesn't go OOB - hits her splits and wolfs - solid middle pass into wolf, no issue - nails that double pike. Great one, should be a very useful score.
Karas - BB - very secure loso series - punch rudi step back -
After 1: Florida 49.425, Auburn 49.350, Alabama 49.275, LSU 49.200.
Florida will be the most pleased with that performance, mostly getting the landings to drive up the scores, particularly from Baker who had her best of the season. Some loose scoring in there, like the two judges who went 9.900 for Caquatto. Alabama will take that hit beam rotation with an altered lineup as Sanders is actually a gymnast on this team starting now. Hops on dismounts just keep Alabama down for now, but they'll be OK with this comparatively.
I said in looking at the RQS that Auburn needed a lead after the first rotation and doubted that would happen. It almost did! Useful 49.350 with a 9.900 from Atkinson and a bunch of 9.875s and 9.850s. The one team that will be disappointed with the start is LSU, having to count a few too many 9.800s after the fall from Finnegan. They rely on her for their 9.9, so when she falls, the score plummets. Hambrick was wonderful, but no one else had a particularly strong hit. Time for LSU to make it up, though, on three better events.
Nebraska is having a 9.900 brigade on bars. Stuck landings help. Laeng finally comes back on bars and sticks her tuck full, a huge deal for this lineup.
I swear Oklahoma is going to score 199.
Rotation 2:
Macadaeg - BB - wonderful positions on switch and switch 1/2, a little slow connecting them but not too bad - great walkover to straddle jump - LARGE wobble on loso series as the leg flies up - sticks gainer full - shouldn't really have taken that mistake. THE SOPHOMORE LOST HER MIND. 9.850?? LOOOOOL.
Boren - UB - Following Baker who just hopped in palce on her doubel front - tkatchev is OK - almost arches her hs on the low bar - rest of the hs look good, two small steps back on DLO.
Hambrick - BB - Wonderful L turn - hitch kick to side aerial, a little short and does well to pretend she was trying to do it to scale - switch to straddle are very well executed - small bend correction on loso series. hop back on 2/1.
Demers - VT - very high and open on full, very small hop.
Chiarelli just stuck her double back off beam for Michigan.
Rott sticks a full. TOO MUCH IS HAPPENING. Just squatty on the landing for Rott but otherwise great.
Caquatto - UB - small arch in the handstands on her bail - handstands otherwise look good - hits Ray - small hop in place on DLO?
Atkinson - VT - just a bit short on 1.5 with a hop back.
Florida bars scores going pretty high so far.
Sloan - UB - Usual Sloan Ray - great legs and handstand on bail this time, improvement, she's in postseason form - step back on DLO.
Ewing - BB - bend correction on layout to 2 feet - crooked switch side but secure - check out of standing loso - STICKS 1.5. A couple corrections there, but the stick makes it better.
McMurtry - UB - high Ray as always - clean bail and great veritcal position - sticks tuck full - Kathy deciding not to mention that piking on the Ray or on the giants this time.
Kiana Winston got 9.950 on floor. In case you were wondering.
Artz - BB - great kickover front - sticks punch front full -
Beers - FX -slides back on DLO, just stays in - front lay to full, small crossover step - high double tuck, chest up, controlled landing.
Finnegan hits side somi, small bend - side aerial to stuck full.
Gnat - BB - walkover to beat jump is hit - good switch to straddle 1/4, bend on the straddle 1/4 - wobble on her switch side, swims to hold it - secure loso series - very small bounce on 2/1.
C Sims - FX - great DLO, it's back - front full to front pike - just a tad bouncy but not bad - straddle and split jump are superbly hit to 180 - nails double pike, chest down. That was very last season.
After 2: 'Florida 98.925, Alabama 98.775, LSU 98.575, Auburn 98.400
Alabama just got a thousand on floor, the kind of floor rotation we haven't seen this year, many times, but have been expecting based on the talent of the team. Florida did Florida things on bars, and LSU recovered on beam to drop Cannamela's score with the help of some hits and that weird score for Macadaeg where they just decided she didn't have a gigantic wobble. Auburn has been fine but is just falling off the pace a little now. This next rotation is LSU's chance to make a statement. All three top teams are still in this thing to win.
Big 10s looks like it's getting close between Nebraska and Michigan, but Nebraska ends on beam while Michigan ends on floor, which could be the difference maker.
Stanford had a fall from Rice on floor and finishes 196.125, which won't challenge in the later session. It looks right not like it will JUST be enough to move ahead of Iowa into 18th. Sorry, teams that finish 6/7.
Rotation 3:
Baker - BB - hits wolf turn - solid on walkover to bhs - wobbles on split 1/2 - Side aerial to full with a very small slide - required start.
Ewing - FX - front 2/1 with controlled step - switch side and popa, keeps her toe point - slides on double pike, did she go OOB? It was close.
Guerrero - VT - great landing on her 1.5 - just a quiver with one foot - loose knees and not the dynamics of her teammates.
Ernst - BB - She's back - I can hear her lipstick from here - kickover front, a little low but secure - slightly tight in that full turn -front aerial to back tuck combo, slow but will get it - great split to a solidly executed sheep, but wobbles - sticsk gainer full - helps to have this back.
Brannan - VT - STICKS 1.5. That will do.
Bailey - VT - yhalf - small step forward -
Kopec sticks a DLO. Auburn DLOs. That's what happens.
Beers - VT - lands her 1.5 a little squatty this time - step forward - not the stick that got her a 10.
Kelley - FX - boune back on that DLO - WAIT HER MOM IS MARY LOU?!?!?!?! - much better front lay to front full, stuck - does a tuck jump as part of her leap combo, which is a good move since splits are her weakness - bounces on double tuck as well, landing control is what's keeping her from the biggest scores. She could actually add some difficulty next year to help that. 9.925 for this routine is just no. Getting ready for a Gnat 10.
Boren - BB - secure kickover front - step on loso series - very good switch and straddle - waves her arms on her standing loso to avoid a wobble - sticks gainer full - she has become less scary this year as it has progressed.
Atkinson just nailed her tuck full. Best in the competition.
Savona finishes with a very well controlled double pike.
McMurtry - BB - hits loso series - nice position on her switch - shush to hip circle - small bend correction on her full turn - sticks an excellent 2/1 - this is why she has been the most consistently high scorer for them on beam this year. 9.950.
Wyrick - FX - loose lower legs in her full in, and chest slightly down but good control - half to layout to half is also secure - strong double tuck.
Sloan - BB - fall on walkover. What is this season? They don't need the score, but someone just lost an SEC AA title.
Oklahoma 198.050.
Nebraska 196.900, Minnesota 196.575.
Denver 196.725.
Gnat - FX - Excellent DLO, 2.5 to front tuck, controlled much better than on some occasions earlier this year and last year - great switch ring and split - nails double pike - let's see what happens because they scores have been going very high. 10.000 again. She has 10 permission now, so she'll get it any time she doesn't have an error.
Michigan needs 49.250 on floor to win the Big Ten title.
Oooh, Bresette changed to an Omelianchik, much better for her. Small hop to the side and some legs, but gets a 9.900.
After 3: Florida 148.350, Alabam 148.200, LSU 148.125, Auburn 147.725
Big floor scores for LSU, but did they need a lead over Florida to have a chance to win it on vault? Florida is heading to floor, which we have to expect will see the highest scores across the events. Alabama heads to bars and must stick to squeeze out something that will be competitive for a victory.
Rotation 4:
McNeer - UB - great Ray - smallest bit short on bail it appeared - hitting hs - legs apart on DLO, comes in short with a hop forward. Couldn't afford that. Not bad, but needed perfection.
Ewing - VT - following a stick from Cannamela (chest down off to the side, but a stick) - large lunge forward on her 1.5. Also would have preferred not that. No one putting pressure on Florida yet. Still 9.875?
Alabama - UB - shap to pak, smooth, both with small leg breaks - near stick on double front, smallest slide.
Finnegan - VT - lovely full, but step back -
Boren - FX -squatty landing on tuck full, large lunge back, the weakest landing I've seen from her on that skill this season - full to layout middle pass, has to whip around that layout - sticks double back, staggered landing -
Karas for Michigan comes in a little short on her middle pass with a step back, not major but will take the score a little -
Hambrick - VT - lovely full - small step back, great position in the air. Savona lunges forward out of her 1.5, similar to Ewing.
Jetter - Ub - very clean on her bail - cutting away to Gnat
Gnat - VT - hop back on her DTY, medium-sized, should be a one-tenth deduction. Let's have fun comparing this score to Ebee's.
Every time I look at Michigan it's a little error. Boune back on double pike from Chiarelli.
McMurtry - FX - 3/1 is very high, awkward landing with a minor shuffle and stagger - front lay to front full, very high, tiny slide - good finish position on split and wolf skills - nails a slightly staggered double tuck. Will be big. AA champion? 9.900 again.
Winston - UB - fantastic Ray - gorgeous pak, it's my favorite in NCAA - hitting handstands - sticks DLO. ALabama is NAILING this bars rotation. Another fantastic landing. Looks like Alabam is sneaking ahead of LSU.
Sloan - FX - 1.5 to 2.5 is nailed again this time - strong split positions - double pike is no problem, controlled step - 1.5 to layout, a little whipped around int he layout but no hop this time like during her last 10.
Michigan finished with 9.975 for Artz and 197.125.
It's almost like you wish the scoring page worked so you could see what team's needed to win.
Alabama finishes 197.725 ahead of LSU's 197.500.
Baker - FX - huge lunge forward out of her Dos Santos, it won't get past Alabama with that landing. Massive double pike. 1.5 to half to straddle jump is good, will be a big score, but shouldn't be enough to pass Alabama for now. 9.925. Ha. No. How?
Atkinson - BB - secure loso series - hits walkover - switch to pike jump - side aerial to tuck full, a little off to the side.
Caquatto - FX - Bart tells us she needs 9.875 on floor. 2.5 to front tuck, pulls around the front tuck, a little short but gets it around. Now she needs a 9.850. travels on the split out of her middle pass but stays in. Big splits and straddles -short landing on double pike, a little iffy stagger there.
SEC checking what score they need to give Bridgey so that Florida can win. I mean...
Why is this taking so long?
This reminds me of when Florida and Oklahoma tied.
If we have to go to a tiebreak, Alabama would take it because of Sloan's fall. But who knows what's even happening?
9.875 for Bridgey. Florida finishes 197.775 to Alabama 197.725. Enjoy your insane floor scores. But there were some insane floor scores throughout. No way should Baker's floor have gone 9.925, nor should Bridgey's have gone 9.875. But it's just screaming into a pit at this point.
Well, that whole delay and nonsense was just embarrassing for college gymnastics. Add it to the list.
And we still have Pac-12s left! We'll definitely need some down time to recover from that insanity emotionally.
Things are going to get interesting with regional placements because right now Auburn, Michigan, and Stanford would all go together in a hellish regional, but because there will be some host conflicts (Georgia will end up paired with either Alabama or Utah, both hosts, and will have to be moved) we could end up with all sorts of different scenarios.
UCLA needs 197.050 in this meet to move ahead of Georgia and back into 8th. Should be doable. We'll see how the scores go.
SUU was leading Mountain Rim after one rotation with a 49.225 on bars. Boise State went 98.975 on vault.
Another 9.975 on bars for Krystine Jacobsen, her second of the year.
Stella Savvidou's cowboyed double back is our first highlight for UCLA?
Oregon State is getting "and then there's Oregon State" treatment for this session.
OK, bets on which nonsense vault outscores Ebee's 9.900 for a stuck DTY?
Stover out of beam after all. Find your rosary beads for Utah's beam. Or, like, Mormon beads? Is that a thing? I really shouldn't make any religion references. I'm like...beads? Are there beads? Probably?
Merrell is replacing Stover on beam. She has looked very nervous in her showing this season, even though she can be beautiful.
Rotation 1:
Cipra - VT -One of her better vaults this year - strong block, small hop back - better control on landing.
Richardson - UB - tkatchev, some counter, into overshoot - clean legs - hitting hs pretty welll - large hop back on DLO to the tune of a tenth.
Partyka - BB - split to straddle 1/4, short on straddle position - secure side aerial - nice full turn - falls on loso series - well, that was unusual - actually pretty solid on switch + switch series that I hate on most people - strong 1.5, but one up and one fall. Now how does this lineup react?
Ricci - FX - punch rudi to loso, slightly ragged in the legs but not extreme - fine double pike, chest down a bit - 1.5 to layout, flat on the layout - unnecessary shot of Tanya during the routine.
Honest - VT - also one of her best vaults of the season - actually had some open on it which I haven't seen before from her - small hop back, and then the usual feet.
Takara - UB - some legs form in the gienger combination through to overshoot - a short handstand before tuck full dismount, also a pretty big hop back - not getting the landings so far.
Delaney - BB - Well now. This is interesting. Does well to correct out of her loso and place her loose foot calmly in front of her - a balance check just walking along the beam, that's how nervous they are - solid loso - sticks gainer full, that was an important hit.
Singley - FX - front tuck to double back, slightly awkward bounce - a little slide on double pike, chest down - solid dance elements - punch rudi final pass, keeps her straight shape a bit better than some in that rudi -
Hall - VT - Sticks her 1.5 - squatty landing and her usual mushy knees, but that may very well be three straight season-best vaults. Good stick. Now, what score is this going to be...Is Stanford ready to riot? 9.850. Well, they're keeping a range. It's a WEIRD range, and everyone is bunched in the lower 9.8s, but it's a range.
So Seilnacht - UB - solid piked jaeger - small leg break on bail but great vertical position - hop back on 1.5 twist dismount. pretty clean.
Merrell - BB - huge break on opening walkover, and falls, counting a fall now - wobble on loso series - small check again on full turn - another wobble on kickover but actually did well to connect quickly into the beat jump - good landing on 2/1, but it's pressure time for Utah now.
This was the worry for Utah with the changes in the vault lineup. It happened.
Perez - FX - low chest on double pike with a slide - oh, Risa, never leave us - falls out of her triple spin a little - solid straddle shape - a bit low on her half into shushunova as well - not getting quite the punch and pop of her usual routine - a little flat in the tumbling this week, but minor issues on each pass, should still be a useful score.
Meraz - VT - another solid vault - small hop back and off to the side - legs apart and a little piking - YEOUCH, you can see that big bruise on her hip from the fall last week.
Howe - UB - short opening hs - good finish on full turn - strong tkatchev - very HIGH pak, small leg break - very short final handstand - full turn into stuck double back - better dismount, but they're not quite on in the first rotation. Two very short handstands.
Lopez - BB - Three absolute must-hits coming - solid switch to straddle 1/4, good straddle position - secure loso series - solid full turn - punch front, tries to connect into a beat jump but didn't really do a beat jump, a little bend working out of the punch front - a couple smaller checks in herre, so it won't be the 9.9 of last week, but it's a hit - step back on 2/1.
Radermacher - FX - front 2/1 to front tuck with a small slide, good twisting form - 2.5 with a bouncy slide out of it, do love her lack of crossed feet in this twisting, though. Bonus points? strong control in that front full to front tuck. Not a big routine but a solid one.
Bynum - VT -short on her yarabian - very large bound back - they were on a streak of season-bests, but that was not it.
Williams - UB - short on opening handstands - leg break on shap and just does barely catch it, has to muscle out a little after that - excellent bail, vertical and legs together - step back on tuck full.
Rowe - BB - switch and straddle 1/4, somewhat short on straddle - three series to loso is very secure - solid full turn - nails kickover front - great 1.5, near-stick, lean into salute. Best of the rotation so far. 9.950. Makeup score.
Gardiner - FX - great form on 2.5, just does control that landing, which is challenging on a 2.5 - 1.5 to half to straddle is also quite lovely - crunched over on double pike but a good one.
Preston - VT - misses her everything WHAT - just tucks her vault and lands it to her hands - ooooooh, hands slipped on the table.
Sternberg - UB - high tkatchev, a little close - legs together on the bail - borderline final hs - pretty stalder into double tuck, small hop to the side.
Hughes - BB -solid and secure loso - fine full turn - split to split 3/4, lands comfortably, splits not a problem - side aerial to full with a small slide. Good routines to recover, staying alive. 9.900.
McMillan - FX - front 2/1, large slide forward - 1.5 to layout, a bitt whippy in her layout, just controls the step forward out of it - hits her 180 positions - punch rudi, small slide. They went through without anything impressive but with every routine pretty solid.
Sort of blah first rotation. Nothing that impressive. Oregon State is winning.
After 1: Oregon State 49.150, UCLA 49.125, Cal 49.000, Utah 48.775
Utah could come back from that. Wouldn't be all that surprised to see Utah leading after the next rotation. But the power position shifts to UCLA right now. At least until we see what horrors occur on bars. Vault has been Oregon State's weakness this year, so this rotation will also determine whether that's a thing.
Rotation 2:
Khamedoost - VT - pretty secure landing, just a step forward, but pikes pretty clearly in that vault, not a ton of distance -
Francis - UB - Every time they say Francis is a senior, I die a little inside - great shap to bail, nice legs together - high shoot to high bar - great finish position on full turn and sticks double pike. Her best of the year. This is why I always say they should be McMurtrying her.
So Seilnacht - BB - good full turn - solid loso series, good extension - beat to split 1/1 with a step back - VERY nice switch + switch series, showing it can be done without looking short and yucky - side aerial to full, squatty full with a hop back.
Rowe - FX - OH NO SHE MOVED BEFORE HER MUSIC STARTED THE 90 SECONDS MUST START. OVERTIME. I kid...but only kind off because that did happen... - secure landing on double pike, a little mushy - loses her toe point in her split elements but good 180 - very strong 2/1 to loso, keeps her twisting form - 1.5 to layout, flat on the layout. Fine. Solid.
Ricci - VT - very good block, nice height, hop back on full - just a bit chest down.
Meraz - UB - good hs and toe on - angled on bail with a little leg break - catches flattish tkatchev - legs on DLO as always, chest down landing and a step forward - I always think this could become a high-scoring routine, but that DLO is full of deductions.
Owen - BB -solid three series to loso, loses her feet but secure - hits stag - switch - 2/1 dismount with a hop back, very close to the beam but it worked out -
Merrell - FX - front 2/1 to front tuck, a little more ragged than her normal, but solidly landed - dance elements look good (why I still think she'll be a good beamer given time) - 2.5 to front tuck is more comfortable - rudi -
Jacobsen - VT - Tsuk full - a leg separation in pre-flight and post-flight - hop back.
Savvidou - UB - good first hs - solid piked jaeger - very nice hs after it, just a tad short on bail - good finish on full turn, sticks a cowboyed double back - she keeps progressing. Her best of the year.
Utah is all 9.9s on floor so far. Guess the floor judges heard that there was a fall on beam.
Palomares - solid aerial to straddle - perfectly secure loso series - attitude turn - feet separate on pike jump - sheep - sticks gainer full - a couple tiny pausish bend corrections, but no real problems.
Lewis - FX - just opens with a double pike this time, which is a shame because I enjoy her full in and I thought she was just starting to get it consistent, small slide - front lay to front full, controlled - good positions on her straddles - nails double tuck. That was objectively better than the first two routines, so we'll see what happens since the judges are painting themselves into a corner early. 9.925. What are they going to give Hughes and Partyka now? An 11?
Singley - VT - pikes down on her full - hop back - not a large hop but still a hop - chest down
Metcalf - UB - short on first hs - leg break on hap to bail combo, good vertical on that bail - great ampltiude of shoot to high bar - overbalances her next handstand, can't save it and falls - she's a bars specialist, but this has been a trouble routine this year.small hop on double front -
Howe - BB - check on walkover, breaks intended connection - strong on loso series - small check on full turn - side aerial to full, hop back.
Partyka - FX - 1.5 to 1.5, small bounce - right into double back, slides back and just stays in bounds it appeared, a little less secure on her early landings, understandable since she's just coming back to the lineup - hits her split elements - small bounce on rudi as well. They'll need it come regionals. She has time. Flag did go up for OOB. Very borderline whether her heel went down. Inconclusive replay.
Jimenez - VT - good distance on her full - step back and a little body break and piking - perhaps the best scoring full so far for them, though, because of the dynamics.
Honest - UB -good clear hip - high tkatchev, a little close - strong straddle back - hitting handstands - that tuck full is always whipped off the bars and terrifying, but she lands it somehow and sticks - still feet, of course.
Draghi - BB - small wobble on walkover - another wobble on loso series - very staggered legs on that pike jump, a couple of them have that issue, and she's looking tight so far - works through the rest of the routine.
So, Partyka goes 9.800. They did take for the OOB. It would have been 9.900. Actually with those landings I think it balanced out since a score in the 9.8s would have been appropriate for the landings, but it appeared perhaps like she didn't go out.
Schwab - FX - They've been workingup to this score, since she's cleaner than the first couple who got 9.9s. Oooh, bounces back on that double pike, that will take away the big, big score - better 1.5 to lay, controlled - switch side and popa are easy for her. Good landing on 2.5, small hop forward, a bit of crossed legs.
Gardiner - VT - excellent full - good stick, solid distance - she goes into that vault flatter than the best fulls and pikes a little, but best of the rotation.
DeJesus - UB - great full turn - EXTREME Sophina legs on gienger - small leg break on bail, perhaps a bit short - good final hs - sticks her tuck full, chest way down as always, but that was one of her hits, and the routine they needed to drop Metcalf's. 9.850. You know you thought she was going to get some crazy 10 for it.
Richardson - BB - fine loso series, a little uncertain in the landing but not a problem - good splits and straddles, hitting 180 - STICKS double tuck. great routine. Should be their best score.
UCLA escapes bars with a 49.300.
Hughes - FX -bounces back out of her double pike as well - they were setting up for these last few, but the first couple routines had better landing control - 1.5 to layout, small slide? - a little short on double tuck with a step forward. Lewis ended up being the strongest routine of the rotation. Now I really wish she had done her full in.
Good floor rotation for Utah, only major error was the "phantom" OOB for Partyka. Can hone some of those landings heading to regionals, but that should erase much of the deficit for the moment. At least until UCLA and Cal go to floor.
And Maddie Gardiner got a 9.900 on vault. Yeah. That was the same as Ebee's. Mmmhmm.
After 2: UCLA 98.425, Utah 98.250, Oregon State 98.250, Cal 98.250.
So, this is close. UCLA will love this setup, leading after its two weakest events. But then, beam has been a little scarier than it should be lately. Pressure's on now. We'll also have to see how Utah fares on vault since vault has been the lowest-scoring apparatus throughout this competition.
Rotation 3:
Rowe - VT - pretty big hop back on that full, a one-tenth hop - solid form and direction.
MCP - UB - good jaeger with toe point - leg break on the bail - borderline final hs - lovely DLO, tried really hard to hold onto that stick but she hops back to salute, so that should not be treated as a stick.
Gerber - BB - wolf turn - SO UNIQUE I'VE NEVER SEEN IT BEFORE - walkover to beat jump, slow in combination but precise - small bend on loso series but mostly secure - switch and split are well executed to 180 - strong side somi - sticks gainer full. Good start. 9.900. They're so ready to give Francis a 10. Basically already given it.
Owens - FX - fine double tuck, a bit low in the chest - short on split half - punch rudi, legs together on that twisting - 1.5 to layout, secure, a little flat in layout.
Lopez - VT - great block and height on that vault - so much better than her early-career vaults - too much of a hop back, but stronger dynamics than Rowe, so it should score a touch higher comparatively. 9.825.
Khamedoost - UB - shap to bail, legs apart on shap but great on bail, vertical and legs together - big DLO, looked like she had a chance to stick but hops back.
Meraz - BB - solid bhs loso, no second bhs this time - secure - INSERT CAMERA FLASH JOKE HERE - solid on switch 1/2 - split to straddle 1/4 with a wobble on landing - smooth full turn - sticks 1.5. Good recovery from last week.
Palomares - FX - chest down on double pike with a slide back - very nice switch ring and split full - very close to going OOB on the bounce out of her double tuck - similar to Partyka's - we'll see -front lay to front full, very squatty on front full with a bound forward, not her best landings.
Partyka - VT - Gorgeous full, just great. Laid out full the whole way. Stuck. Haven't seen her do one as well as that.
Gardiner - UB - shap to bail combo - great with legs together throughout, vertical handstand - one possibly short hs in there - stalder into double back, great form on double back but a larger lunge back.
Shapiro - BB -three series to loso this time, mostly solid, pretends to do some sideways choreo to pretend she wasn't adjusting balance but we saw it - very nice dance element combo, secure - long pause into side aerial to full dismount, step back. Closer to her debut after a few troubles.
Robinson - FX - how does she stick that double arabian, exactly? Somehow. Because she does. a little uncontrolled landing her split 1.5 - Wasn't that awful Cosmopolitan Hotel commercial with this song in it bad enough? We have to hear it again - 1.5 - NAILS double pike final pass. Great finish.
Lewis - VT - good open on that full, best dynamics of the group, but a little more piking and a hop back.
Singley - UB - opens with a half turn, which is some odd composition - solid tkatchev - small leg break on pak, better half turn on the low bar - final hs is hit - full turn to a basically stuck double tuck - clean finish -
UCLA is getting ALL THE 9.9s on beam. ANd now it's Ohashi and Francis.
Ohashi - BB - perfect on her layout to two feet series - excellent split positions - fluid full turn - perfectly secure walkover - layout stepout to full dismount, step back, but that's really all you can take. Exceptional on the beam.
Boise State 197.025.
Howe - FX -chest down on double pike but secure - good extension on switch ring - sticks rudi, some chest position issues in these elements, but best landing control in the rotation so far - nails 1.5 to layout - a bit of an elite meh stag jump out of the pass, but the tumbling was a gem.
Hughes - VT - STICKS 1.5. Very nice, her best vault of the year. A bit of knee form, but not much to take there. The problem is that this will score higher than Ebee's, but Ebee's was better because DTY, same stick, better form. 9.975 for Hughes.
Singley - UB - great height and counter rotation that tkatchev - step forward on double front but great form.
DeJesus - BB - walkover to back tuck, very slow in combination and should not receive credit for it - kickover to bhs, bend correction on the bhs - she's a little off so far, small corrections, and then we'll have to see if she gets a 10.0 SV for these questionable connections - attitude and a half - gainer front lay full is well done - issues at the beginning, though.
Williams - FX - big DLO, slides back toward the line - front lay to front full, very high, good lift into the second element in the combo - switch side and popa, 180 with great amplitude - excellent ENDING with a tuck full, small bounce. Great difficulty but did have some landing errors. Still gets 9.925 with two uncontrolled landings. Difficulty helping?
Delaney - VT - huge full as always, but she has not had the stick this year, hop back. And probably should be a one-tenth hop.
McMillan - UB - jaeger to overshoot, quick, solid form jaeger could be higher but NDB, two tiny steps back on DLO landing, shame because that's usually a 9.9+ routine.
Sophina still gets 9.900. Mmhmm. OK...
Francis - BB - walkover to beat jump is great - bhs loso series, balance check, so this may actually end up as the score they drop. Or not based on Sophina's score. Switch and split are excellent - y spin - dismount combo with a step back. First time she hasn't stuck this year? Yeah, so that probably should be the dropped score. (OR NOT I GUESS.)
Draghi - FX - They have a 9.6 to drop, so this needs to be big. High double tuck - front lay to front full with a slide - nice 180s in her splits - will be easily over that 9.6. Cal is still in this, but has to end on vault. They need a stuck 1.5 from Toni-Ann.
WAIT, how did Danusia still get a 9.950? Just like...what? I mean, I'm in the tank for Danusia like crazy, and even I think that score is BS.
After 3: UCLA 148.000, Utah 147.650, Cal 147.625, Oregon State 147.400
Advantage UCLA with that score, heading to floor which has been a big event all season and all night. Bars is a strong event for Utah, but they're going to need mistake help from UCLA at this point. Cal and Utah for second could be interesting. Would expect Utah's bars to outscore Cal's vault, but we'll see.
Adore this interview with Liz about how weird their team is. This is why people fall in love with Cal's program.
Here we go.
Palomares - VT - hop back on full, good direction, solid form, not the biggest.
Partyka - UB - flexed feet in jaeger but solid catch - leg separation in bail - great DLO and stuck. Also, Jim just kind of implied that Partyka was Tom Farden's child. I know he was talking about the bars as a concept, but...
Jimenez - BB -a little awkward on kickover front but connects quickly into beat jump - tightens out of loso to avoid a wobble - check on full turn - pause on switch in straddle 1/4 combination - step forward on gainer pike.
Ohashi - FX - large bounce back out of double tuck - her hyper-complicated middle pass is hit. I'm way too tired to identify those skills at this point. It was a thing and it was good. low on double pike with a lunge forward. Not one of her good ones.Hug of meh from Val.
Gallarzo - VT - y half (not arabian) bounce forward -
Lewis - UB - good finish on full turn - catches high tkatchev - a bit arched in bail but hits vertical in the end - smooth hs throughout - almost sticks DLO, bends and then a step forward.
MCP - BB - tight full turn but no check - strong form on switch - not so extended on loso series but secure - doing well not to give up real wobbles in spite of being slightly off on many of these skills - walkover - side aerial to full with a hop.
Honest - FX - a bit down in double pike but a controlled step back - punch layout to front full with a slide - high dance elements, complete turns - enjoy this routine the most now that Mossett is out - short on double tuck with a lunge. UCLA trying to give away tenths early.
Robinson - VT - front handspring, handspring front pike - small hop - loses her legs a little on the block, but just the small hop on landing.
Schwab - UB - she has the toes and the form - WOGAtchev - legs together on that bail, perhaps short of handstand on it, though, could get hit for that - keeps rhythm in stalder into stuck double tuck - solid.
SCP - BB - split jump to stag, excellent form and extension - strong loso - I think that Jim doesn't know that Colussi-Pelaez's named skill is the same as Danusia's dismount - side aerial into layout full - really good one, among her most secure beam routines I've seen. 9.900. Great.
Francis - FX - whip through to double tuck, great control this time and chest a little higher than it usually is as well - 2.5, keeps her crossover step pretty small this time as well - I didn't really need them to bring back James Bond this year - "everybody loved it" - chest way down on double pike, but great secure landings, should be the highest score of the rotation so far by a serious chunk.
Seilnacht - VT - yhalf with a very large bound out of it this time, followed by another step - that won't be a score they'll want to use.
Lopez - UB - good finish position on full turn, a bit fo foot crossing - big tkatchev - clean body position on the bail - sticks DLO. One of her good ones.
Perez - BB - walkover to one-arm bhs, solid - lovely full turn - hits her switch to 180 - pike jump to a pretty real sheep jump, just the tiniest bend correction - sticks gainer full with a bend forward. This is the best OSU beam I've seen this year. 9.950. Well now. If only they had been closer going to the final event.
Preston - FX - Oh, this routine exists again? front tuck through to double back, small hop forward, wonderful split and straddle positions in her dance combo, lovely extension - short landing on a high double pike, hop forward. They'll give another touch back to Utah on that, but may not be giving back enough. Errors but smallish errors.
Richardson - VT - Tsuk full, pretty big bounce back. They needed better landings to really make a challenge in this rotation.
Hughes - UB - great finsih on full turn - high but close tkatchev - clean form through the bail - a little short on final hs - lunge back on tuck full -9.800. Lunge took away the score.
McMillan - BB - kickover front to bhs - holds to kickover to keep the connection - front walkover to her knee, still love it after all this time - switch to straddle 1/4, small correction after straddle - sticks gainer full with a lean to hold the stick.
Cipra - FX - high double tuck, maybe a bit less control than usual - excellent split and straddle skills - love the way Cipra moves on floor, but I'll be glad when we're done with this cell phone routine - what was that? weird error on her middle pass, came in very low in the middle of the combo and had to pause in it. May not matter if Bynum hits. Squatty double pike and sits it. NOW, this gets interesting. Let one weird mistake compound itself.
Williams - VT - giant lunge forward out of her 1.5, almost goes out of frame, so that's how far the lunge went. wonderfully high and long 1.5. Cal did not get the vault landings it would have hoped today.
Rowe - UB -good finsih on full turn - tkatchev is OK, bail is better than her teammates, clearer vertical - DLO with hop forward.
Cal finishes 196.725. Good score. Very good score.
Gardiner - BB - wolf turn to split - she's one of the people allowed to do wolf turns - split and stag - secure and comfortable walkover - hits loso series - nails side somi as well - I haven't seen OSU look this good on beam in a while. Sticks gainer full.
Utah finishes 196.900.
Bynum just needs a 9.600, which she'll get with any kind of hit.
Bynum - FX -strong DLO, good control, solid chest position as well this time - somewhat large step back out of her double tuck side pass - a little bouncy on the split half and wolf full combo, and the split half is not horizontal - front through to double tuck, chest low but hit. That will easily be enough.
Oregon State 196.850 after Gardiner's 9.950 on beam. HUGE result for Oregon State.
Really, the only team that will be disappointed in this showing is Utah because of counting a fall on beam. The rest looked really strong.
OSU's score is adjusted upward to 196.925! Who got bumped up?
That means Oregon State will finish second. 9.900 for Bynum. 197.250 for UCLA. They'll still expect to do better, but they also got some severe beam gifts today, and I thought floor scores were sort of fictional throughout. UCLA pretty clearly the best team of the day after Utah's beam, but I'm impressed how close it ended up and how close all four of the sides were. Would have loved to see how Stanford would have fared competing at the same time.
FINAL: UCLA 197.250, Oregon State 196.925, Utah 196.900, Cal 196.725
In the final two rotations on beam, 10 of 12 scores were 9.900 or higher.
good luck today! ahah
ReplyDeleteWhy is the BTN announcer obsessed with Sotillo being Venezuelan?? Weird.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering the same thing. He isn't announcing everyone else by place of origin.
DeleteThat chart is amazing! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteMaryland is now counting a fall on beam. Bye, bye regionals — unless they go all "Florida" on floor and take advantage of the scoring (only event where teams have go over 49 so far).
ReplyDeleteAunt Flo's graphics all day have referred to Lori Hernandez as Hernandez Lori--as if she's some distant cousin of Ralph's.
ReplyDeleteRight. So glad they charge $20 a month for their super crappy streaming service.
DeleteIowa's Angel Metcalf looks to have set the AA score to beat at 39.225.
ReplyDeleteImpressive score but the Michigan AAers and Mable should easily surpass it IF they don't fall. (Please Mable have a good bars day.)
Kentucky's floor score was upgraded to a 49.150.
ReplyDeleteLol one judge gave Brittany Rogers a 9.900. I mean, I would've been tempted too
ReplyDeleteBrandie Jay for SEC all-around champ?
ReplyDeleteI would love it. She's so under appreciated compared to other AAers from other teams. Not to mention she goes first on beam; thus, eliminating any chance of an advantage of "loose scoring" or scores building.
DeleteIt would remind me of McComb winning the AA title at SECs. A great AA-er who doesn't get the constant accolades of the Sloans, Gnats, etc. coming through in a big meet.
I felt like Jay was underscored on 3 events. :(
DeleteYes please!!
DeleteIf she hits I'd imagine it will be Sloan, especially with the advantage of going in the later session.
DeleteOdds of Sloan hitting a 40 today...
If they were at Florida I'd say 1/1...
DeleteI love today, but I can't believe we are only 2/7 of the way through the meets.
ReplyDeleteSo far the hero of the day is definitely Brandie Jay. The girl is incredible. She could be a dark horse for the national AA title.
"And Arizona State is still a top-50 team." That pretty much explains their year.
ReplyDeleteEAGL Championship:
ReplyDeletePitt has set the mark to beat at 195.675
George Washington finishes at 195.350
What the eff is Jim saying? The only team in early session that has a chance of winning the championship is Stanford (even though I secretly love Arizona). I wish I could mute Jim
ReplyDeleteGood Lord, shut up about line-up changes already. If you knew the gymnasts, you would not have such a problem with this. And the idea that Tabitha is keeping the line-up a secret to everyone but herself? Announcers--if you don't have anything to say in the moment, just BE QUIET.
DeleteJim doesn't believe in that. I'm going to have to mute soon.
DeleteWhat in the literal eff is ASU wearing? If I was a gymnast I would refuse to wear that leo. I thought they were completely backless and they had a glitter tattoo with the letters ASU. I just feel like it would be uncomfortable to wear
ReplyDeleteYa, not great. I really like Stanford's though.
DeleteStanford's is really beautiful.
DeleteCan't wait to see UCLA's disaster later. I'm waiting for when they just have the girls compete in bikinis. Lol
DeleteHaha so true
Deletecolor me impressed! UCLA is completely covered.
DeletePrice on vault! Boom!
ReplyDeleteI literally screamed when she did that vault.
DeleteDid the judges close their eyes during Ebee's vault? 9.9 WTF?!!!!
ReplyDeleteAGREE - come on!?!?!
DeleteWhat? Did they mistake it for a full?
DeleteI wondered they'd confused her DTY for a FTY? Only reason that shouldn't have been a 10 if Gnat's have often been.
DeleteI will burn the judges table.
DeleteCan they do an inquiry on her score? Just curious.
DeleteIt took 45 minutes for the PAC 12 to do the first rotation. This is going to be a LONG day in the PAC. I like being able to see every routine, but for TV purposes, the SEC 4-event split screen was awesome. They finished the session in under 2 hours and I was still able to watch every routine (and can go back and rewatch the meet online for any other routines I want to see again).
ReplyDeleteEbee doesn't always have the best form, but that vault should not have been any lower than a 9.95. You have to give credit for gymnasts who are willing to do the difficulty (and not just on VT and FX, which seem to be the only events where difficulty matters to judges).
ReplyDeleteSo bummed for Ebee. No one else can get higher than a 9.875 now on vault in both sessions or else the gymternet will riot.
ReplyDeleteThe good news for Ebee is that VT isn't particularly strong in the PAC. I think another gymnast may match that 9.9, but there aren't too many that can beat it.
DeleteThat is true. I'm just worried UCLA is gonna get like a 9.975 for one of Pua's crazy bent knees yurchenko 1.5.
DeleteIf Bynum wins vault with her "Arabian" I am going to riot!
DeleteSeriously, if a crappy 1.5 FTY with a legs apart landing gets higher I will scream.
DeleteJust curious, what exactly happened to Giana O'Connor anyway? You mentioned she was on crutches
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis floor scoring at Pac 12s is crazy too... the judges are scoring routines with at least .2 differences in the same routine. Is it just where they're sitting? That's a big difference!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it's where they are sitting. Are there 4 judges now?
DeleteYes! They're dropping the high and the low and averaging the remaining two scores. It just seems like too big of a range.
DeleteWeird. how far apart do the scores have to be before they have to discuss?
DeleteThat's my question! Yacalis just got a 9.2, 9.65, 9.75, and 9.75. There shouldn't be .5 difference in scoring?!
DeleteA 9.2? that had to be judging error. No excuse for that.
DeleteI mean technically, N McNair could have just gone again on bars and pretended to be D McNair lol. I bet UCLA could have gotten away with it haha
ReplyDeleteHa especially as one of them is noticeably always better than the other, Krysten Smith is missing a trick there.
DeleteWouldn't that be fun! Lol
DeleteIt would be awesome lol
DeleteOU sitting on a 49.625 with one bars worker to go...
ReplyDeleteKeeley Kmieciak 10.000
N. McNair is having an off day. Perhaps she should have D McNair just go twice for her. The power of twins
ReplyDeleteBut I think N.McNair can pull it together. We know she's a great gymnast. Everyone has an off day
DeleteWait, I think I'm mixing them up...I don't know
DeleteThey need their names embroidered on the back of their leo. Like a normal jersey.
DeleteWell if they have ASU's leos, on their backs they can just glitter tattoo their names instead lol
DeleteBahaha! They should all do that.
DeleteThat would definitely be legit, since identical twins *are* the same person. Ident, same, ical, person!
DeletePretty sure that was N. McNair off on beam..I think.
ReplyDeleteThese Pac-12s are taking FOREVER. Even though I know i can only see these routines while they are live streaming, I'm getting bored and ready for the second session of SECs
DeleteI am recording the PAC meets so I'm switching meets when the SEC starts.
DeleteOh I can only stream them live from this website. The trials and tribulations of living on the east coast
DeleteI have the same issue watching SEC meets. Really I should have just gone to the PAC 12 meet since I live in WA. Oh well.
DeleteIf you went their to watch it live you would turn into a zombie by the time it was over since it takes approximately 78 hours to be done with one session.
DeleteDo they serve beer in the arena?
DeleteElizabeth Price to these Nebraska vaulters — "I go to Stanford suckers, just wait until I'm running the world and you're cleaning toilets." :)
ReplyDeleteSo messed up lol. I'm sure people that go to Nebraska can also run the world too
DeleteWow. The PAC 12 arrogance comes through again.
DeleteWait arrogance from me? Or the original poster?
DeleteOriginal poster.
DeleteDon't see any arrogance? Are you saying Prince doesn't deserve a 10?
DeleteI know I personally would rather have a Stanford degree than one from Nebraska. It's all about where you can get the top education. I'd choose Stanford or an Ivy League school like Columbia, Brown, Yale, etc. Nothing arrogant about that. Just realistic. Who aims for mediocrity when they can shoot for the moon?
Nebraska is a state school you go to if you don't have the desire to push for the top.
UVA is a state school and it's one of the top. I'm just saying don't berate other schools because at the end of the day, they are all going to get their college degree which is an amazing accomplishment. You can want to go to the top and go to a state school. It's all about how you feel when you visit the school and campus. Also scholarship opportunities. I would turn down one of the Ivy leagues if I got a scholarship somewhere else.
DeletePrice deserved either a 9.95 or 10, in my opinion. But this post had nothing to do with Price's actual score. It was merely posted as a dig to Nebraska. Blanske's vault was gorgeous and a Stanford fan is clearly salty.
Delete"Cleaning toilets" is a little unnecessary. Yes, Stanford is one of the best schools in the nation, but there's absolutely no reason to act like Nebraska gymnasts will be cleaning toilets after graduation.
Warren Buffet has seemed to do pretty well with his degree.
For the record, I went to a "state" school for undergrad because I saved a ton of money in doing so. I then went to an Ivy for law school. I guarantee there are lazy people at both and there are ambitious people at both.
Someone has no sense of humour and takes like too seriously... ha ha. :)
DeleteExactly!!! That post was all about being disrespectful to state schools and nothing about the gymnastics.
DeleteThere was no humor in that second post from anonymous. Saying people are aiming for mediocrity? Where is the humor in that?
DeleteI thought you were allowed to land with legs shoulder width apart. Did the rule change?
ReplyDeleteLast I heard [the commentators explain it], your feet are supposed to be close enough to each other that you can snap your heels together while keeping your toes in the same place. (I mean besides some rotation I guess.) And also if you stuck, you're supposed to, you know, do that thing with snapping your heels together when you salute. But these are the same people who think "heighth" is a word, so take it with a grain of salt I guess.
DeleteI'm not usually one to complain...actually that's a lie. But anyway, I just feel like scoring for Stanford has been a little tight today and actually throughout this season.
ReplyDeleteI think scoring is actually pretty fair (outside of Ebee's vault). I think the highest scoring nationwide is the Big 12s. I was super impressed by SECs in session 1 and I'm also impressed by PAC 12s. Stanford looks flat and keeps having momentum killing mistakes.
DeleteActually yea you're right. I'm just salty about Ebee being underscored all the time lol
DeleteThis SEC meet is flying! I feel like I have whiplash after watching three rotations in Pac 12.
ReplyDeleteSo....Florida only has 2 vaults with a 10.0 start value....and 1 stick...but still ends up wth a 49.425....
ReplyDeleteSadly yes. I love Florida and the SEC but I do find myself giving the side eye for the scores
DeletePoor Brandie Jay is so going to get screwed. Judges are now like, "Sorry, UGA, these four are the favorites."
DeleteAuburn's floor scores were a little high, as well.
Although Sloan and McMurtry have the best technique in NCAA for a full. In my opinion. The other girls are pretty average and are scored high though.
DeleteI do agree about the their techniques for their fulls.
DeleteAnd while Brandie Jay is a beast, she does have some form issues across the events
DeleteI'm ok with a little loose scoring as long as it's consistent between teams...we shall see!
DeleteKennedy Baker's hair. Yikes.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking it looked like a lion's mane. Oh college.
DeleteIt actually looks a lot better when she wears it down. A lot of weaves can look a tad off when you wear it in a pony tail.
DeleteI haven't seen it (I couldn't find a live stream of SECN), but I bet you it's better than the hair on some of the Arizona girls. I literally can't even. Like, they do that bump it thing that I only even know what it's called because of an episode of Suburgatory, except it's like... super huge. Higher than the beam is wide, maybe even literally. Like a balloon made of hair on their heads. I don't understand it at all, and I don't think I want to.
DeleteDoes anyone have a live stream link for SEC by any chance? I'd be grateful as I'm not in the US.
ReplyDeleteKennedy Baker has positioned herself to win the AA. I would prefer Jay or Sloan, but she's had a good meet.
ReplyDeleteWell Sloan and Baker have two matched scores. Sloan Hasn't gone on beam yet but can easily match 9.95 which would keep them tied.
DeleteGonna be Baker. I don't think Jay's scores will hold.
DeleteYea especially since Sloan just fell. Poor Sloan.
DeleteBaker needs a 9.85 to tie Jay and she never goes 9.85. Florida ending on floor basically guarantees Kennedy a 9.9+.
DeleteI hope Brandie Jay is happy with her performance. I do think she was as good as Baker today.
McMurtry is in all-around too. Could challenge. Shes ties with Baker I think.
DeleteOhhh I forgot about that! This will be interesting
DeleteI didn't know if they'd put her in on floor. She's been great today too.
DeleteAnd Boren was all all-around! Sheesh.
DeleteI'm going to blame Sloan's sorta off season on the coaching change and what happened with her club coach Marvin Sharpe. That would mess anyone up
DeleteDidn't know about that! Wow. Just looked it up.
DeleteOh yea it was horrible. She said herself that it will be something that will effect her for the rest of her life. She said she will never be able to come to terms with it
DeleteLSU has just been a little tight all day. Sigh, once again it looks like this won't be their year to win SECs
ReplyDeleteHopefully this meet will give them extra motivation for regionals and nationals.
DeleteOf course after I said that, the floor scores started getting crazy. Clearly they want to prove me wrong and I'm totally fine with that lol
DeleteLSU by far has my favorite floor choreography. I love all of their routines
ReplyDeleteYes! I agree. Not crazy weird like UCLA or super flat like some other teams.
DeleteYea I can't think of any teams right now that are flat throughout their whole floor rotation but I know what you mean. When I think of super flat floor routines I always think of Haley Scaman's routine from last year. I know a lot of people praised it but I just found it so flat and dull.
DeleteGnat's floor gets me every time. She is fantastic.
ReplyDeleteShe is just so electric when she performs it. She doesn't over do the faces like some people *cough Angi Cipra *cough cough**. Her faces are just ones of pure joy and I think that's why it's so enjoyable to watch.
DeleteAgreed. She's a natural performer. I love Gnat and Box on floor because you can tell they enjoy it and they make gymnastics look so easy.
DeleteThe best part is at least 3 judges gave her a 10.
DeleteMaKenna Kelly's o-faces during her routine make me lol
DeleteYes to Box! I loved her routine last year too.
DeleteYea Gnat and Box are great performers. I get happy just watching their routines because you can feel how much fun they are having.
DeleteLol McKenna's faces are sometimes a bit much but I actually think that's how she is, it's her personality.
DeleteBrandie Jay at least won on VT (I'm assuming Gnat won't go above a 9.95 with a non-stick vault).
ReplyDeleteI thought Brennan also got a 9.95
DeleteBrennan and Baker went 9.95
DeleteYes, they all tie for Vault. So Jay at least won a title. I'm assuming they all win even if there's a tie.
DeleteDayummmm Bama. They are killing it today. They always do this. They come into secs and then slay.
ReplyDeleteCaquatto should not get a 9.85 for that
ReplyDeleteDefinitely not. One tenth on the middle pass and 1 on the last pass.
DeleteTwitter says it's too close to call until the official SEC numbers are tallied.
ReplyDeleteBridgey's floor is the biggest scam in NCAA gymnastics.
ReplyDeleteI have a bigger issue with Baker's floor score. She should not have gone 9.925.
DeletePac-12 officials called their SEC counterparts and asked if they could slow things down a bit in order to not make their competition seem so long... (Re: the final SEC scoring delay)
DeleteSorry Bridgey but that wasn't a 9.875. More like a 9.825. Oh well
ReplyDeleteTotal BS! Anyone not wearing a Florida leo gets a 9.8 for that Caquatto routine.
ReplyDeleteNot to mention Baker's routine was not a 9.925 routine.
DeleteBut, I will say that UF had a solid competition. We are scrutinizing UF's floor because they were the last to go; however, if we go back through the whole meet, I bet Bama was also overscored on certain routines. throughout the meet.
I was going to say the same thing! We hyper focus on Bridgeu because she is always last. Other girls perform similarly and score the same.
DeleteI totally agree that Bridgey's scores and Alex's scores are hyperfocused on because Florida has finished up after the other team that was in contention. When Florida won with Bridgey last on floor in 2014 and Alex last on bars in 2015, Oklahoma and Utah were on vault respectively and finished up first. In 2014 Oklahoma also had some high floor scores. Also, in 2015 the perception was skewed because Utah won the last rotation, but Florida had the better meet overall.
DeleteI didn't see the full meet today so can't comment on the other scores. I think if the judges took that long it should be a tie by default, which means Alabama would have won after the tiebreaker. Somehow today seemed more controversial.
That said, I'm absolutely thrilled for Jenny. :)
I don't think it was the judges. I think SEC wanted to recalculate because it was so close. They called the 9.875 a minute or two after she was done and the. Back-tracked saying SEC was recounting.
DeleteExcept for Ebee Price. Ebee would get, like, a 2.
DeleteI am not impressed by the PAC 12 this year. Utah has looked great, but their injuries really hurt them. I still think they will likely make Super Six, but I don't think they can keep up with OU, UF, LSU, and Bama.
DeleteI wouldn't be too surprised if Stanford fails to make nationals. And I think UCLA could potentially be in danger depending on where they are placed. Their vault and bars are not great and floor has not been too impressive. I could see a third seeded team in their regional putting up a high 196 and upsetting them.
Cal has been a great story in the PAC and I have also been impressed with the quality of some of Arizona's gymnastics.
That Bridgey routine. But all of the teams did get some...interesting floor scores. I think it's just annoying because it's ALWAYS bridgey and and always on floor as the last routine for the win.
ReplyDeleteOh gosh....I just realized that we STILL have the 2nd session of Pac-12s. And they take like 5 hours for each rotation.
ReplyDeleteAn hour break to get off my couch and go find snacks for the upcoming PAC 12 marathon.
ReplyDeleteImpressive performances so far, especially Jay, Baker, McMurtry, Brannan, Gnat, Mable, Karas, Ebee, and I have to say I'm surprised by Kentucky and Arizona (minus beam).
SEC AA Champion:
ReplyDeleteGOLD — Kennedy Baker 39.650
SILVER — Alex McMurtry 39.625
BRONZE — Mackenzie Brannon 39. 575
Don't forget about Jay. She tied Brannon with a 39.575.
DeleteAnyone know who won the GOTY, FOTY, Specialist, and coach awards for each conference? I saw that Karas won FOTY and Mable won GOTY for the Big Ten.
ReplyDeleteMountain Rim is doing their quad meet conference champs one-at-a-time the same as Pac12s, but managed to knock out the first rotation in just under 30 minutes...
ReplyDeleteI don't think the delay in Caquatto's floor score had anything to do with the judges needing time to calculate the score. I think the delay was in order to create excitement and anticipation for the spectators and the gymnasts. We can all, however, take solace that NEXT season we won't have to deal with the outcome coming down to Caquatto on floor! Thank goodness!!!!!! I welcome that.
ReplyDeleteAnd all the Elite girls coming in to NCAA! Hello Skinner at Utah and Ross at UCLA, among others.
DeleteSkinner's form bothers me a lot. I hope it gets better as she does less difficult routines. Because it's hard to look at right now
DeleteI would hope so too! It's seems like a lot of the Elite girls get better in college when they can water down. I think of how great Kupets was at Georgia after her elite run.
DeletePreston straight to Mats. That was scary.
ReplyDeleteI love how earlier when Arizona was on beam they were playing calming piano/orchestra music. During Utah's beam they are playing Birthday Cake by Rihanna lmao
ReplyDeleteBreanna Hughes just showed why she's the Pac 12 gymnast of the year with a solid beam routine to save Utah's meet.
ReplyDeleteShe's been fantastic this year!
DeleteDid anyone else think Baely Rowe's beam was scored too high?
ReplyDeleteOh it totally was.
DeletePeng didn't even dress out today. I'm calling it: I really think she is going to medically retire :(
ReplyDeleteI'm going to have to agree. Especially with all the girls coming to UCLA she would have to fight to get into a line up anyway.
DeleteI feel bad for her. Her career has been marred by injury :(
DeleteThere was an article that said she might be able to compete bars at regionals. There are a lot of great gymnasts coming in next year, but she is Peng. When she is healthy she should have no trouble making bars and beam lineups
DeleteYep, according to this article she is planning on competing bars at regionals and maybe beam.
Schwab has my favorite Pac 12 routine. So pretty.
ReplyDeleteDoes the gymternet hate Florida or UCLA more right now?
ReplyDeleteFlorida, always Florida. But really judges? I think Nush is essentially a unicorn, but that shouldn't have been over 9.8
DeleteI'm laughing so hard at that unicorn comment. But I'd actually pick UCLA for the gymternet hate. At least personally. But I'm biased because I am wayyyy more of a Florida fan. But I agree their scoring is cray cray.
DeleteUCLA was leading before Francis on beam. Not so annoying. Utah hurt themselves on beam. Their scoring may be crazy, but at least we all knew one rotation in the UCLA was going to win unless they choked. SEC could have gone to any of the top 3 teams. That was more frustrating to watch judges ignore mistakes.
DeleteI love UCLA; they are my favorite team and I admit being totally biased about them. But even I'd say Francis's score is one of the most egregious I've ever seen. It's frustrating to see these judging errors. I know others have defended the judges of having difficult and thankless jobs and I get that. But they are damaging their credibility with blatant over scores like this one.
ReplyDeleteThis is why I'm so tired of people talking like high scoring is only an SEC issue (or only a Florida issue). Scoring has also been high in the PAC, particularly at UCLA and Utah. That doesn't take anything away from the teams -- they are ranked high for a reason. But judges certainly give the top programs the benefit of the doubt more often than not.
ReplyDeleteThis session 2 is probably the worst scoring of the day. Although, I suspect the order of the teams will be accurate; thus, at least it's relatively fair tot eh teams competing in the PAC (except Ebee's vault).
I agree. But it's crazy that these scoring problems still exist in the post season. There are 4 judges!! Wth are they watching? Sometimes I feel like I must be watching a different meet than the judges are.
DeleteI agree that the order of the teams will be accurate. I also think I'd be more annoyed with the scoring if Utah hadn't screwed themselves on beam.
DeleteThings we've learned: PAC 12 teams don't have a chance in hell at NCAAs if all teams hit. Barely hit 197 to OUs 198+.
ReplyDeleteGreat job today!! Thanks for all of your excellent coverage!
ReplyDeleteAfter 12 hours of watching gymnastics, I think we all deserve medals. BBS you deserve the gold. Thanks for the blogging today!